To Heroes Beyond the Mists (Plot hook for Season 2019)

Ryan S

The following letter is brought through the mists by messengers from the nation of Erabella. They share it with anyone who is willing to listen, and encourage those capable to make the trip.

"To heroes beyond the Mists,

"We write to you now in our hour of need. News of your exploits was brought to us by one of your own. Roff Rallentine told us of your battles against the Corrupt, and your heroic actions taken to defend your lands. It is that kind of heroes that we now seek the aid of.

"For the past year, we have engaged in a war for the liberation of the people of Erabella. In an important battle, we captured the capital of Tilmere, but the heavy casualties that we suffered have left us vulnerable to our enemies.

"We ask you, heroes, to come and aid us to keep what we have so valiantly fought for, and what so many of our people bled and died for.

"Yours sincerely,
Llassar Flint
Cerys Morris
Cardan Powell"
(Roff is seen walking around popular areas of the town talking to anyone he can get the attention of.)

Friends, Adventures, Fighters, Warriors, Healers, and all that care of the good of freedom, humanity, and good. As many of you have seen there has been a letter floating around from the mist and there is some information i would like to share on its behalf. I know that i have been missing throughout the lands of the sheltered for just over the past year and i would like to explain why and ask a task of all of you. Just over a year back i made an unfortunate mistake and mistakenly found myself in a new land, a land i have not heard of but a land i have been glad to find.
I "stumbled" into the land of Erabella but the land was not free not that the shelter lands was a whole lot better but these people who i have come to find as good.. no great people and there people who need help. One thing that i have found is something that i have experienced in the past through Gaden that i have found here as well is the will of the people. Common, Rich, Poor, Governor's and all in between have stood together and started to overthrow the tyranny that was oppressing them and its a fight that i deemed noble. So Nobel indeed that i decide to take up arms alongside them and have been fighting alongside the coalition for a year now. The costs were heavy and a lot of lives have been lost but through perseverance we have taken the capital and are making immense progress and while the capital is captured and the lands are starting to become slightly more stable there is a lot to be done the casualties from the war are large and our forces are weakened and there are a lot of people who still disagree with the rebellion mainly nobles who were benefiting on the behalf of the previous leaderships who have a lot to gain from protecting the name of the Pennoyer family that they still swear too who previously ruled the land.
I ask.. no i beg that you come and help protect this land they need your help i have spent my time i have done my research and on my honor i tell you this is a fight we need to commit too and a fight that i hope you will embark on with me. Llassar, Cerys, Carden are good people who can be trusted they helped found the coalition to tackle the tyranny and continue to do a good job to help form this new government into something that works towards protecting all citizen, but this is a hard task due to our current forces and why i beg for your aid and why we send out through the mists to ask for all who are able to come and help protect this land.
May you help our cause and do the good i have seen you all do throughout your time here.
-Roff Aloutte Rallentine Starshine
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I don't know you, but you appear to have good intentions and you seem to know a few of the adventurers I've come to know over the last year in The Sheltered Lands. I was planning to return to Wayside with Peter, but I think Erabella may be more important. Let me know where to meet and how to get there, and I'll pack up my shop and see what I can do.

- Cassandra

I find myself once again having difficulties remembering years of my life. Last year is all a blank, yet you standout as a cherished friend. I'm sadden to hear that you will not be coming out to Wayside. That our adventures will no longer mingle together. As my feet draw me out to Wayside and your to these new lands. I wish you the best of luck, and to those who travel with you.

Your friend,
Peter Dhugan
Well since there is free luck in the air, and a chance to see a new land's story start from the beginning, I intend to come out and travel with Cassandra then, hopefully my own meager history of Grand Melee participation can somewhat make up for the lack of one of Gaden's famous sons and famous top performers.

- Kallith

I do not commit lightly to a fight, especially one in a land I have never set foot in but if this is your fight then it is mine as well. You and your friends shall have whatever support I can give. If your friends might be able to provide some details, publicly or privately, I'll do everything I can to help.

Hemlocke Gallentine ze Rycha Voda

Do not worry, I do plan to return to Wayside for a visit at some point. Terna took me in, and I've spent almost half my life there, so I feel I need to return. I'll make sure Agate watches your back.

Roff, I believe that we have only spoken briefly so do not take offense when I ask for more information. I believe that I understand the stakes of Erabella's plight and I full-heartedly support oppressed people throwing off their yokes and rising up, but I am not certain what about this situation requires or makes use of the adventurers skills. From my experience, adventurers are most suited to search and destroy operations and guerilla warfare and it sounds like the time for those tactics is passed. Occupation and fortification aren't completely unheard of but it's not generally their MO. What about this situation makes it suited to the adventurers' talents?

Llassar Flint, Cerys Morris, Cardan Powell. If you are capable of reaching out through the dreaming, I welcome hearing your thoughts on this matter as well.

Zen Mallowbrooks

Hey it's Bruisey (the Barbarian that isn't Ragnarok) I have only adventured with you a few times but I am currently searching for Sara Fiona as I am her Squire in Ravensong here...While I do not agree with them here I hold this position in lots of respect... as I have a great respect for my Lady Knight. I will seek her counsel and search for her as last I heard she was going to look for allies in our journeys in Ravensong. Oh yeah I also got turned into a high orc since we last met...I would like to join you but must first search for my Knight.

Squire Bruisey Foemangler
Of course, my friend and cousin! Your cause is my cause, and if you need my help I will be there.

- Jamina ze Rycha Voda
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Great question there are many reasons there is a call for adventures and many ways for adventures of different features and strengths to bring a lot to this plight. Magic guilds for the casters and those who study the arcane arts. Merchant guilds for the crafter's who wish to sell there wares. But what seems to becoming more relevant currently is the slayers and seekers guild. The Seekers Guild work tirelessly to uncover the secretes of the past through treasure hunting and other forms of exploring which are prime for the common adventurer this is becoming relevant as we start to investigate the newly claimed capital and most importantly begin to explore the palace of the crossed blades which is known for its great vaults and has been occupied for quite sometime. Alongside the seekers guild we also have a slayer guild which is mainly responsible for hunting monsters throughout the lands and protecting outposts and whatnot. This is another place we could really use some support as recently they have been reporting finding pockets of undead popping up throughout the land and are currently fighting them down but still working to find out the reasons why this continues to happen. But beyond the monsters that plague the lands there are also domestic threats there are rumors that Governor Edward Foster of Bexley which happens to be the closest city to the capital could be working against the cause as he refused to join the siege of the capital or send aid or forces on the final days. There is tons of need for us adventures in roles that common folks dont have all the skills to address there is a need and i hope that the brave adventures of Gaden and the surrounding area can see a reason and need for there help in these times of plea.
-Roff Aloutte Rallentine Starshine ze rycha voda
I believe last weekend was the first time we spoke in person. You struck me as trustworthy, and what I'm hearing from the others confirms that.
If you've experienced this first hand, and believe it to be a worthy cause, the Order and I are more than willing to journey through the mists and do what we can to help.
Personally, I will be very interested in investigating and dealing with the Undead you've spoken of. We'll have to talk more when we have the chance. I'd love to learn anything you can tell me about that situation from your time there. Until then.


I found myself drawn into the Mists while dreaming, pulled by the echoes of memory in my fond companions from both the Sheltered Lands and Ravensong, to be deposited in this land of Erabella. While this may be a new and unknown place to me, its troubles resonate with familiarity. I find myself with a Blood Oath that must lie unresolved and a pledge to Guard the helpless in a dream-lost land, so I will gladly lend my talents to the aid of Erabella's oppressed in order to abate those pains. These rebels will have the support of my blades, as well as that of my indomitable Will and mental might as one with blood from the Lords of Sky and Earth.

I trust in the judgement of my comrades and fellow adventurers who have made it to Erabella before me to fill me in on the details and nuances of this new coalition government when I arrive in Tilmere; if their authenticity and forthrightness rings in my ears, perhaps I can shift my currently-homeless pledge of Guard-ship fealty to their service. I also yearn to hear more of this Slayers' Guild, and I have a particular hunger where corrupt nobles and undead are involved.

-Guard Azeban
well it looks i'll be meeting some new adventurers soon for most of the names are unknown to me. we will meet soon.

Iganeous Ironforge