Squidheads from your opener on Doctor Who

Episode 3 of the fourth season will feature the Ood. I believe that one will air in two weeks on SciFi so mark your calendars if youwant to catch that one.. It's great that with the new series we don't have to wait so long for the new episodes to arrive in the US. I believe we're less than a month behind the UK.
i wish i had bbc...::sniffles::: I don't have tv and my life is fine without it but there are a few channels i reaaallly miss....bbc is just one of them.
I sure you know someone with a TV who you could just happen to be visiting when this epispde airs on SciFi. ;)
i have an ex co worker that i know has cable/dish or something and she may have sci fi channel ...but if i just showed up at her house and asked to change it to the sci fi channel...she may call the men in the clean white coats.

and i don't mean the lab techs from Materials and Research
Then plan it ahead of time.
orrrrrrrrrr just rent it on dvd heheheheh when it comes out....