Second Character


Looking ahead to next year and very strongly considering blanketing for a second character. Assuming that the policy is still in place for the upcoming year. I read through Chris's post on the matter and it seems pretty straightforward. I guess my only real question is, can it be done even if I've never actually played the character at a market day before (i.e. it just came to me in my head about an hour and a half ago)?
Yes. You don't have to play a character to blanket it.

All you got to do it work on details with logestics so that they have something to add to the database.
If you're trying to be optimal, I highly suggest you put a character in another chapter's database. You can only monthly blanket one character per chapter.

Most chapter offer a goblin stamp exchange rate of 1/4. Meaning you save 5 dollars on the same amount of xp/build.

The 20 dollar rule always seemed really weird to me. I never ever see anyone take advantage of it.
@GenevieveAnn has used it once or twice before, so she may be able to provide some insight on it as well.
Well, I mean, I am trying to go to a few SoMi events as well this upcoming year.... :)
Okay. I ask forgiveness for what might be some stupid questions ^_^

I only have the one character currently (Grianadhmad), so this upcoming fellow (Ilarion) would be my first one to blanket until I'm ready to start playing him. I can see the advantage of "housing" characters beyond two in other chapters, but is there a true advantage to filing Ilarion elsewhere if I'd just be flipping back and forth between only these two?

Most chapter offer a goblin stamp exchange rate of 1/4. Meaning you save 5 dollars on the same amount of xp/build.

I'm having a hell of a time trying to interpret this, though admittedly I'm at work so my brain is more focused on Excel spreadsheets and capital refunds than Gobbies. Can you expand on this a bit?
It's ok. You're missing what I am suggesting.

Alliance allows you one blanket a month (2 blankets = 2 day event) for 30 goblin points per chapter. So you *should* be blanketing Grianadhmad every month or you're leaving build on the table for your primary.

Since you have to play the events to pay for the second event blanket, and TC typically runs about 5 events a year. You can get 10 blankets per year if Ilarion is housed at TC for 100 dollars. OR you can house him in another chapter and get 12 blankets for whatever their conversion rate is usually 1:4 (so 90 dollars).

So it's almost always better to house an alt in another chapter both from a cost standpoint and a build stand point.
AAAAH, I get you now. Thanks!
What happens then when I'm ready to play as that character... do I just transfer him to TC, or register as being from the other chapter?
AAAAH, I get you now. Thanks!
What happens then when I'm ready to play as that character... do I just transfer him to TC, or register as being from the other chapter?

Register as if you were from another chapter. You would have to get ahold (this is on you as the "traveling player") of the logistics of where-ever your character is at and have them forward your card to X chapter.

So for example if you decided to play Grim, you register/prereg as a local (cause your character is housed in our database). If you decided to play Ilarion and he is housed in SOMI (for example), then you would have to register/pre-reg as from somi and then email Ian at Somi to forward your card to Bev at Traverse City (prob including emails is helpful i imagine).

Hey Taed!

Like Cory mentioned, I manage logistics for SoMI, so feel free to message me here on the forums or through email at if you want to house Ilarion with us. If not and you find another chapter that works for you better, no hard feelings! Looking forward to playing with you (either in TC or elsewhere) soon. :)
