A great many things in life are not alive in the traditional sense, like a sword, or a boat or the sea. As a soldier comes to rely on his blade to protect his life, he may give it a name or start to think on it as an old friends. When sailors have spent time on the sea they come to know that the sea has moods, like a lover or mother, or something more vengeful. These things may not truly be alive, but over time we come to think on them as such.
I've seen Briarpass go through many changes, but the people who make their homes there and the land itself come together to breath some life into the town of Briarpass. It is hard for me to think of Briarpass simply in terms of a plot of land on a map. Briarpass is far more than dirt, rocks, and trees. Briarpass is the sum of all the hope of the people who live within it's borders. Briarpass is their past and their future. Briarpass is, in a way, like a mother to the people who call it home.
To some Briarpass is just a town, just a place. To me Briarpass is a home. I like to think that she has moods, reflected in the winds and the weather, that the people of Briarpass are her heart and her spirit. That is simply how I feel.
Adopted son of Briarpass