hmm, see I guess that could just be a flavor thing. Personally I sort of like taverns that run on IG money more than OOG tabs. While I realize it can be an issue judging the money and having the increase event costs... It can also be frustrating to find out about all these "extra" costs in addition to the event cost. Membership, food, whatever. But obviously food costs money so I'm not saying one way is better than another.
I've gotten to the point I try to bring my own food anyways since because I like to take care to keep my makeup good I often have to spend a significant amount of time (1 or 2 hours) around meals working on that instead of eating with folks. =\ And all I get for it is one Resist Magic... oh well can't complain too much. Anyways I'd be a DE without the Racial.
I've gotten to the point I try to bring my own food anyways since because I like to take care to keep my makeup good I often have to spend a significant amount of time (1 or 2 hours) around meals working on that instead of eating with folks. =\ And all I get for it is one Resist Magic... oh well can't complain too much. Anyways I'd be a DE without the Racial.