This is enough. I am so entirely sick of this behavior that I can't just sit idly by while this happens.
I am so incredibly ashamed of Liddia and Togashin, that I'm almost sad to be a Mystic Wood Elf right now. These are just
things, and frankly this obsession and conniving and covetous behavior over them is so quite the opposite of what our race is about that I wonder if perhaps the two of you shouldn't consider seeking out Race Changes before you do our race even further disservice.
Liddia, though you are not responsible for all of your actions, the Hero did not control your every whim for the last year -- there was a time where you were free of his grip, and you cannot pin all of this on the supposed "murkiness" of his control. Even if you were doing his bidding, you were conscious. You were present in your mind as you acted out his instructions. You know
exactly what you did. Do not try and obscure the fact that you've done many a wrongdoing recently -- you sold out many people and you did it not for any other reason than to save your own title and neck.
I ask you again as I did when we spoke after your trial: How do you sleep at night? How can you call yourself a Fallingstar with you've acted without any sense of nobility and what it is to be noble? The noble thing to do would have been to take responsibility -- to not speak the names of any and all others involved, for I think you know in your heart that you led the group to commit that crime.
I am not excusing anyone who was involved in that ridiculous scheme -- but you as both a senior adventurer and as a child of noble birth who is seeking to become nobility should have thought better, and should have been a better leader to everyone. As a noble (by birth) and as a senior adventurer you should have taken full responsibility and let the punishment be yours, rather than try and shirk it off onto the Emerald Archer. Rather than naming names and giving up any and all of the secrets in your cache to try and get away scot-free, you should have acted in a way to do both your family and your friends proud; to have raised yourself in their estimations, rather than lowered yourself. I… I just don’t understand you sometimes.
It is okay to make mistakes, it is allowable and acceptable -- but only when you admit to them and don’t try and squirm away from them.
As for the armor: You’ve no right to distribute it without checking with the group, and if no one had said a word, would you have mentioned it? I don’t know – and we never honestly will – but the fact that I doubt your integrity should speak volumes. If Cazik wants it and you feel he can both use it and earn it, that is fine – but he cannot just have such a vast and expensive token for free. We all worked and exhausted resources.
Some even gave up pieces of their spirits to your Liege’s cause – and they should see some recompense. The wise and honest thing to do would be to allow Cazik the armor but only if he can afford something akin to the cost in gold or items – something that can be put into the pool and redistributed evenly for everyone who was there and fought to their last icy-wind choked breath for you and yours. I think it fair for the price to be reduced for Cazik, as if you say he helped, I am sure he did – but it still needs to be fair.
You’ve lost the shield, this is unfortunate. I’ve got it on good authority this is an important token to the Fae, and to retrieve it should be your duty, and I would be willing to help you do so, but ultimately the retrieval is your problem as you lost it.
If you end up going on such a trek alone, well then you perhaps will see what your actions have cost you.
You can apologize all you want, but this is not the first time
you’ve promised to change, Liddia. I don’t feel that I can trust your apologies at all – for they must mean very little to you if you keep tossing them about without any kind of follow-through.
want to be able to be proud you are a cousin and member of my race, but you keep disappointing me. I
want to be able to stand by you in battle and not worry or think you will cheat myself and others out of either the profits or will sell me and those I care about up the river at the first sign of trouble – but more often than not, these concerns plague me. Every time things get hard, you wiggle and writhe and connive to get free as best you can with no regard for anyone else who might have come along only because they considered you a friend and wanted to help you. When last you made your apologies, I believed you. I will not be fooled again. I need to see something change before I will believe it. Good will and respect are
earned and you’ve done very little to earn them lately.
But these are more crimes of the heart – misjudgment and bad behavior. Nothing wholly illegal.
However, where Togashin is concerned, there is literal theft.
When Togashin named off the three scrolls he received, he did not speak truthfully. In fact, he downright
You can check his
previous accounting in the dreaming of the scrolls he was given possession of and when I tell you he spoke falsely, you will be surprised to know that the scrolls he was given were actually as follows:
Circle of Power (limited)
Spirit Link
Preserve Duration
The two most powerful and useful scrolls, and he casually forgot to mention them, naming two less valuable scrolls in their stead. One scroll I might be able to mark up as a mistake, but two? Togashin, why? They are bits of paper. Paper that can be purchased with the stacks of gold and silver you’ve been hoarding. Why would you steal it, when you could easily afford it? It is likely that you could have purchased the scrolls outright from the town
honestly and then none of this would have had to happen.
I demand you return the three rightful scrolls to the Deputy, and do so with haste before you make things worse. You are a Squire of Valdanis, Togashin. When would you ever think this sort of nonsense is okay?
As a note for Deputy Stoneskull, and whomever may end up dealing with this mess – I would ask that my share of this nonsense be given to Dramthin to help pay for the schooling of the Gepsum boys, who have lost not only their home and their family due to this nonsense. I’ve no real needs right now. I have all I need to get by and survive doing so.
This is sickening, and though the things themselves are trivial – I am angered that two senior adventurers – someone that others look up to and respect have tried to cheat and steal from you.
You should be angry. In fact, I invite you to be as such. They should not be allowed to act this way, and it is not okay for them to do so.
As older, more experienced adventurers they should have learned that these things are mere trifles and that more just like them will come again. Where these things make the most sense is in the hands of the less experienced. How amazing a new adventurer feels when gifted with an interesting item, or a larger score of the profits! Sure, it may seem silly, but so often the newer adventurers are overlooked by the hungry fingertips of the elder stock. I for one will not be part of this anymore.
Good adventurers are hard to come by these days, and I think it more pertinent to foster those who want to try their hand at it by showing them how interesting, useful, and great it feels to be in this line of work. Sure, it’s not always a party, it’s not always happy – but I think more adventurers would become great adventurers if they were shown the way by those who went before them.
It is unfortunate that many of our heroes left us too soon. But that does not mean we cannot try and be the example we saw in those who went before us. I for one am willing and happily able to go along with anyone who has need of my healing, Sight, and heart.
My door is always open, my hearth always inviting.
I will leave the Deputy and Sheriff to mete out justice, but I must admit that to see so many people just roll over and be okay with this behavior is very disheartening indeed. Stand up and be heard, for Dragon’s sake! I think much of our inability to unite as a town is oftentimes because we do not speak to one another honestly.
There Arkimedes. You’ve my ‘weight’ on the matter.