To Be Debated...

Squire Siril,

I didn't have control over the Gaden vault once it was constructed, otherwise, I would have limited it. Those that can be trusted, in my opinion, will be let in. I ask for people to chime in, because I am the first to admit - I don't know everything, and want peoples' input. As for enslavement antidotes - the idea is to prevent Kazzik from getting in. Once your dreams are protected here, you should be protected from it (does Kazzak have a gender?). I can't control if someone falls under some other beings' influence... however, keeping folks from being influenced by Kazzik is what I value most, and see as the best long-term strategy for use of this vault. Talking about other issues will definitely be a valuable use of our time, especially as it will be protected.

Thank you for input.

Circle Master Marsters
Squire Siril,

It is good to hear your voice again, I am sorry that dreaming for you has been difficult. I hope that you have been well. There are some logistics that will need to be worked out and I know that Eric is more than capable and we are here to help him, as he needs.

Lady FallingStar
Are we gonna add the people or is this gonna be our little secret dream-talk-room-thing?


People will be added after the coming day faire, once the procedure outlined above can occur, including the enslavement antidotes.

Circle Master Marsters
Circle Master,

Are those you asked to see the ones who will be added to the vault?

Nikolai and Jehan are not on it, did they do something I was unaware of that would prevent them from joining us?

Thank you again for all your work with this.

In Service,

Jehan and I already talked. We actually trade letters a few times every winter. Have for years. I know I don't travel much now, but I used to travel all over Fortannis with Jehan back when he traveled more. Ask him about the time we fought a dracolich sometime. Fun story.

Nikolai, well, I figured you'll be there Saturday, and that means he's never far behind, and it's one less message I have to send through the dream realm, since I know I can get five minutes of his time in person. I can add him to the list, though, for completeness.

Circle Master,

Thank you very much for you fast response.

I was just confused, and I am very tired.

No need to add him, I as I said was just confused.

Thank you again for all the work you are doing to secure this vault. Is there anything in anyway we can be of help with it?

In Service,

Any donations of enslavement antidotes are always appreciated. Also, not talking publicly about the vault outside of the vault is appreciated, as keeping the forces working against us unaware of this is key.


Vould it be possible to get Draco Ardele and Wild Rose added? I vill get them to drink an enslavement.

Jehan W
Have them come see me during the market day.

- Eric
Drinking an enslavement antidote maybe and better course of action.
~Aramis Seablade
I would like to suggest someone by the name of Banradi? I don't know if any of you know him, but he is a very nice Romani. :D

That's the plan! Have you /met/ me Link? You haven't!? Well hello! My name is Banradi Irani Moduri. I walk around a lot and study the Waystones.

I would contribute to this but I think this may be how Those who have ascended to Greater communicate...

In Service,
Thank you Link.

Is everything ok with Banradi?

Banradi- are you ok? You seem- a tad confused? Or have a missed something?

Link and Banradi- will either of be at next gather? It will be All Hallows' .

Yours In Service,