If it should be discovered that one or more Outlanders had a hand in this unspeakable act, they will be prosecuted to the fullest, for those who would perpetrate such actions have no place in our or any other society.
No place, indeed. Yet is this action not representative of the culture of superiority for which we are all responsible for cultivating amongst ourselves?
We are the heroes. Our cause is righteous, and in the fulfillment of our cause we will neither bend nor bow to anyone who has failed to demonstrate to us that they are worthy of our respect.
We are the saviors of kingdoms, of empires, of entire planes.
We have seen more than you.
We are stronger.
We know better.
We make the decisions by which you will live or die.
Are we all in such a hurry to disclaim that which we have wrought by our own practices? We consider ourselves the greater; is it such an unreasonable step for one among us to think themselves greater still? I think not. Look to Fathomfall and behold a monument to our greatness that will be remembered for all of history.
This is the price of hubris.
This is the price of arrogance.
This is the price of ignorance.
This is the price of apathy.
This is the inevitable result of what we have allowed, or even encouraged, ourselves to become- yet when reality holds up a mirror into which we are forced to gaze we scramble to sacrifice the one among us who dared exemplify the values we espouse in a desperate attempt to appear as anything other than which we are.
Allow me then, to be the first to proclaim culpability, and to make an offer in turn.
Even though I was not present for the events which occurred I am guilty of perpetuating the pervasive attitudes of superiority which led to this conclusion.
Should the person responsible for this act, recently ascertained to be among our number, request it of me I shall offer what protections I can give, for I am responsible for my part in contributing to the mindset which enabled them to do as they have done. I welcome, but shall not require, to my side those who have the courage to speak their part in this.
You need not stand alone, for you are not alone responsible.
Sir Shikar al'Basteua
Knight of the Royal Parnan Order of Morgan
Baron to the Court of Andar (Retired)