Interesting indeed.
Ellie: I have lived for hundreds of elven lifetimes. I am immortal as long as I remain true. Take that as however you will.
Romani have varied lifespans, the length of which you are obviously not aware. I will illuminate you privately as to how I have lived so long, if that is your wish.
I was referring to the affairs of the Romani when I advised Kauss not to get involved. You misunderstood the assignment, doubly so, my dear.
When I referred to the greater Romani picture, I guess that wasn't clear enough for you. I was referring to the workings of our society, and that Kauss, wise as he is, has not spent a few hundred years living among us... he knows us well, but our face, not our viscera.
I was cautioning him against using potentially suspect information to figure our motives and processses, not insulting him.
I do not believe we are on opposite sides in this. I too wish to see justice done. It would be helpful if members of the nobility (Such as a certain Count) made themselves available to those of us that have questions, or even bothered to respond to correspondence (either in the dreamscape or via courrier.) at all.
I believe that Balryn will be hard pressed to find an unbiased jury here... with one exception.
I think that person has the objectivity to handle this, but I don't believe it of others.
Perhaps I see everything as cliche... I have seen too much, too often.
I do not take Balryn's side simply because he is a Romani, I take the stance that he will be unfairly tried, and summarily executed for crimes that were not honestly proven to be his.
I have learned this from experience well enough...
Time and again... I am growing weary of watching worlds tear themselves apart as well.
When I mentioned any information that was taken from a person defecting from a tribe or clan is suspect, I was commenting on Balryn's statement of (and I'm paraphrasing here) Being betrayed by a brother, or someone you cared for so deeply.
In my opinion, Yasmay and Aeris will, or have already done just that.
Taran is the ward of Aziraphel, and it is the only reason I did not destroy the unclean form that stood before me. Azriraphel and I have a deal... We don't attack each other's sons, and nobody has to die
Ellie: I have lived for hundreds of elven lifetimes. I am immortal as long as I remain true. Take that as however you will.
Romani have varied lifespans, the length of which you are obviously not aware. I will illuminate you privately as to how I have lived so long, if that is your wish.
I was referring to the affairs of the Romani when I advised Kauss not to get involved. You misunderstood the assignment, doubly so, my dear.
When I referred to the greater Romani picture, I guess that wasn't clear enough for you. I was referring to the workings of our society, and that Kauss, wise as he is, has not spent a few hundred years living among us... he knows us well, but our face, not our viscera.
I was cautioning him against using potentially suspect information to figure our motives and processses, not insulting him.
I do not believe we are on opposite sides in this. I too wish to see justice done. It would be helpful if members of the nobility (Such as a certain Count) made themselves available to those of us that have questions, or even bothered to respond to correspondence (either in the dreamscape or via courrier.) at all.
I believe that Balryn will be hard pressed to find an unbiased jury here... with one exception.
I think that person has the objectivity to handle this, but I don't believe it of others.
Perhaps I see everything as cliche... I have seen too much, too often.
I do not take Balryn's side simply because he is a Romani, I take the stance that he will be unfairly tried, and summarily executed for crimes that were not honestly proven to be his.
I have learned this from experience well enough...
Time and again... I am growing weary of watching worlds tear themselves apart as well.
When I mentioned any information that was taken from a person defecting from a tribe or clan is suspect, I was commenting on Balryn's statement of (and I'm paraphrasing here) Being betrayed by a brother, or someone you cared for so deeply.
In my opinion, Yasmay and Aeris will, or have already done just that.
Taran is the ward of Aziraphel, and it is the only reason I did not destroy the unclean form that stood before me. Azriraphel and I have a deal... We don't attack each other's sons, and nobody has to die