Hiya folks,
I'm happy to share the basic idea. I don't want to put out specifics until the Owners have formally adopted changes from the current Playtest round, since until then things are still potentially in flux and I'd rather not go through several rounds of explaining, answering questions, and having people work on various conversions for their characters only to throw it all out the window and start over if the Owners make significant changes after the Playtest round.
Here's the outline of what's currently set up: (a) take an existing Magic Item with its existing extender, (b) calculate how many "Ritual Points" you get from rituals that are disappearing/changing based on their difficulty and Reagent cost, (c) spend those "Ritual Points" on Rituals to replace the ones that are disappearing/changing, (d) calculate the new duration based on how many months are left in the item's duration at the time of changeover. Rituals that aren't changing (say, Endure Elements) stay as they are today. Physreps (with some exceptions as per below) should also stay as they are today.
If you want to drop a Permanence down to a Preserve you can do so to avoid the Spirit Lock.
If your rep needs to change to fit the character (for example, you had a Sword but are dropping One-Handed Edged), you can change the physrep to a new one of the appropriate type. If you have enough Ritual Points that you end up with more than 20 Rits on the same item, the "overflow" points can go to a new item (as a new batch, so you need to buy a new extender out of the Ritual Points if you want it to last more than 1 year).
Catalyst and NPC Only Rituals cannot be purchased with Ritual Points.
I hope to put out a spreadsheet once things are final to help people figure out how this all works. The initial Logistics changeover will be a pain, but that's primarly a one-time thing.
Because it's a point-based system, if you purchase something for a 1.3 game, you'll likely get roughly equal value out of it when it converts in 2.0. Low difficulty and low Reagent cost will not give many Ritual Points; high difficulty and high Reagent cost will give more Ritual Points.
Hope that answers your questions!
-Bryan Gregory