I now believe the junior Huskies have been taken. They have not shown up in a circle so they are at least alive as far as I know. I believe it was the werewolf pack I've been tracking but can't be certain of it. It just as easily could have been Royalists - the colors and symbol of House Husky are likely well known to the Northern Duchy by now and both Ghauld and Lilian proudly wear their tabards. The last anyone saw of them was Ghauld asking Lilian to come help him with something outside the tavern. Then the howling started.
I am spending my time before the next gathering searching for them. Others have pledged their help as well, if you wish to assist please coordinate with either myself or if you can't find me Matron Locke.
Thank you all for any help you are willing to provide.
Zihr of House Husky
Squire to Baron Marciano Gibbs of the Eastern Territories
Confirmed to be helping in the search . . .
Squire Zihr
Squire Bruisey
Matron Locke
Cap'n Bel
First Mate "Tarzan" Faraan
I am spending my time before the next gathering searching for them. Others have pledged their help as well, if you wish to assist please coordinate with either myself or if you can't find me Matron Locke.
Thank you all for any help you are willing to provide.
Zihr of House Husky
Squire to Baron Marciano Gibbs of the Eastern Territories
Confirmed to be helping in the search . . .
Squire Zihr
Squire Bruisey
Matron Locke
Cap'n Bel
First Mate "Tarzan" Faraan
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