Undead and the Romani


I have heard of a place vhere it is said
that the meer presence of Romani brings out thier dead
I dispute this claim, vith no due haste
I'll bring the vine, vith none to vaste
So I put out a shout both far and vide
for Romani to join me in Veyside.

So I travel to the lands of Veyside to uncover de truth. I bring my finest vine, my best humor and wit, along vit some of the finest lyics dis side of Valdanis. Come for de entertainment if nothing else, come for the great company and come for a sip of the finest spirits ever bottled (an I don mean the undead type :D )

I shall be there in the Valdanis calandar month of June, I am not sure vhat the local lands call that particular month but I vill go vith that.

Vill any of my kin join me there?

Maxwell Maximus Maldavia-Moore

Bard at large, Healer of the fallen, Producer of fine drink, Decipher of Dreams and all around good guy!
Mister Moore,

I'm afaid your kind will find a quite inhospitable reception should they attempt travel to our lands. I simply attempt to warn you far enough in advance, your caravan will find no fields to park, your folk will have difficulty searching for or aquiring any merchant goods from Briarpass and your status as a non protected race will put you on the wrong side of the law in any altercation with these good folks.

You, of course deny the mere fact that your kind do indeed provoke a responce of undead yet have never been here to disprove this rumor. Ask any creature that has lain in these lands to tell you the tale of Prince Quassim, ask them to tell you what scourge has been borne on innocent waysides behalf by the likes of Lyuba Vadoma Drabardi, Diklo Rudari, Marcena Cenkrea of the Dagon and others of your kin from the lands of Arboria. I can of course relate to you, in the intent of saving your tracking all these down, that they have brough out wave after wave of undead of increasing power and numbers.

I daresay they have left these scourges to be dealt with by the common folk and the adventurers and masters of wayside. Lord Lurin Tuhan, himself permanently felled and raised as abomination, Mister Quain also slain permanently, Master Runir, slain and enslaved as one of those he fought to defend against. Diplos Dame Liddia Liddia Fallingstar, Seer Elysia Moonstar, Master Nathaniel Brisbane, Mister Ryuhoshi of the Dark Elves, and GuildMaster Kevar Byrne of the Order of the Earthen Fist, Miss Cerria, Aprentice Firehawk, and many other; all have given their lives to defend the peoples after your people blithly ignored the signs and warnings and carelessly risked the lives of others by comming into our homes.

I warn you now Mister Moore of the grave mistake and possible danger you would be making when entering these lands with a band of Romani. Briarpass will not defend agains the horde you which will surely be at your heels as soon as you step foot into our humble demense.


Gordon Alister

(OOG this NPC does not represent the views of the chicago staff yall gypsies welcome! :))
Dhe gat'ering Maxwell is announcing is on my behalf. All are welcome, nye jus' Romani. I am holding a dinner and game tournament at Jara's Tavern to help raise funds for dhe school of Briarpass dhat needs books and repairs. I am nye charging, of course, but merely asking for donation if you like dhe food and drink. Of course I invite my brot'ers and sisters, but dhere is more to it dhan dhat.

Dhe problem of Romani bringing undead has been waning. Master Joe Thatcher (rest him spirit fore'er remembered), head of dhe Gypsy Free Wayside, as I tried to bring him spirit back to dhe circle told me himself dhat he was wrong, dhat dhey were all wrong. Sadly, I could nye get him to essplain as him spirit dissipated.

E'er I go to Wayside since mi opa helped dispel dhe curse o' dhe land, nye one undead has targeted Romanichal, save of course for dhe marhim vampire behind it all and him minions. Romani adventurers are dhe only ones innately equipped to combat dhis monstrosity, as I have found out for myself, and I believe dhat for dhis cause of ridding its citizens of dhis terror, many will hear dhe call and gladly lend dheir spells, swords, and shields to help.

Fortune and Love E'er You Go,

~Marcena Cenkraea "The Dove" Idumea DagonGaddi
Romani of Clan Dagon
I for one would hardly commit suicide by mixing with your kind. Enjoy the repurcusions on your on spirit. Your a foolish girl to tangle with such issues and you know your words are empty meaningless Rhetoric. Your facts are, at best, inconsistent with the truth.

Your grandfather, whomever he is lifted no curse, ive heard the story, he broke a cursed circle and helped you, himself and some adventurers to some treasure along the way. The undead repurcusions have not indeed been waning, you would you say that the 3 deaths suffered at the hands of undead upong your last marketday

Your people facinate me declaring anyone whom dislikes you Marhim, cursing a man one day and giving him fancy titles as head of a guild the next. A child, declaring someone a racial enemy, will your people ever cease to make a man wonder? You have such a sensational view of the world.

Gordon Allister
He destroyed him own family, did he nye? He is targeting for deat' him own brot'ers and sisters, is he nye? In Dagon, dhis makes him no less dhan a traitor to dhe Blood. I need nye be an adult to know a traitor. If ot'er clans have different guidelines, dhen by all means dhey may judge.

You deny my claims about what? Mister T'atcher? A chink in dhe iron, as it were advantageous to Rom to combat dhe evil plaguing Wayside dhat I am afraid to speak here aloud to non-Rom?

I mean goodwill and for a peaceful gat'ering of people for games and dinner for a good cause. Dhe town is invited for a free meal and entertainment, proceeds going back to dhem. I hope many decide to attend.

You mean ta talk yar ownselves up and make youself look good. Ya aint nuthin but trouble Chickee and ya been nuthin but trouble... someone oughta take care of seelin dat mouth shut once and for all.... We wont stand fur this no more. I dont care what Mr Allister says both these Marhims or not... yar kind aint nuthin but trouble and stealin and doing no good.

Jara mark my words... your tavern aint gunna be in business long if ya let dat gal hold her "party" so she kin strumpet herself around town like some sorta Regent over he whole lotta nuthing... WE HATE YOU GYPSIES GO HOME,,, and WE HATE YOU ESPECIALLY GYPSIE GIRL!

Jeff Goodwin
Proud GFWer!

(OOG Again this NPCs views are not the views of Chicago's staff we love out Gypsie PCs, hence why they get some much punishment.. I mean plot)
“We hate you gypsies go home?” It is amazing how many vays zhat one sentence proves zhis… man… knows nothing about zhe Romani.

Vere I come from, Goodwin, ve believe zhat if zhe undead are trying to kill you, you must be doing somesing right.

-Natalia Gallonovitch
well where ah come from its a bad thing ta bring troubler ta yar "neighbors" footsteps... yall are all alike! The gypsies aint dying killin these things... they bringing em to us and lettin others deal with em and die. Heck even dat disgraced lady mistress of Briarpass fought back and died... Twice while yar whole kin jest cried in dere wards.... ya aint got any knowledge of de sitiation so shut yar trap.... aside why would I know all I need bout yar kind.

Enough of being terorized and extorted by caravans full of yall theives... we finally got ya out stay out of Wayside


Tommy Dancer

(OOG again this NPC does not reflect the views fo Chicago's plot... as a matter of fact we'd be happy to have you all here in June :) )
So, you vould continue to speak in ignorance of my people, vhile telling me not to speak of things I do not know, vhile discouraging me from coming to find out zhe truth myself.. So… you vould prefer to perpetuate ignorance? Yes, zhat ALVAYS makes zhe trouble go away…

And you make vild accusations of my familia abandoning your people to die, vhile you vould expel us and leave us to be killed by evils chasing us, and have your people not aid us? So… as long as zhe evil is only bothering someone else, all is well. Out of sight, out of mind. Yes, zhat’s SO noble.

(Ah, beloved… at last I understand the true value of your Code…)

Enough. Hasty tongues display thoughtless minds. I can see zhis exchange could go on forever in zhis fashion, so I vill leave you vith zhis.

I applaud and thank zhe heroes, of all peoples, who have combated this evil. My heart and sympathy goes out to all zhat have died from zhis undead scourge- helpless commoner and hero alike. I do hope your land is purged of zhese vile necromantic creatures. If I am ever able to aid in any way, I shall do so.

I hope one day you learn to see zhe value in those who are different from yourself.

I cry too vhen I see death before me. I vould cry more if I knew it vas because of me.

Be strong me familia.

-Natalia Gallonovitch
B-but if the undeads are hunting your people, shouldn't you just dust them? I mean, I've traveled with Natalia lots, and I've -never- seen undead follow her around...or rise up from where she's standing. That'd be icky. Plus, she fights them, because they belong in the ground, not walking around..

Cora Rorii said that we should...crap..no, I know this..everywhere and always.....

Thou shalt make war against evil without cessation, a-and thou shalt be everywhere and always the champion of right and the good against injustice and evil.... S-so maybe you should find out why the gypsies have such a horrible problem, and help them fix it. Then everyone could be happy. And the Undead would be back in the ground, where they belong.

::laughs:: Ah, Mischief. I love you.

Zhat is exactly vhat zhe Baron vould say. And don't forget "Thou shalt respect the weak and thou shalt constitute thyself the defender of them." If an entire race of people are being hunted, many of zhem are most likely helpless and in need of protection.

Zhese undead definately need to be dusted. It vould be a vonderful court field trip.... ::sly grin::

I am greatly saddened dhat dhis has been met wit' such hostility. I meant for none, especially to Jara who was kind enough to meet wit' me to help organize an act of goodwill.

To dhe GFW, I know well and shall nye deny dhat you have suffered because of our kind. I was once used as bait to lure out dhe so-called Prince Quassim, so I am aware of dhe danger of being Rom in dhe lands. My only goal is to fix dhis before it ruins dhe town. It appears dhat Rom are dhe problem, but dhis is nye dhe case totally. We are dhe solution as well.

Peace Be With All,

Dey vords of the locals, especially threats to my kin, are not falling upon death ears. But dis has done very little to disvay me from coming, it has actually hardened my resolve to go. But I go not go just for my kin. I go for all dey people of Veyside who are threatened in body and spirit. I vill go to help put an end to this threat, even if I have to sacrifice my own life in dey process. I vill also go to entertain the people, lift der spirits and heal der wounded. I care for all peoples of Fortannis, even if dey do not care for Maxvell. I try an do vhat I can to honor the station that in the Great Cycle of Life has laid in my path for me.

Though, I am not a young pup in dey vays of dey vorld. I do understand dat even vith any sacrifice on my part, der vill still be those in dey lands who vill alvays look upon the Rom as a "Yick, can't stands dem!" race. But, if I can even change de mind of one, one person who looks upon the Rom vith new eyes, den I have accomplished something. For one person can change dey vorld, if thier spirit be true and der cause just.

Maxwell Maximus Maldavia-Moore

Bard, Teacher, Healer, many titles but alvays a Romani

My father was human
my mother a Rom
From Veyway I am sent
From Veyway I come

Trained in dey healing
much done in my past
My journey to Veyside
will soon come at last

So I travel, my journey
through life vill not end
Till the Great Cycle of Life
to forever vill me send

"Moore is my fathers name, he vas human
Maldavia is dey name of my mothers caravan
Maxwell is dey name dat my father give to me
Maximus is the Rom name dat my mother give to me
I accept all dat I am, both Rom and Human"

Boyoboyoboy! Would I love to check this place out! Mischief, you need to let me know when you guys are going and I'll see if Big Z will let me come along. He's making me study more now so I don't know if I'll "have leave to go" or some such thing.

I don't underztand vy having Romani in an area vould cause undead to attack. Ve are fun loving peoplez. Ow could ziz appen?

~Lanna Rose
Why aint important rosey... yall dont belong here in wayside... ive had about enough of you gypsies pretendin yall are harmless....how harmless can a bunch a thieves, baby snatchers, charlatans, and undead bringers be huh? Yall feign ya care bout these people but ya jest sit there and make fun of the dumb farmers cuz there prejudiced against ya... not once haz it cross yar mind maybe its true?

My Pa died cuz of them gypsies...my sister she got taken in too a few years back. He never forgave em for it. He said so right here in the dream world and now we got this chit claiming he was talkin ta her and apologizin and such... dat ain't true and jest prooves she's a liar and out to twist the knife of my fathers dissapearance even more. How DARE your kind keep insulting my FAMILY in the name of your honor and right? What have you done to earn anything?

Josh Tatcher
Aprentice Tatcher and Son of a Hero.

OOG- I swear to you these NPCs do not reflect the views of Chicago's staff , as a matter of fact come on down the staff will give you a hug pre and post resur.. I mean game. :D
Ow can you Zay ve are thievez, baby znatcherz, charlatanz, and undead bringerz? Do you know anyzing ov our culture? Do you know vat ve believe? I don't zink zo. You ave had a run in vith ze vong type ov Romani. Vonce you get your head out ov your behind talk to me again. I don't appriziate being called namez and I zink my familia feelz zee zame.
Lanna Rose said:
Ow can you Zay ve are thievez, baby znatcherz, charlatanz, and undead bringerz? Do you know anyzing ov our culture? Do you know vat ve believe? I don't zink zo. You ave had a run in vith ze vong type ov Romani. Vonce you get your head out ov your behind talk to me again. I don't appriziate being called namez and I zink my familia feelz zee zame.


You don't know what's happened here. Ever think that maybe there were some Romani that were thieves and baby snatchers in Wayside? Don't think you know everythin, shoutin across da mists. Here, in Wayside, Romani DO bring Undead. I've seen it. There's a curse on the land that causes it. Heck, here, the law doesn't protect the Romani. Its the same thing as places that have greenskin laws, and how high orcs are treated.

Deputy Garmok Stoneskull Rockfist
First Deputy, Briarpass, Wayside
Anymore dhan dhere were high orc murderers, plunderers, and kidnappers dhat inspired dhe most unfair laws 'gainst Greenskins in ot'er lands. My sister says dhat dhere are wrong type or Romani dhat have done dhese t'ings.

We are going to make dhis curse go away, Stoneskull.