The Upcoming Town Battles

Because we 'ave people who aren't gettin' paid. I wish to remedy this situation. The counts 'ave no' always been accurate and just this last market day we 'ad people who slipped through the cracks. Now, this is no one's fault. It's difficult to know our numbers when we can't guarantee everyone is present for the count. This is just a simpler way of doin' it. As Gorka says, if you've got an issue then do it differently.

I'm curious though, why are you so concerned in the affairs of others? Wot exactly are you tryin' t' get out of it beyond stirrin' up trouble over a damned 'ead count'?
-Miss Sharp
Wraith said:
Because, Tets, would make theft 'moral'. After all, all who were 'there' were paid, da?



Perhaps you have a more effective way to be able to divide up the spoils of battle? If so, please - share. We could always use new ideas. Otherwise, what you've said saddens me. You used to be so happy, so joyful, with the occasional zinger, when I first met you and your comrades. Since the last time I saw the three of you in Wayside or Gaden, though... your jokes and wit have turned dark, and hurtful, and accusatory. What happened, Nikolai? What has made your heart darken so?

I was asking Deoman why he thinks people shouldn't get there fair share if they don't wright down there name.

He thought it would be a good incentive- and it would. But I think that's something to try out la'er, not until everyone knows about the list and we can make sure it works as it should.

-Miss Sharp
EricMarsters said:
Wraith said:
Because, Tets, would make theft 'moral'. After all, all who were 'there' were paid, da?



Perhaps you have a more effective way to be able to divide up the spoils of battle? If so, please - share. We could always use new ideas. Otherwise, what you've said saddens me. You used to be so happy, so joyful, with the occasional zinger, when I first met you and your comrades. Since the last time I saw the three of you in Wayside or Gaden, though... your jokes and wit have turned dark, and hurtful, and accusatory. What happened, Nikolai? What has made your heart darken so?


Has been long winter, Marsters. Is sobering when you inventory your supplies, and realize they are dwindling with no resupply in sight. Is part of why I seem a cynic, as adventuring is losing proposition. To face back threats that plague this sad world requires expending many things, none of which shall be renewed by the pittance of coin that is the material reward of those who put their lives on the line. Do not mistake my words for greed, but when all reward is pooled, only those with coin already in pocket profit.

Being concerned with safety and well-being of people is cost I will bear so long as I may, but does not mean others should not be warned to make decisions with open eyes and knowing what they do.

Thank you for your proactive comments regarding this issue Miss Sharp. It would indeed be helpful to get a list of names of people present for fighting to help in the distribution of treasure found as a group.

Arrin Fillrith, if you have an issue with splitting treasure up evenly between everyone you can take it up with Fern. Perhaps you didn't hear his announcement at the re-taking of the castle last gather but he made it very clear that those who find large items of treasure during town fights and secret them away without somehow 'splitting' amongst the town are stealing and will be pursued as such. Claiming that some individuals 'need' more treasure because they put themselves more in harms way is not argument. Anyone can choose to not take greater risks and expend larger amounts of resources, just because you choose to do that does not necessarily mean you are 'entitled' to more treasure.

How do you expect gathering a list of names can be used in a nefarious way Nikolai? If you have some 'substantive' concern by all means please bring it to the guardians or Fern and I'm sure they will be happy to discus the matter. Like good brother Marsters said your comments seem to be full of resentment and general dissatisfaction with any measure of current organization. How do auctions cause only those with coin to profit? Is profit only the gaining of magic items in your eyes? As others have said if you have a better idea to split up the treasure by all means everyone would like to hear it...

Deoman with regards to magic items how do you expect to determine what 'weaker' adventures are? I have heard of lands where even our most accomplished Wizards such as Kovu are considered a 'weaker' adventurer. Because Kovu is one of the most powerful earth mages here do you think we should reward her by not giving her the chance to buy or get magic items the town finds? How is it fair to arbitrarily give magic items to some without asking them to compensate others? At least when we auction an item everyone knows that they are getting some amount of coin in compensation for not getting said item or scroll. Why is it unfair to at least split the value this way? Most adventures who have the coin to purchase items in auctions only can do so because they have saved that coin for many months or even years. It it wrong for them to be able to realize the benefit of their savings by spreading it among other adventures who don't have as much coin and getting a magic item to use for a limited amount of time?

Once again, at a large gathering of everyone at the castle Fern made it very clear what the group split policy will be going forward on treasure found by the efforts of the majority of the town. If you have issues with this griping about it publicly in this place does nothing particularly constructive and doesn't really affect change.

I wish you all the best and I do look forward to seeing as many as venture out to this upcoming market day! :)

-Taloc, Treasurer of Forest Edge
Taloc, thank you for your kind words and level head.

My idea for compensating people who place themselves in harms way is because, as someone who focuses more on my studies then fighting, I see the immense value of having an accomplished worrier between me and the foes who wish us harm. I can understand if you think this as a bad idea, but before you toss the idea out, try taking on some bandits or undead without the help of said worriers.

As for my thoughts on making a pool for compensating those who use their healing items and the like to help maintain cohesion, I think back to my first encounter with the corrupt. I had been hit to an edge of my life and when I was revived by our dear Miss Sharp, she felt the constraint of the cost of things to ask for compensation. When I replied that that was unfair to give out help only to ask for coin after the fact she was quite annoyed. Though I stand by my sentiment that asking for compensation of deeds already rendered is a tad unjust, I understand where she was coming from. That is why we agree to split our findings before we embark. The point I am trying to make is that our pockets are running dryer and dryer. If you feel that handing out a few magic items to others is unfair to the whole, well how will I or any of the others who spend their personal coin to see the success of our endeavors ever be able to afford such things when we tend to loose coin over the course of the weekend.

On an unrelated note, it seems that these talks are becoming heated. This needs to stop. Those seeking to defend what they see as right, remember that you will meet criticism. Stay calm and persevere, words filled with hate will be focused on, not the message your are seeking to tell.
Also, do not just toss aside another's statement. This is both rude and is personally the quickest way to get on my bad side.

To all, fight well this market day. My gratitude to all the brave who defend this land and I wish you luck.
-Arrin Fillrith
Alchemist of Harbors Far
I remember the time you were talkin' about. It was earlier in my own adventurin' days, back when I didn't 'ave the money t' give in the first place. Not my finest hour by any means. In fact, I'd like t' formally apologize for my actions and greed that evenin'. Back then I was still worried about 'avin' enough food t' eat and a roof over my 'ead t' keep the undead from gettin' at me. The few potions I owned were wot I was usin' to 'eal myself, I wasn't used to talkin' t' 'ealers yet then. Really though, I am sorry. It only 'appened the once but it shouldn't 'ave 'appened at all. That is one of the few moments in my life I do regret.

These things can get 'eated, yeah. I know I myself am frustrated after all of the arguin' we've done. I mean, it's been goin' on for months now. At the very least I'll be adressin' it at the next town meeting. Really that's the forum for debates and the like.

I, too, would like to thank those who've kept their 'ead. It 'elps t' be bringin' the 'eat down for everyone when someone can speak their mind calmly (and I know that won't always be me. ^^)

-Miss Alyce Sharp
Taloc, is not that I see list being used for bad things. Is... how to say... is that treating adventurers like army does no good. Army is funded by lords, who have deep pouches to keep soldiers in equipment and supply, as well as wages. So splitting loot up evenly is no bad thing, as is in nature of a bonus.

Adventurers, on other hand, are essentially free army. Consider castle siege. From what I am told, Pratorak made smart move in asking adventurers to clear out keep, as they did not risk their troops and paid out nothing but things already lost to them. However, short of ritual scrolls and magic items which auction for what those with enough money feel they will pay, would bet that more was spent on equipment and supplies than was gained from looting.

My words, though bitter they may seem, are no such thing. They are simple warning to idealistic adventurers. I have served as conscript, as sergeant, and as adventurer, and seen logistics of each. Heroism is good and necessary, but they must realize that saving day will not often cover cost of doing so, and plan accordingly. Is given fact of life for soldier and adventurer that those with money and power will use what they have to gain more of both, often at cost to those doing the bleeding for their gains.

In words of my own first seargeant : "We fight for blood and gold. Our blood, their gold." To be forewarned and aware of cost of heroics, even while paying gladly, is to have resources to save another day as well.

Arrin Fillrith, to answer your point, everyone uses personal supplies and treasure in the course of combat. Many times you don't even use this treasure to help fix/heal yourself or your friends specifically. This is a basic cost of adventuring and I don't think that it is necessary or helpful to say 'those that fight get more treasure' because of this reality. Some fights require more treasure than others, some generate more treasure than others, such is the way of adventuring. But splitting things that we find evenly is the only way that makes sense to me when we find treasure as groups since many individuals contribute in other ways than just putting their life on the line.

I am glad you are not bitter in your heart Nikolai, but keep in mind that if your words sound bitter that is all others can judge you by in this form of communication. It is certainly true that more is often spent winning a fight than is gained in treasure. However a well organized and managed adventuring group or team can certainly gain wealth overall as time goes on. Furthermore while we may not be 'payed' and financed as a 'free army' so to speak, at the same time we are also free, which is a significant benefit over being a payed soldier. Everyone who choose to help attack and defend the castle did so freely, and anyone who chooses to go on our aggressive attacks against the corrupt also chooses to do that freely and may leave if they wish.

In any case for those that were at this recent gathering I enjoyed fighting with all of you, and while I do not know again when I will be able to return I hope it will not be too long. May all your adventuring be bountiful and safely fought!

-Taloc, Treasurer of Forest Edge