The questionable traits of some


Why is it that you are the only one who is arguing the point then...i'm not defending anyone, you have a valid point but so does Togashin...everyone should be present for the disturbution of tresure so that just this kind of thing does not happen. You only gave out two names when in the short time that I have adventured I've noticed many people doing exactly what you accuse Liddia and Togashin of. If you are that upset with it then either press charges and let the law deal with it or step up, be brave and talk with Both Liddia and Togashin to sort out the issue. But please ALL of you, sort this out without violence. There's enough of that to go around in the world.


It would appear that you did not read my thoughts in response to Togashin. Everyone was present thus the loot could have been distributed. I too have seen that this is a common occurrence and I believe that it must stop. The way to stop this is to make the people who do it responsible and accountable for their actions. I have taken the first steps in this matter. It must be done by someone. Unfortunately this has taken a long time to come to fruition I think that a large part of the reason behind it is that people think that the outcry against them will be great and unfair. I'm willing to make this sacrifice, I am willing to take blame and be hated by some. I am willing to do this because I'm tired of seeing people cheated out of their fair share. People that have been with this town a long time and have been lied and stolen from over and over again. I am sick of seeing the rich get richer and the poor stay poor as they squabble of the table scraps from the rich.

You know my views very well about helping out other adventures. So in light of that, I have to say that Lidda and Togashin aren't at fault for the items not being dispersed to the ones who have earned it... many that day went there separate ways and alot of the treasure were still in bundles. The group that remained stayed around and agreed to hold on to certain piles of the treasure so once we all got back together it could be given to those who earned it. I was one of those few that held on to a bundle. Silver Grapes a few celestral books and some vials that i didn't look at yet. This past market more people of the group that was holding on to a bundles came to me and asked that I hold on to those they had so I did. I asked when we should get the rest together to hand out or auction what was on hand, I was told after the dinner. I tried to get others together to do it but to much was going on and people went off to help others. So I held on to them longer, but never found a time to get everyone together. This market went bad in alot of ways, don't add distrust and second guess to the mix.

To all those being accused of acts they did not commit I apologize. I understand where Ark is coming from, I feel guilty that communication amoungst us has been failing or missed. If you were part of that battle, I invite you to come the next market day and we will all sit and talk this out. If you seek to punish those who have done you worng in this matter I will be the first to stand up and take it all. Weither it be charges with the law or Honor that needs to be avenged, I will be there.

To my friends, you know who you are. :D I need you to work well with each other and not be at each other's throats. Lives need to be saved and there is to much evil in this realm for us to be hurting each other. So Come and join me for a drink and talk so our differences become our strengths not our weakness.

Sae Azaka
Doctor, Healer, and Potion Maker
Cerria, The reason that Ark is the only voice heard here in argument is because others are fearful of that may come of them and there standing with others. I indeed have seen things stolen, cheated, and downright mugged from others, but have stood by. As long as this all gets worked out I feel that this particular incident may not need legal charges. But it is a start to what has been needed for a long time, someone to talk about it openly. I was taught at a young age to never think of people ill, and sometimes I do this to a fault. So I will let this particular issue rest until another market day has passed, if there is still no action then perhaps action of a different kind needs to be taken. So lets all agree, we are to make a list of the people that were present, and to divide the items that were gained after the fight at the next market day...with no item left out. Items that are Anton's by right are to be placed in the custody of...perhaps his brothers...and the item that will be given to the Princess is to be dealt with in a same matter...perhaps there is one of her family that can guard it until her return. Gold, Potions, Ritual Scrolls, Scrolls, Alchemy, shall all be split in the usual fashion. AND if there is anyone who is not present at this next market day, the items shall still be divided and representatives will be pointed to make sure that the fair portion is delivered.

Now on to the real issue. There are many accounts of people slipping things into there bags while people watch, and are never seen again. So what are we to do? I wont hold the a fore mentioned issue as one of them until the next market day has past...because with what I laid out here there is no reason for these items not to be dealt with. Personally I want this done with so that I may properly allocate some of these funds to the Orders priority's, which include the fair people of Wayside.

So I agree with Ark, and I think that the deputy should conduct investigations to all complaints such as this that occur, and that we all must keep a closer eye.

To clarify a little, the only reason I will not outright fully support Ark on THIS immediate example, right here and now, is because I wasn't there this last market day...and I don't know if things we brought up or talked about with regards to this. I will support him, and anyone else in any claims such as this that occur in the future, and that I am in a rightful place to weigh in on.

I weigh in on this because it is indeed an issue that stems from long back, and let this be the point where is STOPS!

May you find warmth from Winter's sweet embrace,
Kevar Byrne, Standard Bearer to the Order of the Earthen Fist.
Really, this is why I'm fer organized mercenaries, rather'n wandering groups o' meddlers. At least with a group o' mercs, ye've contracted from the start what yer responsibility is and what the split'll be, so there's no need ta argue over shares.

Kevar Byrne,

You’re misquoting and rewording is interesting to say the least. Your enthusiasm and zealotry however are much appreciated. I agree that this needs to stop. I will not however assume to order people as to what to do. I now have your vote on what to do about this and I would encourage others to weigh in as well.

Sae Azaka said:
You know my views very well about helping out other adventures. So in light of that, I have to say that Lidda and Togashin aren't at fault for the items not being dispersed to the ones who have earned it... many that day went there separate ways and alot of the treasure were still in bundles. The group that remained stayed around and agreed to hold on to certain piles of the treasure so once we all got back together it could be given to those who earned it. I was one of those few that held on to a bundle. Silver Grapes a few celestral books and some vials that i didn't look at yet. This past market more people of the group that was holding on to a bundles came to me and asked that I hold on to those they had so I did. I asked when we should get the rest together to hand out or auction what was on hand, I was told after the dinner. I tried to get others together to do it but to much was going on and people went off to help others. So I held on to them longer, but never found a time to get everyone together. This market went bad in alot of ways, don't add distrust and second guess to the mix.

To all those being accused of acts they did not commit I apologize. I understand where Ark is coming from, I feel guilty that communication amoungst us has been failing or missed. If you were part of that battle, I invite you to come the next market day and we will all sit and talk this out. If you seek to punish those who have done you worng in this matter I will be the first to stand up and take it all. Weither it be charges with the law or Honor that needs to be avenged, I will be there.

To my friends, you know who you are. :D I need you to work well with each other and not be at each other's throats. Lives need to be saved and there is to much evil in this realm for us to be hurting each other. So Come and join me for a drink and talk so our differences become our strengths not our weakness.

Sae Azaka
Doctor, Healer, and Potion Maker

Thank you Sae Azaka for coming forth about the other items.
I did not mean to misquote and change meanings. It seems that I may have been in a rambling mood in my short time of true sleep. Please correct me, I only meant to say that I want to wait one more market day for THIS instance to be considered cheating or underhand dealings...and that the rest of this must stop here.

May you find warmth from Winter's sweet embrace,
Kevar Byrne, Standard Bearer to the Order of the Earthen Fist.

I find it interesting that you are the one who stands up and defends Ark when you seem to be in possesion of exactly what he is speaking of. Or have you forgotten about those Axes that were sopposed to be brought forth in front of the town and either decided who they were to go to or to be auctioned off. You are committing the very crime that you would punish others for. I do not understand why this is a huge issue with you both. Togashin has stated that he thought that the dark elves were on that fight and that is why he did not distrubute the tressure. Now that he knows that they were not there then he will most likely disturbute the loot the next time that EVERYONE is present. I for one would rather not see any of those who are holding onto magical items or other tressures for people to be prosecuted for doing the fair and just thing. I understand you have been wronged in the past. I am sure that we all have at one point or another. And yes things should change but it is wrong to blame Togashin, LIddia and even Sae Azaka for all of the wrongings that have occured in the past. Please stop this bickering, before things get out of hand...

No one is being prosecuted for anything as far as I can tell.

Eldandiril said:
No one is being prosecuted for anything as far as I can tell.


At this point, no charges have been filed through me at least.

As for the axes, I refer you to the other conversation, as Kevar has already owned up to that, and has begun taking steps to make it right.

Deputy Rockfist

Your right, it was perhaps wrong to come out and blame Togashin. I jus think that he should be made accountable for his actions of late. I refuse to let him steal more scrolls from the town. The theft of these particular scrolls I can prove. I cannot however prove without a shadow of a doubt the previous scrolls that he has stolen from us. In reality Togishin is not yet at fault for this particular theft. He has not, to my knowledge, cast or given away any of the scrolls that he still has. Still this was mostly a reminder for him and a calling out of Lidia.

So let us be reminded of Lidia’s who did not “steal” any of the items from the town. She just dispersed them at her discretion without consulting anyone. Then she allowed one to be stolen. And on top of that both of the items that she gave away she gave to people that weren’t even present at the fight where the items came from.

In summation, Togshin knows now that people remember what he has. Lidia knows that we will not tolerate this theft in our town.


It hurts me to know that you would think that I had forgotten about that, as I had said in another dream all together I am using this as a time for me to correct a wrong that I almost made. Those axes were not, ever to be brought before the town or auctioned. They were to be talked about amongst the people who fought that maddened individual, and they were to be given to those who could use them. If I remember correctly you were there at the fight, and as such you are on the list of people that has been made. I am not accusing others of things that I am guilty of, I am starting what I hope will be one of many steps that this town can take to stop this cycle of theft. I NEVER intended to keep those axes, my reasoning for waiting so long was my own foolhardiness...I forgot who was there and was ashamed to admit that I still had them. In fact the only time I have even used the axes was at that very event, where you used one as well for some time if memory serves me right.

I am sorry if I came across a bit stern, but being faced with that when I had already taken steps to correct it was surprising to say the least.

May you find warmth from Winter's sweet embrace,
Kevar Byrne, Standard Bearer to the Order of the Order of the Earthen Fist.

U yourself stated in the other dream that you were thinking of keeping those axes, but decided that that would be wrong. I find it convenient that you would bring up the subject wanting to get the axes into the right hands when Ark brings attention to the subject of stealing Loot. I am sorry that this is seeming like an attack on you alone, but I wanted to make my point to both you and Ark that even you, Kevar have done or thought of doing the very thing that you both are accusing others of. I myself felt like you were stealing those axes because you said that you would find a proper owner for them and you have not.


I will speak to Toga and find out about the scrolls that you speak of, however as for Liddia, I can say nothing in her deffense as I know nothing. However, I beleive that you are right that we all need to find better ways to disturbute Loot. How? I do not know. It seems that every way I can think of, it would be unfair to someone. I personally do not beleive that one person such as Liddia should be responsible for holding onto the towns belongings. What if something should happen to her, as it usually does, and all of the towns belongings are stolen... I want to thank you for bringing this subject to light. Perhaps the next market day we could sit down as a town and discuss how to better serve everyone's needs when dealing with tressure disturbution.

“You defense is poor at best. It just goes to show us all that you no longer care what any of your fellow adventures say and you only look so serve your own interests. Ark.”
What I say is the truth, Ark.
I only held onto any items that were on my Lord’s body when he fell and Lord Gaelous took him to be held in safe keeping over the winter. He is still my liege, dispite what he has done, I made an oath to serve him for 5 years; this being the beginning of the 4th year I still am bound to my word. I was offered on 3 separate occasions to walk away with no reprocussions by the fey. But, instead took responsibility and maintained his home. That also included the attempted resurrection of over 850 spirits that he imprisoned in the manor. You continue to question my honor and responsibility. I could have left those spirits stay in limbo and none would be the wiser. I chose to not.

“Lidia is not the only one that I would seek to press charges against if it came to that. I would also seek to levy charges against Togashin, a known necromancer, for his theft as well. Because as Lidia expertly pointed out when she was attempting to shift blame, she never possessed the scrolls that were given to the town. Ark”“I would also ask why you took this responsibility if you were only going to use it to cheat us. As for the sash shield and dagger. If they are truly Anton's, as you say, then why were they given without his consent? Or why were they kept from him after his resurrection? I submit to you that Lidia was told to keep and distribute them and she saw an opportunity to exploit the situation. Ark

It was deemed by the Fey courts that he should not be allowed to retain any personal item used in the murder of Her Royal Heighness Princess Percophine. I as his vassal held onto these items, until we could choose what to do with them. He has accepted the Fey’s punishiment and has not right to any item collected that day.

“So let us be reminded of Lidia’s who did not “steal” any of the items from the town. She just dispersed them at her discretion without consulting anyone. Then she allowed one to be stolen. And on top of that both of the items that she gave away she gave to people that weren’t even present at the fight where the items came from. Ark”I did not allow one to be stolen, Magics were used to destroy my ward. Goodman Jarra can attest to the ward being placed on the room and Mareil can attest to her having to cast another ward. I have sent word to Cazik on the matter and for that I am sorry. Cazik worked behind the scences for months to help with the final battle. It was my mistake and for that I appologie. I know that over the past year I have done things that I regret, and my mind is still foggy as to what exactly transpired.

I felt as though I must speak in my defense….
That being said. I fully understand if any of you do not trust me. I have made mistakes and done wrongs. These have affected you in many ways, for that I can not make recompense. I offer my sincerest apology. Ark. Does have some points; and sometimes it takes change from outside before one can change can within. I understand that some of you think the worst of me; but, please understand that I do not think the worst of you. I am getting a box and a ledger for the recording of ‘town’ monies and items. This knowledge will be public town knowledge, and if someone else wishes to hold onto the two spell books and the formal scrolls that I understand. I look forward to speaking with all of you next market day on this matter.
Cerria is correct we need to start treating each other better, this will be the only way that we can weather the comming storm.

Liddia FallingStar
Ah, so yer liege lord's one tha the Fey Court's felt so needed censure as to ensure his ressurection? Pardon me if'n tha doesnae fill me with o'erwhelmin' enthusiasm ta trust one whose actions an associations already seem less than savory...


As the duly appointed deputy, on behalf of the people of Briarpass, I ask anyone that is currently holding onto any formal magic scrolls or other assorted goods "for the town" to be turned into myself on the next market day. I will be hiring an independent, licensed, and registered barrister to be charged with the holding of the items until needed, as well as proper disbursement of monies earned and to conduct auctions of various magic items, such as the sash that was loaned temporarily to Cazik.

This does NOT mean personal formal scrolls. Just scrolls that have been put aside to be used "for the good of the town".

If this is not an acceptable idea, please contact me privately to discuss alternatives. Please have an alternative idea when you do contact me.

Deputy Rockfist
Wraith said:
Ah, so yer liege lord's one tha the Fey Court's felt so needed censure as to ensure his ressurection? Pardon me if'n tha doesnae fill me with o'erwhelmin' enthusiasm ta trust one whose actions an associations already seem less than savory...


I am sure you remember the chaos brambles.
As I recall the second or third market day in which adventures were allowed back into Briar Pass; my leige helped Tyvek cast a pantergast scroll. In which he 'rode' the beast and did battle with the flame knight who had opened a flame gate, and was attacking Briar Pass. The Flame Knight was Barathian one of the four elemental brothers who has lost himself to his mantel. Once we freed the others Thorn and Cumlo; Cumlo revieled to us that in order to keep thier minds pure they had made a pact with Lumierre the White Unicorn.
Lumierre had been kicked into the LImpid Pool of Time thusly currupting her. She then became, Mesiamiah and created the chaos brambles. The traint that filled her also trickled down into all those connected to her. The were bears, the forest, any wylder kind and the four brother. As time continued my leige was over taken by the pantergast. The beast 'rode' him. Once the town freed Lumierre along with Cumlo, Thorn and Barathan; Anton was next.
They Fey make no distinction between Anton and the Ice Beast. He killed the princess of Spring while under a clouded mind, but, her still killed her an prevented spring from comming to these lands. They have thier own courts and they passed what they saw as a fitting punishiment. I hope this helps.
Liddia FallingStar

This is enough. I am so entirely sick of this behavior that I can't just sit idly by while this happens.

I am so incredibly ashamed of Liddia and Togashin, that I'm almost sad to be a Mystic Wood Elf right now. These are just things, and frankly this obsession and conniving and covetous behavior over them is so quite the opposite of what our race is about that I wonder if perhaps the two of you shouldn't consider seeking out Race Changes before you do our race even further disservice.

Liddia, though you are not responsible for all of your actions, the Hero did not control your every whim for the last year -- there was a time where you were free of his grip, and you cannot pin all of this on the supposed "murkiness" of his control. Even if you were doing his bidding, you were conscious. You were present in your mind as you acted out his instructions. You know exactly what you did. Do not try and obscure the fact that you've done many a wrongdoing recently -- you sold out many people and you did it not for any other reason than to save your own title and neck.

I ask you again as I did when we spoke after your trial: How do you sleep at night? How can you call yourself a Fallingstar with you've acted without any sense of nobility and what it is to be noble? The noble thing to do would have been to take responsibility -- to not speak the names of any and all others involved, for I think you know in your heart that you led the group to commit that crime.

I am not excusing anyone who was involved in that ridiculous scheme -- but you as both a senior adventurer and as a child of noble birth who is seeking to become nobility should have thought better, and should have been a better leader to everyone. As a noble (by birth) and as a senior adventurer you should have taken full responsibility and let the punishment be yours, rather than try and shirk it off onto the Emerald Archer. Rather than naming names and giving up any and all of the secrets in your cache to try and get away scot-free, you should have acted in a way to do both your family and your friends proud; to have raised yourself in their estimations, rather than lowered yourself. I… I just don’t understand you sometimes.
It is okay to make mistakes, it is allowable and acceptable -- but only when you admit to them and don’t try and squirm away from them.

As for the armor: You’ve no right to distribute it without checking with the group, and if no one had said a word, would you have mentioned it? I don’t know – and we never honestly will – but the fact that I doubt your integrity should speak volumes. If Cazik wants it and you feel he can both use it and earn it, that is fine – but he cannot just have such a vast and expensive token for free. We all worked and exhausted resources. Some even gave up pieces of their spirits to your Liege’s cause – and they should see some recompense. The wise and honest thing to do would be to allow Cazik the armor but only if he can afford something akin to the cost in gold or items – something that can be put into the pool and redistributed evenly for everyone who was there and fought to their last icy-wind choked breath for you and yours. I think it fair for the price to be reduced for Cazik, as if you say he helped, I am sure he did – but it still needs to be fair.

You’ve lost the shield, this is unfortunate. I’ve got it on good authority this is an important token to the Fae, and to retrieve it should be your duty, and I would be willing to help you do so, but ultimately the retrieval is your problem as you lost it. If you end up going on such a trek alone, well then you perhaps will see what your actions have cost you.

You can apologize all you want, but this is not the first time you’ve promised to change, Liddia. I don’t feel that I can trust your apologies at all – for they must mean very little to you if you keep tossing them about without any kind of follow-through.

I want to be able to be proud you are a cousin and member of my race, but you keep disappointing me. I want to be able to stand by you in battle and not worry or think you will cheat myself and others out of either the profits or will sell me and those I care about up the river at the first sign of trouble – but more often than not, these concerns plague me. Every time things get hard, you wiggle and writhe and connive to get free as best you can with no regard for anyone else who might have come along only because they considered you a friend and wanted to help you. When last you made your apologies, I believed you. I will not be fooled again. I need to see something change before I will believe it. Good will and respect are earned and you’ve done very little to earn them lately.

But these are more crimes of the heart – misjudgment and bad behavior. Nothing wholly illegal.

However, where Togashin is concerned, there is literal theft.

When Togashin named off the three scrolls he received, he did not speak truthfully. In fact, he downright lied.

You can check his previous accounting in the dreaming of the scrolls he was given possession of and when I tell you he spoke falsely, you will be surprised to know that the scrolls he was given were actually as follows:

Circle of Power (limited)
Spirit Link
Preserve Duration

The two most powerful and useful scrolls, and he casually forgot to mention them, naming two less valuable scrolls in their stead. One scroll I might be able to mark up as a mistake, but two? Togashin, why? They are bits of paper. Paper that can be purchased with the stacks of gold and silver you’ve been hoarding. Why would you steal it, when you could easily afford it? It is likely that you could have purchased the scrolls outright from the town honestly and then none of this would have had to happen.

I demand you return the three rightful scrolls to the Deputy, and do so with haste before you make things worse. You are a Squire of Valdanis, Togashin. When would you ever think this sort of nonsense is okay?

As a note for Deputy Stoneskull, and whomever may end up dealing with this mess – I would ask that my share of this nonsense be given to Dramthin to help pay for the schooling of the Gepsum boys, who have lost not only their home and their family due to this nonsense. I’ve no real needs right now. I have all I need to get by and survive doing so.

This is sickening, and though the things themselves are trivial – I am angered that two senior adventurers – someone that others look up to and respect have tried to cheat and steal from you. You should be angry. In fact, I invite you to be as such. They should not be allowed to act this way, and it is not okay for them to do so.

As older, more experienced adventurers they should have learned that these things are mere trifles and that more just like them will come again. Where these things make the most sense is in the hands of the less experienced. How amazing a new adventurer feels when gifted with an interesting item, or a larger score of the profits! Sure, it may seem silly, but so often the newer adventurers are overlooked by the hungry fingertips of the elder stock. I for one will not be part of this anymore.

Good adventurers are hard to come by these days, and I think it more pertinent to foster those who want to try their hand at it by showing them how interesting, useful, and great it feels to be in this line of work. Sure, it’s not always a party, it’s not always happy – but I think more adventurers would become great adventurers if they were shown the way by those who went before them.

It is unfortunate that many of our heroes left us too soon. But that does not mean we cannot try and be the example we saw in those who went before us. I for one am willing and happily able to go along with anyone who has need of my healing, Sight, and heart.
My door is always open, my hearth always inviting.

I will leave the Deputy and Sheriff to mete out justice, but I must admit that to see so many people just roll over and be okay with this behavior is very disheartening indeed. Stand up and be heard, for Dragon’s sake! I think much of our inability to unite as a town is oftentimes because we do not speak to one another honestly.

There Arkimedes. You’ve my ‘weight’ on the matter.
Well, I was hopin' tha bein' subtle'd provoke a bit of conscience, but apparently tha's not tha case. Well said, Elysia, an sadly I cannae say 'tis the first time I've been less'n happy ta call one cousin.
