September/2011 Closer Favorites

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I think my mind has now had enough of a period to actually remember the weekend in a semi-coherent fashion.

So here are as much as I can post about my favorites :thumbsup:

-Turning to Lauren in the night battle of doom and getting the agreement "Yup. It would totally happen now". Like I was going to make that hold call without a second opinion :funny: . Followed by the most intense sixty seconds of my in game existence ever. Poor, poor Giovanna.

-"Do you know who brought me back?" "I do not."

-Being lizard-shield-man's bodyguard. Very fun to tailgate you Dan while watching people scatter in front of you :)

-Finally getting to play a husk!!!! I know, a little late, but totally worth it. It is wonderful to have an excuse to run things down screaming and then beat the crap out of them :)

-New Players on both sides of the fence!! You guys know who you are :) Come back and play! Cause you were the awesome. I swear to the LARP spirits, we don’t always wipe the f’in town o.o

-“Hey Lauren, hold onto Hiranya’s ‘ape-****’ card will you? In case I need a monster marshall.” “Are we expecting you to need the ‘ape-****’ card?” “Naw. Just want to make sure in case something happens. It’s like a 5% chance, if that.” ::Two hours later:: “So….ah….change of plans. Hiranya’s chance of ‘ape-****’ just went to 95%...” “Bwaah?!”

-Dolls....*shiver* ack!! But dolls AND husks?? It's a wonder that I sleep at game. The creepiness gets me OOG from the sheer awesomeness that our crew portrays these things. :)

-"I will step into your circle, dragon-heart"

-Feeling proud and a little guilty about my apparently realistic bruise mark makeup job Sunday morning. Sorry loves! Didn't mean to scare you OOG.

-“Heeey Nadia. You want to be careful with that one, she’s a leetle strong yah?" "Da. I know" "No, like…really strong. I theenk she let you tie her up.” “It’s ok Hiranya. She will just get stronger rope. …mebbe chains.”

-The roleplay...there are no words for the mixing of sheer amount and sheer quality. Intense discussions with Teovel, explanations to Jovunn and Throck, facilitating/mediating battles plans (you must become interdependent to achieve this? You don't say…;) ), heartfelt words before marching off into the night to battle, askance words with barbars about how celestial I am (heh heh), straws :funny: , the list goes on, and on and on.

-OH MY LORD PC DRIVEN PLOT. :shock: The most magical thing that happens from this, I think, is the mimic of the real via the imaginary. The stuff that went on this weekend? You can't write that. I know, because I'm on plot and we *didn't* write that. There would never in a dozen plot meetings produce the intricate webs of what went down this past weekend, what it has changed, what it has done, and what the whispers of repercussions and consequences are. Why? Because it happened naturally. The many, many things I saw this event evolved on their own by our player's actions…it blew me away. Each character, PC and Crew, brought Kosmara-Kupspar to full 4D life. We didn’t create an event, you guys are creating, defining, and living in a world. My hat off to every single player who comes to our game, regardless of what side of the fence you are on. As staff: you make this a privilege.

Cannot wait until next season!

Naga said:
-"Do you know who brought me back?" "I do not."

I awoke to see you walking away from me, so Jovunn had a sneaking suspicion it was Hiranya - especially when she asked Sarah if she knew and she just smiled and said no. And Hiranya's little grin when she said "I do not" was just PERFECT. Thank you for all of your intrigue and roleplay this event; you've really made Jovunn a lot more interested in the inner-workings of Kuppspar.
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