The duties of sheriff fall on the shoulders of the knights. There isn't a need for a position of sheriff, because a knight is always present in Horn's End. Why needlessly pay someone to do the duties that a knight can do? and thus, why tax the people of Horn's End for a needless patron?
If you have a crime to report? Inform a squire. A squire is an extention of a knight. And thus can handle minor disputes. And in the case of major criminal activity. A squire will Inform his respective knight forth with. And the issue will be resolved.
As my travels have kept me away for some time. I am working under the assumption this has not changed.
And Games have never ruled "Horn's End"
If you have a crime to report? Inform a squire. A squire is an extention of a knight. And thus can handle minor disputes. And in the case of major criminal activity. A squire will Inform his respective knight forth with. And the issue will be resolved.
As my travels have kept me away for some time. I am working under the assumption this has not changed.
And Games have never ruled "Horn's End"