The questionable traits of some

I know I have been to wayside only once. Moreover, I know that I probably have no right to be speaking on this topic. However, I can not just listen to everyone putting them down like this. At your last market day I was the new guy. No one knew me and I knew no one.

Liddia, not even knowing me willingly gave me 3 swords without seeking anything in return. Yes, I understand the cost of these items are nothing compared to those that were "Stolen". However to me this goes to show her character. Her willingness to help a complete stranger meant alot to me.

Now on to Togashin, when I was trying to help in the battle against the vampires I was killed and turned into an undead. It was Togashin that saved me and kept me from dying. If it were not from him I would have taken a second death last market day.

Both of theese individuals have earned my respect. Even if they did commit the crimes of which you accused them we all have done things that we may not be proud of. There are dark times on the horizion and we can not afford to let this divide us as a town.
PoeticMisfit said:
There are dark times on the horizion and we can not afford to let this divide us as a town.

Well said. Well said.

Aeneaus, This is not dividing the town, the town was already divided. THIS is a step to changing things. In my opinion a subtle covered up division can be far more harmful than one that is well know and actively trying to be corrected.

And now on to other things. Elysia, I thank you. You have not only 'weighed' in on this as Ark asked for, but you have given evidence as well. Many of the town have had ideas of goings on, but have never felt like they have proof. You have given a scrap of this, and hopefully things will change.

I would like to point out that a Barrister is a great idea for now, however keep in mind that simple Auction is not always the best practice when deciding who gets items. After all there are some who do not seek wealth and still fight, even shattering there spirit for others.

Cerria, I understand that you must think that I was planning on keeping them. However I wrote that meaning that it was a thought in my head that I had chosen to ignore. Though you may not have known it, in the market days since that night I have sought information on who was there...with little progress I was disheartened and decided to wait a while longer. Indeed, as I stated elsewhere, I am using this as a time to correct this wrong that I committed. Not so that I can feel as though I have done no wrong, for I know that waiting this long to seek the information I need is almost as bad as never seeking it at all, but so that I can make sure that others know that I have them, and still intend to give them back. So, did I say those things because of Ark? Yes, he gave me the push I needed to. Did I say them so that I feel righteous and pure? No, I said them because they needed to be said. I am still at fault for not bringing forward the items in a more timely fashion.

There is much more to be said, but that if for a little later.

May you find warmth from Winter's sweet embrace,
Kevar Byrne, Standard Bearer to the Order of the Earthen Fist.
Yes Kevar, I already know where you stand on this. And now you know where I stand. Perhaps we agree to disagree and go on our merry way.

There is no reason to get harsh with your words, I was simply saying that yes a divided town is the last thing that we need. However with your limited time in wayside you would not have know that the town is already divided, as evident by the words of the many who have spoken here. So to say that we can not afford to let this divide the town is correct, but the solution is not to let it pass. After all, that is what has caused this division in the first place.

I did not mean to pass off your words, simply to let you know that there is no avoiding a division, for it has been present for a long while. And I agree, we need to work this out before it rots Wayside from the center outward.

May you find warmth from Winter's sweet embrace,
Kevar Byrne, Standard Bearer to the Order of the Earthen Fist.
It's unfortunate, but no less true that we are a town divided.

We are constantly losing battles (social and physical) because we cannot unite. This is because of actions like this.

I love Liddia and Togashin. I love them with all of my heart, as I love most everyone who has fought alongside me as I travel and adventure. It is true they have been there for me at times, but this sort of behavior has also been going on for far longer than just this one time. You can check back through the dreaming and see various accusations, and several apologies from Liddia about almost exactly the same subjects as we're addressing here. Togashin and I have made ammends, and I have accepted Liddia's apologies when we last came to the crossroads on these exact subjects before. I feel like they've made a fool of me, like they have acted dishonestly and insincerely, and that when I stuck up for them and said -- "Okay, they've made ammends, let us move on and forget it ever happened," that I stuck my neck and reputation out there to help cement the sentiment. But they haven't made ammends, they haven't changed. If anything, they've gotten worse, and I am through obscuring the truth simply because people are afraid of some angry words. We need to clear the air. It's critical at this point.

I may love them, but I can also be angry at them for acting this way. This is dishonest, and wrong, and if it doesn't change -- if no one seeks change -- then things will never get better.

Occasionally, people have to see the concequences of their actions. Why should Liddia and Togashin be exempt from this? Would you not expect that if you were caught stealing or selling out your friends to save yourself -- would you not expect to be brought to the carpet for these things? Do you really think it's okay to just let this sort of thing slide? Why? Because they can be good and nice people?

Well of course they can. Anyone can 'be nice'. Anyone can commit the occasional good deed. The hard part is striving for it to be the rule, rather than the exception. I know Liddia and Togashin can be good people, but are they good people? Are they living as the exceptions, or the rule?

I bring this up because no one else will. Because someone has to. I support these things with hard evidence, and though I am sorry that it has to happen -- it does indeed need to take its rightful course. Because I love them, and I think that this is best for them -- to see the effect of their actions. Because I love Briarpass and its people and its children and I cannot protect them alone. Because if we are to stand up to The Hero and Lurin we cannot be divided. We cannot have any hesitation in our hearts, and this sort of the stuff hanging in the air without being addressed will bring about the sort of split-second hesitation that causes people to die and get hurt. We need fewer distractions, not more. Solving these issues now is the only way toward it, for ignoring it hasn't saved any lives or killed any vampires yet.

I am sorry if you disagree, but the truth cannot be helped or hidden any longer.
Elysia is right, if misguided, there are far too many things facing the good people of briarpass for such strife to continue. Indeed I had hoped my peaceful offering to meet with many of you this last marketday would having helped us work through so many issues and present a united front against the real threats to Wayside. Indeed none of you kept you word, publically or privately, and when I followed up, deeming to lower myself and come to the deputy instead of demanding rightfully that he fulfill his words and come to me, we were met with distrust, and open hostility.

Those who know my history in these lands can no doubt agree, I am willing to be the token villian, the bad guy, when needed to motivate the town. I had hoped that your knee-jerk reaction and fear to our presence would bind you together, then I and Runir could focus on helping with the tasks outside the purview of the adventurers in town. Until you can work together, and stop thowing yourselves hatefully at those who mean to do you good. Can you not see that we strive, as we always have to build a united group that can serve to do so much good for the people, and for the kingdom?

Let me pledge you this my friends, yes even now we are friends though you fail to recognize it, I shall not appear this next marketday, I will leave you to work out this issue as you will come out all the stronger for it. Then perhaps in the near future a few of you will take the time to actually fulfill a promise or two and have a fruitful conversation that is not laced with the usual incants.

Until then my good and lawful subjects, rest peacefully in the safe lands I continue to work to provide you,

-Lurin, Eternal Archduke of Lower Wayside and its territories.
Perhaps I will just head back home for now. I hope you are all able to sort this out before the next marketday. To those of you who helped me out thank you. To those of you who fought by my side I now consider you friends. I hope fate treats you all kindly untill we meet again.

I will have this discussion of my Apprentice's honour cease. I will not allow you to sully my name by questioning hers.

If there are amends to be made, I will do so as her Liege Lord. For the time being, this woman is my vassal and is therefore under my protection; I am contemplating her situation and will convene with all affected parties directly.

Until such time as I have resolved her situation, any direct declaration of Liddia Fallingstar as either blackguard or liar will be taken as a reproach of House Hoarfrost and will be met with dire results. If there is punishment to be levied against my servants, I will mete it out.

Lord Anton Hoarfrost
Lictor of Planar Balance
Second Elemental Brother
High Master of Hoarfrost Manner
First Professor Emeritus, Imperial University
Master Venusian Formalist, Duke Cri'ea D'Fra
High Physician and Healer, ArchBaron Zelfli Aes'frii
Sir Hoarfrost,

It's good to hear that you will be speaking to the council of wayside and the leaf crown on the matter of your apprentice. You see I figure that because she has been stripped of her title as a Master of Wayside that they must need a serious talking to. Or threatening, whatever you prefer. You could also speak to master Fallingstar on the matter of the temporary suspension of Liddia's diplomatic status. I'm sure that once you vouch for her everything will be fine.

How will you do that? In most lands I've visited insulting a noble directly is a crime but questioning a commoner associated with a noble is perfectly within the law. I must say that these dreams have me wondering if I should reschedule a trip to your lands I had been planning for this summer. Noble lords should not be threatening their subjects with dire consequences when a vassal fails to earn the town's trust.
Mobius said:
I will have this discussion of my Apprentice's honour cease.
Perhaps you may be misunderstanding a bit, Lord Hoarfrost is an Elemental Lord, as well as his brothers Lord Cumlo Nimbus, Lord Barothin, and Lord Thorn. They are not the traditional knights or nobles you may be use too. In fact, they are quite different from say, a Knight of a king.

Squire Eldandiril Zanabanath
Apprentice of Sir Cumlo Nimbus.
Which means his authority is based on what, the usual adventurer standard of 'I can beat you up, so I outrank you?' Honestly curious here, as if'n he's no Lord ta Arbor or any o' tha surroundin' lands, then why would his vassals have any rank o'er any other adventurer with a trumped up title? No meanin' ta be offensive, but I'm a wee bit curious.

I did misunderstand and I thank you for the clarification. I find I have no sympathy left for those of you cheated by Lydia. Every adventurer should know better than to trust someone who is aligned with an elemental.
Eldandiril said:
Perhaps you may be misunderstanding a bit, Lord Hoarfrost is an Elemental Lord, as well as his brothers Lord Cumlo Nimbus, Lord Barothin, and Lord Thorn. They are not the traditional knights or nobles you may be use too. In fact, they are quite different from say, a Knight of a king.

Squire Eldandiril Zanabanath
Apprentice of Sir Cumlo Nimbus.
James Trotta said:
I did misunderstand and I thank you for the clarification. I find I have no sympathy left for those of you cheated by Lydia. Every adventurer should know better than to trust someone who is aligned with an elemental.

I shouldn't respond to a nameless voice emanating from the Dreamscape as any speaker unwilling to declare their provenance is either a coward or a miscreant, but I find this voice brings up important issues I must clarify. My position and the slander spoken against Liddia Fallingstar are the topics at hand.

I and my brothers are not Elemental Knights, we are Knights of the Elements: we are mortals who maintain elemental balance within the Primal Plane by flexing Formal magics, martial skills, and inter-planar diplomacy. Blood runs through my veins, not ice.

Liddia Fallingstar is my apprentice and, as such, her actions reflect upon me and my house. A Lord takes responsibility for his subordinates' successes and failures.

If my vassal is being accused of crimes, those crimes should be brought to my ear alone and I will dispense justice. My honour and rank as a Lord allows me this right, any other treatment of my subordinates is an insult to my House.

A respectful few have spoken with me about the actions of my vassal and I am taking their words into consideration. If others have issues with my House, they may speak with me alone; gossip and rumourmongering is the lowest form of communication.

Lord Anton Hoarfrost
Lictor of Planar Balance
Second Elemental Brother
High Master of Hoarfrost Manner
First Professor Emeritus, Imperial University
Master Venusian Formalist, Duke Cri'ea D'Fra
High Physician and Healer, ArchBaron Zelfli Aes'frii
Good sir Sparktet,

Correction, there are none of us who are aligned with elementals, we are aligned with Elves who fight to keep elementals at bay. It is also my job as much as it is Lyddia's and Lord Hoarfrost's to keep that balance by dispatching elementals back to their appropriate planes and taking them off our own.

Squire Eldandiril
In that case you are doing excellent work. Sir Hoarfrost and Squire Eldandiril, I hope to come wage war against the elementals with you before this century ends. Please see to it that your Squire Fallingstar's failure to earn the trust of the town does not interfere with your ability to recruit warriors to your noble banner.

Should any of you find yourselves in Icenia, I live on the Broadelm Farm in the Ash Forest. You are welcome.
Eldandiril said:
Good sir Sparktet,

Correction, there are none of us who are aligned with elementals, we are aligned with Elves who fight to keep elementals at bay. It is also my job as much as it is Lyddia's and Lord Hoarfrost's to keep that balance by dispatching elementals back to their appropriate planes and taking them off our own.

Squire Eldandiril
Sparktet -

Unfortunately trust is hard earned and easily lost if abused.

You speak the truth Padrig. I am not sure what I can do. I will try to regain that trust.
