Thank you everyone!
I am quite impressed with how much the town managed to accomplish this event. We started with quite a long todo list and I did not anticipate finishing it all. Big shout out to everyone (pc and npc alike) for banding together and getting it done.
The one thing truly did not like was the golem/whisperer fight. For the finish of a huge plot line, it felt very lackluster. It was over quickly, with few people actually getting to do anything.
I really enjoyed the rest of the event.
The rats were far more challenging than they should have been. I think the biggest detriments were our group composition (it matters SO MUCH more now than it used to), the location (severely limits rogues, but that has always been and will always be a thing), and our team being unfamiliar with their abilities. I think in time/experience this will remedy itself. Carriers are no joke!
Rescuing Lola. Even though it was a solo mod for someone else, I feel like the whole town was invested in the outcome and eagerly awaiting results. Having npcs the entire town feels that strongly about is rare. Great job Brigit with the developement of this character. (also, my fortune was spot on and completely changed the trajectory of a mod)
Elemental Jenga was a blast. Straightforward and not over dangerous or taxing, but engaging for many people for a fair amount of time.
Soduku hall was a bit of an endurance trial (in a good way). The length of the mod is what made the challenge. There wasn't time to refit, so takeouts were effective against us, with out there being an unreasonable amount. The puzzle was solved quickly, which was great, since our team was having a rough time. Also... wth did we release into the world? Gogo future plot.
Trivia. I feel like it was a little out of gamey, but under the circumstances, it was a brilliant idea.
Fate. I'm sad I missed this, it sounded like something I would have really enjoyed.
Finally casting rituals that should have been done ages ago (with a few extras). I've been wrongly called a necromancer since long before I even learned first aid. Now I can honestly say I have summoned undead in a celestial circle. Step up "real" necros. You slackin.
Kraken. I have mixed feelings on this fight. From what I have heard from others, it was a good time. The head dropping so fast didn't feel particularly epic, but the regenerates and doom carrier/strike were a good step in the right direction.
Green dragon. Probably my favorite mod. By far some the best rp I had all weekend. Fannik, you are amazing. I really enjoyed our debate. Yngvin and Rob, thank you for always sticking by me, no matter what. Prior to this I had had zero involvement with the green dragon army. I suddenly became extremely invested.
Echo. I am going to miss that guy. I wish I had met him sooner.
Saying goodbye to people without them knowing what I was doing. Yeah, I'm a jerk.
"So, how did the ritual go?" Activate Relic. Rift.
Plot, thank you for everything. It's been a bumpy ride. And a fitting end.
***Not my tavern, not my kittens meet not my tree, not my squirrels. It's mine now.***
I am quite impressed with how much the town managed to accomplish this event. We started with quite a long todo list and I did not anticipate finishing it all. Big shout out to everyone (pc and npc alike) for banding together and getting it done.
The one thing truly did not like was the golem/whisperer fight. For the finish of a huge plot line, it felt very lackluster. It was over quickly, with few people actually getting to do anything.
I really enjoyed the rest of the event.
The rats were far more challenging than they should have been. I think the biggest detriments were our group composition (it matters SO MUCH more now than it used to), the location (severely limits rogues, but that has always been and will always be a thing), and our team being unfamiliar with their abilities. I think in time/experience this will remedy itself. Carriers are no joke!
Rescuing Lola. Even though it was a solo mod for someone else, I feel like the whole town was invested in the outcome and eagerly awaiting results. Having npcs the entire town feels that strongly about is rare. Great job Brigit with the developement of this character. (also, my fortune was spot on and completely changed the trajectory of a mod)
Elemental Jenga was a blast. Straightforward and not over dangerous or taxing, but engaging for many people for a fair amount of time.
Soduku hall was a bit of an endurance trial (in a good way). The length of the mod is what made the challenge. There wasn't time to refit, so takeouts were effective against us, with out there being an unreasonable amount. The puzzle was solved quickly, which was great, since our team was having a rough time. Also... wth did we release into the world? Gogo future plot.
Trivia. I feel like it was a little out of gamey, but under the circumstances, it was a brilliant idea.
Fate. I'm sad I missed this, it sounded like something I would have really enjoyed.
Finally casting rituals that should have been done ages ago (with a few extras). I've been wrongly called a necromancer since long before I even learned first aid. Now I can honestly say I have summoned undead in a celestial circle. Step up "real" necros. You slackin.
Kraken. I have mixed feelings on this fight. From what I have heard from others, it was a good time. The head dropping so fast didn't feel particularly epic, but the regenerates and doom carrier/strike were a good step in the right direction.
Green dragon. Probably my favorite mod. By far some the best rp I had all weekend. Fannik, you are amazing. I really enjoyed our debate. Yngvin and Rob, thank you for always sticking by me, no matter what. Prior to this I had had zero involvement with the green dragon army. I suddenly became extremely invested.
Echo. I am going to miss that guy. I wish I had met him sooner.
Saying goodbye to people without them knowing what I was doing. Yeah, I'm a jerk.
"So, how did the ritual go?" Activate Relic. Rift.
Plot, thank you for everything. It's been a bumpy ride. And a fitting end.
***Not my tavern, not my kittens meet not my tree, not my squirrels. It's mine now.***
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