Ryan S
The following letter is brought through the mists by messengers from the nation of Erabella. They share it with anyone who is willing to listen, and encourage those capable to make the trip.
"To heroes beyond the Mists,
"We write to you now in our hour of need. News of your exploits was brought to us by one of your own. Roff Rallentine told us of your battles against the Corrupt, and your heroic actions taken to defend your lands. It is that kind of heroes that we now seek the aid of.
"For the past year, we have engaged in a war for the liberation of the people of Erabella. In an important battle, we captured the capital of Tilmere, but the heavy casualties that we suffered have left us vulnerable to our enemies.
"We ask you, heroes, to come and aid us to keep what we have so valiantly fought for, and what so many of our people bled and died for.
"Yours sincerely,
Llassar Flint
Cerys Morris
Cardan Powell"
"To heroes beyond the Mists,
"We write to you now in our hour of need. News of your exploits was brought to us by one of your own. Roff Rallentine told us of your battles against the Corrupt, and your heroic actions taken to defend your lands. It is that kind of heroes that we now seek the aid of.
"For the past year, we have engaged in a war for the liberation of the people of Erabella. In an important battle, we captured the capital of Tilmere, but the heavy casualties that we suffered have left us vulnerable to our enemies.
"We ask you, heroes, to come and aid us to keep what we have so valiantly fought for, and what so many of our people bled and died for.
"Yours sincerely,
Llassar Flint
Cerys Morris
Cardan Powell"