I believe Mike means to state that the purchases were without limit, which isn't all that far from my experience (though if I'm wrong, I'm sure he'll chime in). As far back as '97 or so (in my experience), players of NERO could purchase "storyline mods" that essentially covered some action that was never physrepped (either due to laziness or lack of feasibility) some series of actions that the player takes as their character, for which they'd receive some amount of experience (I forget if it was 1/2 a blanket, 1/4 blanket, a full blanket, or what). There was rarely any limit put on the amount of times you could do this (though if you exceeded one blanket per day, people might grumble), and since it was up to each chapter to determine how much they charged, in theory you could charge a penny per blanket, call it "storyline" and it was considered legit within the NERO system. I can't speak to whether or not this was ever done with malicious intent by Joe specifically, but the practice itself in a way that differs from pay-no-play or gobbying wasn't unheard of.