Town name ideas

Hey guys,

lets all put ideas here as to the town name. I'd rather we not go into silly zone with names like we proposed saturday night in our 1/2 drunken revels but maybe something we can be proud of years from now.

My thoughts would be to not name the town anything until weve kicked the pants out of the coruted and sent em back to their maker then climbed down there and played wiffleball with Quetz big stick and whoever is the causes's of this crap's head....thoughts?

A dhink we should fin' out what da town was o' is call'd when it not Fort Milla.

We also need ta fin' out what we ' it jus a place in da woods, we pay da crown (I dhink dat is da right term) o do we make our own law's? What we gunna do ta keep order? All dees dhings 'ave to be answered as well as gett'n a name...if we can even choose a name dat is.


I address this to you in direct response to your missive, however it is something that concerns us all.

Why seek to delay the naming of the town deeded to us for our commitment in the fight against the corrupt? Let it instead be a rallying point for those who have faith that we can succeeed, a ray of hope for the citizens who had thought themselves abandoned, and an anchor for the future we will build.

We could choose to call this area after deeds of the past, events that have shaped its citizens. I propose instead that we look to the future. I had heard the name "Hope's Reach", and while I do not know who first uttered the name, it awakens within me a sense of purpose. As long as we continue to hold these lands, protect these citizens and each other, and work towards a brighter future, hope will ALWAYS be within the reach of those who strive to achieve it. Hope will ALWAYS be within the reach of those who had feared the loss of their families and livelihoods.

Hope is probably one of the greatest things that we can hold to ourselves. Without hope, we are merely going through the motions. Regardless of the size, shape, customs, or laws, Hope will always bring any people through a crisis.

Laws can be written and changed, taxes charged or not, Lords and Kings bowed to or ignored. What makes a place worth having is the ideals the inhabitants and citizens adhere to.

I officially nominate "Hope's Reach" as the name for our newly acquired holdings, both as a symbol of what we have already achieved, and as a statement of what we will continue to bring to the lands we can now call home.

In good faith,
-Mara Glenbeck
Dhough I am a nomad and know of no home myself but dhe road and dhe open sea, dhe name "Hope's Reach" brings to mind a place to rest a weary traveler's head. Brings to mind a place where dhere is promise even when t'ings are nye all's Reach is good name for dhis land of sand, peril, and good ale.

Fortune and Love For All Who Stay,

Fortune and Love For All Who Wander,

~Ambassadore Marcena Cenkraea "The Dove" Idumea DagonGaddi
Romani of Clan Dagon
I second Glenbeck's nomination for "Hope's Reach" for it embodies our commitment to this land and to the fact that we will not continue to retreat but will stand and fight not only for those that call this land home, but for all those who stand against the corrupt. The time for falling back is over. Hope's Reach will be a beacon and rally call to all those oppressed by the corrupt!!! HUZZAH!!!

Proprietor of the Falcon's Roost
I'd prefer something more realistic, perhaps Final Hour, or maybe Forgotten shadow as a town name. Don't you people realize that without the military in town things are doomed to go down hill, if not now, definately after the respite? You people go ahead and pick a happy name, I'll be stockpiling goods and digging in myself.

- Hapen Julian, Third, and Final Generation farmer of Fort Miller.
Goodman Julian-

I thank you for speaking up and voicingyour concerns.

I have a question for you. You state you wish to begin stockpiling goods and digging in yourself. Have you given up, then? If so, why do you remain?

I and my comrades have every intention of filling in the gap left behind once the military pulled out. I will personally do everything I can to see these lands restored. The pessimists will note that I have not promised to restore these lands, or single-handedly make them safe again. That is a task too large for one individual. I instead pledge to work towards that goal, to build a new future.

If you truly fear that there is no Hope for these lands, then why do you stay?

I offer you a different path. Join with us, help us, allow us to help you. I cannot solve all of your problems. I cannot guarantee a good harvest, fine weather, or healthy herds. What I can guarantee is this. As long as there is one individual willing to stand up for what is right, and fight for a future, there will always be Hope. I will stand by your side and fight the Corruption of this land, even should it mean my death.

Goodman Julian, will you stand with me? Will you fight for your lands, which you have held for three generations?

In good faith,
-Mara Glenbeck
I think Mara's nomination for "Hope's Reach" is good - though, I'd like our new towns name to include the fact we do not intend to back down. How about we simply amend Mara's name nomination to "Hope's Resolve"?

-Tazoulti Strongbeard
Master Blacksmith
Nye, why should we name for battle? We are nye dhe only ones dhere. I would like to hear from dhe people who reside dhere, too. Give dhem dhe two copper.

Wit' dhe military gone, I do t'ink dhat dhe situation is dhe same as dhe situation everywhere else adwenterers roam. We are dhe cavalry.

Per'aps, we could call it someting along dose lines but at de same time someting dat tells of the people who protect it? Mehbey,

Adventurer's Stand,
Hopeful Innocence,
Hope's Trust,
Nadia Janan (Hopeful hearts),
Last Stand,
Final Fight,
Hope of Gaden,
Adventurer's Call,
Pushback Point,
Prince's Blessing,
Breakline Pass,

Just a few examples or suggestions.

Blind Seer and Teacher of Lessons
I Vote for Quilly... sounds good right....I think it's a pretty name and very fitting.

Whatever you decide to call this patch of civilization that holds back the wilderness, know this adventurers,and commoners alike the Celestial Guild of Gaden will stand behind you and assist as we can in the trials to be had. Beyond that, due to the declassification of this area as a military outpost we are now allowed to recruit those who would stand against the tide of corruption or chaos, or use their talents for the good of Gaden. We will be in contact, although i know both myself and Palo have already visited with many of you.

Jivah Earnestwood,
Journeyman Second class,
The Celestial Guild of Gaden
I personally don' like dhe ones like Final Fight or Last Stand...would nye wanna go to a place like dhat. Is like naming a baby "Dies Horribly".

Dhough, dhere is a ring to Pushback Point...
If da people of dis lan' dat are stayin' like da name to I dhink dat Hopes Reach is a good name. It even betta dat no one is really sure who say it first. Dat mean it sticks in da head good.

During the last market day, Mara Glenbeck did not resurrect at the Earth Circle. In honor of her memory, it was suggested that our new town be named Mara's Glen. This was voted on, and I believe there was only one vote for a different town name (Free Beer City).

Let's hear it for Mara's Glen! Yay!
Dang.... that sucks... Mara was good folk..

who killed her?

As much as i'd want to honor Mara's strengh and unfailing courage in the face of greater foes. I wouldnt want to do it in a way she wouldnt apreciate. I dont claim to have known her better than the rest of you but I think I had a really good chance to get a sense of her thoughts on this. I doubt Lady Glennbeck would want this town named after her in such an outward display of emotion. I think she would have much rather through her death be able to accomplish what she began in her last days. Mara wanted us to create a society, to forge ties with those around us, and to battle back those forsaken enough to challenge that society. I think naming a town after her is a show of resolution... but its an empty one at best. I think moving towards her goal is a whole lot more.

I say we keep it Hope's Reach as she proposed and fight the forsaken with the same degree of cohesion Mara would have liked to have from us.

I for one will be passing the collection hat next time i'm there for a small memorial to put up and dedicate to all those adventurers who travel here and shed their lives to fight this war.

See what I mean, already are we losing those people who assured us everything would be okay. Heck after this last weekend I'm willing to change my vote, how about 'McGregor's Rage' Maybe honor some of the farmers that didn't come back after his undead minions swept the farm lands friday night!

-Hapen Julian
Our friend Fern 'as a point, Hope's Reach now has a deeper meaning it vould seem...

I am deeply sorry that I could not have been there to help her back to the circle.

Mara di' wha' she alway did, go wit' some'ne who was going to get dhem self killed. Ta protect em, and keep em safe.

I know dhat Mara like da name of Hope Reach, but dhat was wen she was still livvin wit us. Gabriel tol' me dat she was talkin ta him bout settlin down, and fightin for all she 'ad to keep dis place safe.

Da dhing she no like bout da idea of For' Glenbeck is dhat it name afta an person who was still livin. And I dhink dhat as da first person ta come ta dhis place afta da military leave in orda to defend it dat died it is onla right ta name dhis place afta her. Mara's Glen not like a Fort Glenbeck, it soun like peace and res', it sound like a good place ta live and fight fo.

Name'n it Mara's Glen with onla 'elp us all ta keep her wishs an goals at heard...cuz evra day we be hearin da name an dhink of da price dat has/will/may be paid, an da hope for da future, and da courage of a loss frien.

Hope Reach was good, but dhere a betta one now.

Fo Mara Glenbeck, fo all dat she did, fo all dat she wudda done! Mara's Glen!
