Tek Teks

Yeah, though the more important part is not be able to cast any of it.
Oh yeah... but our oh so fantastic roleplay only powers that can be rendered completely ineffective by a player going, "Nah, I don't want that to work," totally balance against not being able to use Celestial magic.


Sarcasm not as detectable as I want it to be.

That whole post glows!
Use'dness would be my guess.

As in, the lack there of.

Its not normally actually useable (at least for its intended effect) without a marshal present, and only a marshal with the magic item list (I think Ashubry's is a 2" 3-ring binder), or who knows what all the reps are.
See, I'd be okay with cat Scavengers in addition to Sarr..but lumping the group together for some reason sets off my gut reaction to "Oh *(*$)#(*)! no."

Plus, while Biata are not broken, I do think there should be some sort of cool alternative to not being able to cast Celestial Magic.

-Ali, Threadjacker
I'm sorry Ali, but Resist Command & Break Command are not equal to Cannot Buy Read Magic.

The feathers are not a huge makeup requirement, there is no real debating that.

But the other low-makeup race with those same benefits (MWE) lose 1 body (not really a big deal, esp later on), pay one less for a free money skill and have to spend 5 build a certain way.

There is no way that spend five build on craftsman, lose one body and craftsman cost one less to buy works out to be equal to no Read Magic.
That's just weird looking.
Land sharks?
Ohhhh... ok.
That was a fun weekend indeed. Marcena: CO: Sailor, Boatswain, Helmsman, Swabber, Fisher, and even Cabinmaster. A one woman crew she is.