Splitting Spoils from Town Endeavors

Greetings Adventurers,

This market, like previous markets we will have a sign in sheet to make an accounting of adventurers contributing to large town endeavors. Last market, neither the count on the sign-in sheet, the count we made leaving for the town endeavor nor the number of shares created were an accurate measurement of the adventurers present in the endeavor.

To rectify this going forward: I will make shares of spoils based on the number of unique sign-ins on the sheet. Sometime between two and three bells each afternoon I, or another appointed person (such as Adlao, Desylvia, Glenn, Eve (not an exhaustive list)), will gather the sign-in sheet to get an accurate count of adventurers (checking for duplicate names, etc.). A second individual will verify the counting.

After the town endeavor and auction, loot will split based on the number of adventurers accounted for previously that day. Adventurers will be prompted to come up and collect their share. When you arrive at the auction table we will confirm and strike through your name on the list (or the name of all for whom you are collecting in the case of a guild) and provide you with your share. If your name is not on the list we cannot guarantee a share for you. If you do not collect (or are not in line to collect) your split 30 minutes after we start handing out coin your split of the loot will be considered forfeit (and may be used to provide a share to those that did not sign in properly). If you have any questions or concerns about this process please let me know.

When the 3-4 others assisting with the auction process are selected (likely from the pool of people that are generally involved in this process) I will find a way to make it known publicly who they are (likely on or around the sign-in sheet).

Some final considerations:
1) Dramthin gave up his share of the town loot during last market because these counts were inaccurate, unless there are objections I would like to propose that an additional share is counted during the Saturday loot split (assuming there is one) to compensate him for his sacrifice.

2) I would like to propose that two additional shares be created as a safety precaution should there be late arrivals or other clerical errors. Should these shares not be needed the funds will 'roll forward' to the following town endeavor.

3) At this time it is my understanding that all debts to individuals for the community have been paid (i.e. the town box is no longer in debt to Eve).

4) I would like to purpose that should any Spellcrafting or ritual casting be required for endeavors (e.g. Troll Slayers) that individuals providing resources are appropriately compensated for their contributions prior to dividing the remainder of the spoils.

5) I would like to propose that two additional shares be created to be shared as compensation for those who manage and carry out the auction process.

6) All information regarding the Town Auction (What sold, for how much, to whom) as well as an accounting of the 'change' that rolls over between Auctions will be recorded in a ledger and may be available for audit.

In plainer terms: Please sign in so we can have an accurate count. Unless there are significant objections individuals called upon for Spellcrafting and other specific resources will be compensated. The remaining loot will be split by the number of signups + 4 (+1 for Dramthin for only one split). Individuals will then have their name checked off the list and receive their share. Should shares be forfeited or otherwise in excess then those funds will be returned to the pool to be added to future loot splits.

Very Respectfully,
Apprentice Solar Franz Firebrand, Hero of the Varnistrom
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Thank you Guildmaster,

I promised honourable Glenn at the last Market that I would focus on collecting an accurate census of the town for this upcoming gathering; I would only ask that I be able to follow through on this task for this Market (following your prescriptions for each day), whence I will be happy to pass it off in future ones and add any notes of feedback I have on the name and tally process.

With much appreciation,
Housemoter Adlao- HM, OPH
Greetings Adventurers,

This market, like previous markets we will have a sign in sheet to make an accounting of adventurers contributing to large town endeavors. Last market, neither the count on the sign-in sheet, the count we made leaving for the town endeavor nor the number of shares created were an accurate measurement of the adventurers present in the endeavor.

To rectify this going forward: I will make shares of spoils based on the number of unique sign-ins on the sheet. Sometime between two and three bells each afternoon I, or another appointed person (such as Adlao, Desylvia, Glenn, Eve (not an exhaustive list)), will gather the sign-in sheet to get an accurate count of adventurers (checking for duplicate names, etc.). A second individual will verify the counting.

After the town endeavor and auction, loot will split based on the number of adventurers accounted for previously that day. Adventurers will be prompted to come up and collect their share. When you arrive at the auction table we will confirm and strike through your name on the list (or the name of all for whom you are collecting in the case of a guild) and provide you with your share. If your name is not on the list we cannot guarantee a share for you. If you do not collect (or are not in line to collect) your split 30 minutes after we start handing out coin your split of the loot will be considered forfeit (and may be used to provide a share to those that did not sign in properly). If you have any questions or concerns about this process please let me know.

When the 3-4 others assisting with the auction process are selected (likely from the pool of people that are generally involved in this process) I will find a way to make it known publicly who they are (likely on or around the sign-in sheet).

Some final considerations:
1) Dramthin gave up his share of the town loot during last market because these counts were inaccurate, unless there are objections I would like to propose that an additional share is counted during the Saturday loot split (assuming there is one) to compensate him for his sacrifice.

2) I would like to propose that two additional shares be created as a safety precaution should there be late arrivals or other clerical errors. Should these shares not be needed the funds will 'roll forward' to the following town endeavor.

3) At this time it is my understanding that all debts to individuals for the community have been paid (i.e. the town box is no longer in debt to Eve).

4) I would like to purpose that should any Spellcrafting or ritual casting be required for endeavors (e.g. Troll Slayers) that individuals providing resources are appropriately compensated for their contributions prior to dividing the remainder of the spoils.

5) I would like to propose that two additional shares be created to be shared as compensation for those who manage and carry out the auction process.

In plainer terms: Please sign in so we can have an accurate count. Unless there are significant objections individuals called upon for Spellcrafting and other specific resources will be compensated. The remaining loot will be split by the number of signups + 4 (+1 for Dramthin for only one split). Individuals will then have their name checked off the list and receive their share. Should shares be forfeited or otherwise in excess then those funds will be returned to the pool to be added to future loot splits.

Very Respectfully,
Franz Firebrand
I think you will find good will from the adventurers if you make this a proposal put forward in the announcements on Friday at the opening of market. I would also like to propose that these things be written into the announcements read out by the town leadership at the opening of each market day to avoid any misunderstandings. Matters of coin and public funds can be a very contentious issue so precautions should be considered.
Perhaps a formal audit of the box and log book to track the coin that carries over as well.

Thank you for your feedback Marcus.

I will make sure we keep a ledger of coin.

I am aware of the contention around coin. This is the primary reason this was posted prior to the Market. I will make sure to take a moment to inform the masses when we gather Friday evening
I think I am opposed to point 5. I do not believe that volunteer positions should be netting a whole other share. I would maybe be more okay with a static price for each split they participate in.

Ignathis Nachtfeuer
A proposed addendum to the town auction system we currently have in place.
The significant ammount of production items and superior equipment we've been receiving seems to be a cumbersome thing to deal with. I propose that a price list for superior equipment, crafting components and production items be made and kept with the town box for quick reference.
In addition I propose that the price of these items be kept flat and non negotiable for quick sale, and that any unsold items be placed in a bag to be rolled over to the next auction.
In this way we can deal with the lesser items rapidly and reduce the ammount of time spent on auction.

clerk of the law.
A proposed addendum to the town auction system we currently have in place.
The significant ammount of production items and superior equipment we've been receiving seems to be a cumbersome thing to deal with. I propose that a price list for superior equipment, crafting components and production items be made and kept with the town box for quick reference.
In addition I propose that the price of these items be kept flat and non negotiable for quick sale, and that any unsold items be placed in a bag to be rolled over to the next auction.
In this way we can deal with the lesser items rapidly and reduce the ammount of time spent on auction.

clerk of the law.
This is a great idea, why not put one together for town? That way they already have the document and are not awaiting someone else to do this. Good Job Marcus!
Very well, I shall begin work on this project and have somthing ready before the gathering in Rathfall.

Very well, I shall begin work on this project and have somthing ready before the gathering in Rathfall.

Keep me in touch with your efforts, Kaida Sanu had a similar suggestion but in preparation to visit gavaria and now preparation to travel to Rathfall. I may provide your efforts there as well with what few changes may or may not be needed - so make sure you sign your efforts so proper credit is afforded you.
The mists are preventing my travel to Rathfall for the forseeable future. If feedback is provided regarding auctions across the mists I can make appropriate adjustments to Auctions in Gavaria.