I think it would be creepier if he was singing a rendition of "Believe it or Not" aka The Greatest American Hero theme song.
Wilde_Night said:I think it would be creepier if he was singing a rendition of "Believe it or Not" aka The Greatest American Hero theme song.
Tzydl Zhitelava said:wynn and now ithica have both lost their shields to Fevergrey
i've seen many a sled turned shield...i like them but they're very barbarian looking...if you want a different shape i would suggest plexi or wood..metal is gonna rust no matter how much paint you put on it and its harder to work with in a non-workshop environ. but i don't make shields so i'm not sure what works best. i'd ask people who's sheilds you've seen and admire how they made it...
Laguna Hallik said:If I purchased some sheets off of the Caldaria site, would you be able to bring them to the HQ event at the end of the month?