Stormbreak pre-reg for June 30 event

Going off of what Mitchell said, most of our group won't be arriving until late Friday so reserving the cabin was imperative to our group. Also if we can possibly have that cabin, please put our group down as 'Green Maiden Crew'. We had already put in to reserve it (see much earlier posts). Thanks!
OK since there are 6 people reserving a cabin with 6 beds, I went ahead and gave it to them, meaning a smaller cabin is for the Commoner's Cabin this time.

Everyone: If you don't know where you're staying, please post something so if there is someone with extra room they may offer to take you in.
I'm traveling solo this event so if anyone can take in this poor orphan it would be appreciated.


Just submitted pre-reg (payment a couple weeks ago, but had no character yet.) I don't see any food donations listed... you good for the weekend, or is it just that nobody is donating?

(if it matters, I'll stay in the Mage's guild with Eric and Mitzie Gibson.)
We can always use food donations. I understand the plan for this event, since it will be kind of hot, will be a picnic-like dinner (hot dogs, chicken, salad, cole slaw, potato salad, etc).

Remember folks -- if you stayed at home and just ate what was in your refrigerator, you'd use up more than $5 in food. So make a food donation to us -- and the more we get, the better the food can be.
It looks like you need NPCs more than I wanted to PC... and that's pretty bad. I will NPC this one.
Hey guys. Sorry for the late notice, but I wanted to correct my name for the registered players list. Elizabeth Herbst should instead be Jason Herbst (she was using her payment info for me). Thank you!

Hey Mike. Please add me as a PC dude. (though will have no shifts)
Dawn and I will be attending, tenting (would like to know where we can set up). Playing as yet, un-named barbarians 50 build. Missed opportunity to pre-reg, so will be paying at the door.

Aaron Verzwyvelt