Crow said:
...and if I was I would chose those words carefully.Just because I am this current lower stander form dose NOT make me any less of what I really am. I would watch what I say.Someday someone will come alone and shut that mouth of yours up.
Excuse me Crow, :x but I think that you also should be watching what you are saying. You have actually just called your own Knight , Sir Gareth, His Majesty's
King Redd, and King Dayfel, and various other people
lower standard forms of life. I think before you start telling others what they should be doing with their words,
you should think about yours first. In my eyes you have just disrespected a whole Lotta people.If you aren't careful someone is going to come along and make you dine on your own words without any sugar to flavor them.
"someday someone will come along and shut that mouth of yours. " I also agree with Togashin, if you want people to stay out of it,
then keep it to yourself or send 'Dear Ribbons' a pigeon. You opened yourself up to whatever comments anyone would wish to make by speaking this way in the Dreamworld.I understand that this man has hurt you, but if theres one thing I have learned its never threated someone unless you are so absolutely sure you can stand behind your words
ten thousand percent. Just out of curiosity exactly what makes you think that Dark Elves are better than any other race in these lands or anywhere? What have you done to make someone look at you and think that they would be proud to be what you are? Or even wish they could be a Dark Elf? I am only seeing
sarcasm and
meanness that does not become a Knight. It doesn't fit you.To threaten someone with
murder, no matter what they have done to you, is not Knight material. I know what it feels like to lose someone you
Love Dearly. To want nothing more than to sit with them one more time and tell them how much you love them and what they mean to you. I think of you as a friend Crow. Yet I am starting to worry that you are going to do something that is going to get you to the Way Station
permanently. Think of the words that these people have spoken to you. Act accordingly. If you feel you must
murder Ribbons, then I cannot stand beside you.I am sorry for this but I to wish to become a Knight, so I am sorry but I cannot justify murdering someone when there is an alternative.
I wish you all the blessing of the
Fae Dear Crow. Think before you act, Think please. In the end Ribbons will get what is coming to him. Why ruin your life making this happen? Let Nature take its course. Bring him up on accusations and get him to a trial. Who knows maybe the one presiding will allow you to execute him yourself. That way you do the noble thing while avenging your Wife and Child. :cry:
By the way you are making you less of what you really are. It's not because your a Human right now. It may teach you something good!
Silvara Fierfox V.
Fae Elf of many colours. :lol: