Duke Frost said:And the "resource" argument is pretty moot. We had plenty of NPC healers there to heal people. I even had PC healers jump in front of me to heal downed people and using their spells instead of the NPC spells.
I am only arguing this point from an IG stand point. OOG I could care less if it's padded or live steel. I said my CHARACTER sees it as a waste of resources. She doesn't distinguish between NPC healer or PC healer nor does she see the benefit of slashing each other up instead of using those skills for those who can't defend themselves (e.g. farmers, commoners etc) Also she's unaware of the all powerful plot team that will make encounters/fights knowing that PCs have used their skills in the tournament. Michelle noted that some characters have an IG problem with it and I am saying I am one. Does that mean stop the tournamet OMG someone is going to choose to stand out of it? NO that was not the point I was making. I was mentioning that I have one of those characters who as a whole refrains from tournamet to use her skills elsewhere. Would my Sarr do the same thing? Heck no. My wild elf? Probably would participate as well or at least enjoy watching. My soon to be dark elf? Sure. Gwendara? No she sees it differently. I think that sort of conflict breeds depth in characters and the game in general.