September 27-29th Pre=Reg Open

Beverly Byers

Traverse City Staff
Announcing Registration for our September 27th - 29th Weekend Event
The price for this event will be $40, and anyone who registers will get 50 goblin stamps and a full boat of protectives at game on just for doing it!
You can do that by going to our website and using the registration link which will take you to the new CMA database.! It is simple and easy and helps us determine treasure among many other things, so please help us out!​

Please check the following before you pre-reg:
  • Your character is correct and you have spent any available build you want to.
  • If you have Spells please create a memorization list to use with your pre-reg.
Logistics Details:
Preregistration for this event will close at 11:59pm on September 24th, 2019.
Please send the following information
  • Inform Logistics of any temporary tags you need to trade in for permanent ones.
  • If you have High Magic and/or Production provide Logistics with how you want to use those skills.
  • Any Goblin Stamps you wish to spend and how you want to spend them.

Site Information:

Camp Hayo-Went-Ha
919 North East Torch Lake Rd
Central Lake, MI 49622

Who All Is Coming?

Pre-Registered PCs:

  1. Jocelyn Davis - Anya
  2. Victor Dueweke - Nomm
  3. Scott Mallow - Shakiis
  4. Keir Sayenga - Naerduil
  5. Matt Waller - Komeayaso
  6. Damien Puckett - Chalk
  7. Aidon Byers - Aragon
  8. Anique Puckett - Princess
  9. Jared Kraft - Mavock Crane
  10. Kierra Pendill - Saro

Pre-Registered NPCs:
  1. Taed Price
  2. Cory Walker
  3. Brigit Convery
  4. Joe Convery
  5. Aaron Smalley
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I am planning to attend as an NPC to see how things work (Aaron Smalley). Will be my first time at an Alliance event andonly 3rd time at a LARP. Not sure if I am doing something incorrectly, but can't seem to access the pre-registration on the web site for the event.
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I am planning to attend as an NPC to see how things work (Aaron Smalley). Will be my first time at an Alliance event andonly 3rd time at a LARP. Not sure if I am doing something incorrectly, but can't seem to access the pre-registration on the web site for the event.

Did you get the assistance you needed to access the pre-registration? I see that Bev put your name up in the initial post so I'm hoping yes, but if not then reach out to me and I will assist you.
- Taed

Taed will be your main contact / person to follow around this weekend. Be prepared for a long Friday night (maybe wet / cooler weather). Saturday will be a little stop and go.

No, could not figure out what I was doing wrong or what the issue was, but I could not get registered but was included in the list of NPCs. Also, just as note, not sure what time I will be getting up there as I'm unsure how late I will need to work yet on Friday. But will be on the road headed for Central Lake as quick as possible. May by by 6:ish, possibly as late as 9:ish. Do we park in the main lot, or the parking lot on the east side of East Torch Lake Drive (if it is still there???)? Guess they may have modified the camp in the last 30+ years since I was there last to cross country ski.


Yes, Taed and I have chatted a little by email and here on the forums a little. Looking forward to seeing how things work this weekend and if there might be other ways I can help out with things or play a larger role in the chapter once I come up to speed on things and once I move back to the area within the next couple of years or so. Skunk-kin? That is an interesting concept and the PC name is fitting...

I can help you with the CMA on site. It will be a lot easier to determine what's going on and how to fix it then.

See you there :)

I can help you with the CMA on site. It will be a lot easier to determine what's going on and how to fix it then.

See you there :)

This is the first time we have been to this camp. I expect us staff to start arriving about 5pm-6pm. Game on usually falls around 10pm.

At this point (as to helping out) we are at a weird transition stage. After this season (so this event and our October event); Chris Thetford (owner), Brigit (General Manager), and myself (Head of Plot) are stepping down; due to burn out and changing life situations. I know some people have expressed interest, but not sure what is going to materialize yet. Don't want to be a downer, but just giving a heads up.


Yup, I've read about the situation and have been in touch with Anique a little bit about my potentially valuable and unusual background and what I might be able to contribute once I have a clue how things work.

As well as chatting with acouple of others a little about what is needed to carry things forward with the three key people (yourself included) stepping down/away.
Announcing Registration for our September 27th - 29th Weekend Event
The price for this event will be $40, and anyone who registers will get 50 goblin stamps and a full boat of protectives at game on just for doing it!
You can do that by going to our website and using the registration link which will take you to the new CMA database.! It is simple and easy and helps us determine treasure among many other things, so please help us out!​

Please check the following before you pre-reg:
  • Your character is correct and you have spent any available build you want to.
  • If you have Spells please create a memorization list to use with your pre-reg.
Logistics Details:
Preregistration for this event will close at 11:59pm on September 24th, 2019.
Please send the following information
  • Inform Logistics of any temporary tags you need to trade in for permanent ones.
  • If you have High Magic and/or Production provide Logistics with how you want to use those skills.
  • Any Goblin Stamps you wish to spend and how you want to spend them.

Site Information:

Camp Hayo-Went-Ha
919 North East Torch Lake Rd
Central Lake, MI 49622

Who All Is Coming?

Pre-Registered PCs:

  1. Jocelyn Davis - Anya
  2. Victor Dueweke - Nomm
  3. Scott Mallow - Shakiis
  4. Keir Sayenga - Naerduil
  5. Matt Waller - Komeayaso
  6. Damien Puckett - Chalk
  7. Aidon Byers - Aragon
  8. Anique Puckett - Princess

Pre-Registered NPCs:
  1. Taed Price
  2. Cory Walker
  3. Brigit Convery
  4. Joe Convery
  5. Aaron Smalley
We didn't preregister, but Carl and Crista and I will all be there to NPC.