Shield Plastic

Im told that its a good idea to use plastic when making a shield
anyone know a good place to buy plastic for it and haev a link :)


Saucer sleds work wonders!
yeh but do they look good?
I already have some questonable garb items I dont want to be called sauser warrior at Ragnar storie times

Frank Wiccan said:
yeh but do they look good?
I already have some questonable garb items I dont want to be called sauser warrior at Ragnar storie times


I like this approach.
Realize that no matter what you do or what you decide you're going to have SOME form of Nickname (we all do)... so pick something you can live with and try to steer for that. SaucerShield is a lot better than some of the names I've heard...
My sarr uses one, though it's been in use for several years now and has seen better days. Hopefully I'll have time to make a new one for myself before the first NJ event rolls around.

Here's a pic of my current shield being used by another of my (too many) characters. Click it to see it full size.
It's cut down a bit to keep it within the regulation shield size.
I use two pieces of corrugated plastic (the stuff they make campaign signs out of.) You can get it from most sign print shops and some large office supply stores. I prefer to get them from the sign shops because they will cut the pieces to size for me and I need one piece cut vertically and one cut horizontally so the grooves run opposite each other when layered. This makes them stronger. I used the same shield for nearly three years. I am sure if I went home right now and replaced the pipe foam the plastic would still be good to use.
Ithica/Toddy uses a saucer sled as well. If you were at the last HQ event you saw it. Red, with a Medusa head and Greek lettering. He cut semi-circles out on each side to get it within regulation size, whereas I shaved the edge off almost the whole way around.

I can vouch for the durability of Wilde's shield, too.

Another material some people use is thick foam. I don't know what it's called, but it's pink, about 1-2 inches thick and very rigid. The drawback is the off-chance that somene landing on it very hard could snap it.
Telokh_Amdo said:
Ithica/Toddy uses a saucer sled as well. If you were at the last HQ event you saw it. Red, with a Medusa head and Greek lettering. He cut semi-circles out on each side to get it within regulation size, whereas I shaved the edge off almost the whole way around.

I can vouch for the durability of Wilde's shield, too.

Another material some people use is thick foam. I don't know what it's called, but it's pink, about 1-2 inches thick and very rigid. The drawback is the off-chance that somene landing on it very hard could snap it.

That can happen with ANY shield, just ask Mr. Metzler.
You'll see it up close in a couple of weeks. :D
You'll get to see and read it OOG, for your own pleasure.
Telokh_Amdo said:
Another material some people use is thick foam. I don't know what it's called, but it's pink, about 1-2 inches thick and very rigid. The drawback is the off-chance that somene landing on it very hard could snap it.

I use Foamular plank-style housing insulation. That's probably what you're thinking of. I've had my shield for 6 years and it's never broken, snapped, etc. I once sat on it with my knees and used it to "hop" across a IG magical effect on a gravel road for 20 feet, both ways, and didn't damage it noticeably. I also cloth-cover my shields for painting.
That's also me with the crap strapped to the back of my shield in "Monster Camp," in case you happened to see it. (No, I don't usually wear a ski-mask as a hat to events, it was just 20 degrees (f) that event.)
~Matt, WCV
the design on the shield is mighty!

where did you get the plastic planks from?
a link if possible :D

Toddo said:
Telokh_Amdo said:
Ithica/Toddy uses a saucer sled as well. If you were at the last HQ event you saw it. Red, with a Medusa head and Greek lettering. He cut semi-circles out on each side to get it within regulation size, whereas I shaved the edge off almost the whole way around.

I can vouch for the durability of Wilde's shield, too.

Another material some people use is thick foam. I don't know what it's called, but it's pink, about 1-2 inches thick and very rigid. The drawback is the off-chance that somene landing on it very hard could snap it.

That can happen with ANY shield, just ask Mr. Metzler.

I'd be very surprised...and scared...if someone snapped my aircraft aluminum shield. You can drive a car onto it and it will snap back into shape once you drive the car off. At least that's what the people who sell them say. Since they're used to make planes, I'd bet they're right.

Duke Frost said:
I'd be very surprised...and scared...if someone snapped my aircraft aluminum shield. You can drive a car onto it and it will snap back into shape once you drive the car off. At least that's what the people who sell them say. Since they're used to make planes, I'd bet they're right.

So, you're telling us that Fin'drth can fly. Great, just what we need. A flying Dark Elf swooping down out of the night sky. ;)
Telokh_Amdo said:
Duke Frost said:
I'd be very surprised...and scared...if someone snapped my aircraft aluminum shield. You can drive a car onto it and it will snap back into shape once you drive the car off. At least that's what the people who sell them say. Since they're used to make planes, I'd bet they're right.

So, you're telling us that Fin'drth can fly. Great, just what we need. A flying Dark Elf swooping down out of the night sky. ;)
Dunununununu-nunununununu DARK ELF!
Frank Wiccan said:
where did you get the plastic planks from?

Lowes, Home Depot, any hardware place that has any other insulation really. I use the 2" stuff. I've seen a few 1" ones break pretty easily. If you can only get 1", sprayglue two pieces together. The bonus to the 2" stuff is it's exactly as wide as the pipefoam used to rim it. Nice and seamless.

(Oh, and to be completely fair, my g/f Carmen paints all our shields, and I build all our gear.)
~Matt, WCV
Libras said:
Telokh_Amdo said:
Duke Frost said:
I'd be very surprised...and scared...if someone snapped my aircraft aluminum shield. You can drive a car onto it and it will snap back into shape once you drive the car off. At least that's what the people who sell them say. Since they're used to make planes, I'd bet they're right.

So, you're telling us that Fin'drth can fly. Great, just what we need. A flying Dark Elf swooping down out of the night sky. ;)
Dunununununu-nunununununu DARK ELF!

I was thinking more of Scott singing "I believe I can fly" while slaughtering NPCs in the pitch black darkness with only his smile visible through the dark elf make-up.