Undead and the Romani

Amorina, My brothers and sisters,

I have heard of these blights on the land in Wayside. The curses of the undead and of this 'gypsy free wayside' have rotted the heart of the people and the land. I wish to help you drive them both out. I hear that the undead are as an arrow, shot into this place with every Romani footstep. Though pulled out by the adventurers who defend this land, the wound remains. The 'gypsy free wayside' have infected this wound, an oozing pustule that must be cleansed. Such bile has no heart of its own, so it lacks the courage or conviction to stop the arrows. It has just enough willpower to form boils and breed discontent while wallowing in its own mental filth.

I hear the cries of the Romani in this land. Our children's dreamings reach my own. There is fear and suffering in their hearts. I will not allow it to poison their blood, turn their joy to sadness, their laughter to tears. I beg you, gather together as much information as you can about the source of this pain. Share with me, and each other, what must be done. I do not wish to walk through Wayside and give this plague the satisfaction of seeing a single undead on my heels, so I will rift there. It will take a few months before I can reach you; the power it takes for me to forcefully enter a land with so few Roma is vast, so I will begin collecting it now.

To the excrement that rebukes the Rom: Seek out now the true cause of your curse. By hindering those Romani who pursue its end you aid the undead, making you necromancers. I will not barter nor treat with such maggotry so long as this blackened ichor continues pulsing through your withered spirits. Be rid of it and reclaim your dignity; I have no qualms about cauterizing the gashes in this land so that it may heal.

We can hunt down this archer.
We can cleanse this wound.
~Kerjal Obcidian
Bandoleer of the Laetshi
Brotherz Zisters,

Now you zee de strengh of ze hatred which gashes at dis land... pleaze yes join me in defending ze peoples and ze land against suchh grim words and falze acuzations.

Yez agreed Bandoleer... fuel ze fires of healing with your frightfull anger. Cow zem back into deir hovels and punish the injuztizes haz been wrought upon our brothers and sizters in ze name of Freedom.

Togezer we shall show zem de true nature of Romani unity.

I vill never rest so long az dese scourgez remain free upon ze landz of our forefatherz.

Luca Vanerling
Regent of New Buckland and Protector of Wayside.
The intolerance of an entire race over a curse that am probably not their fault am quite troubling. You should embrace your Rom as you would any other people. They bring song, love, and luck to any land. I know this to be true.

The one known as Irina am magical like a Rainbow. She am more beautiful than a sunrise, and her smile could melt da' very glacier that drift in the coldest ocean. She sell beautiful bauble' that can enhance your attractiveness and your effectiveness!

The one known as Natalia can become the mighty puma and bring you back to life with the quickness. Her song am so pretty it make tear' come to my eye. Her gorgeousness am only challenge by that of Elf garden.

The one known as Glorianna am have the huge heart and love for all. Her fasion sense am unmatched and her compassion could fill da' ocean from Moria to Tar'Navarria. When I see her I see determination and the beauty of star'.

Wynter Rose am play a mean fiddle and have da' grace and love of a thousand nanny. She take care of her friend, and make hard sacrifice that some never could. I am only just meet her sister Lanna, but damn am she pretty too!

The one known as Kai has the fearsome swordarm and hair that am azure like special Dwarf beer. Her humor am big like elephant. Her powerful belch ring through the valley. I belch back and we might get marry'. If we had pup that am Rom I hope it have green hair like da' Willow'.

Daniel make the fine booze that get you drunk real quick. Him sail the crazy river boat. He will bring a smile to your face quicker than a mongoose strike the snake. He am brave and have great jaw line.

Rupert am loyal and courage fill'. He can wear the crap out of a gigantic hat and make you wish you had one. Only when you put it on you realize how much better Rupert look in dat hat.

Larian am the stalwart healer. She hug so good. Her brown hair flow like the wheat field in the wind. I feel like I receive a Bless spell from the Arcane when she am around.

Sedupta have most amazing smile in all of Fortannis. I cannot even describe with thought'...it am amazing.

These are only a few name' of Rom that I have had the great happy time of travel with. Each of them an example of the beauty that am their race. Your government and noble should make it super high priority to heal your land and remove this terrible destructive taint from it. Put your most intelligent guild master' and thinker' to work! Do not act like baby and remove their citizenry because you don't want to deal with your problem. That am disgusting. I am very sad for you. To be without a Rom in your travel am to be without hope.

If the mist ever open to your land and I have the opportunity to visit I will not be shy about these opinion'. Rarely to I dream this long, and never do I say stuff that I won't say to anyone face.

-Tetsu Menggosok Tarang
Arkelian Hunt
Court Member, Barony of Ash Forest

Even viz ze zort time knowing you I know you are a good being. Zank you for ze kind vordz. I'm zure all Roma who read ziz vill feel ze zame. Wynter vill be 'appy to hear zat you've zaid ziz about her.

Your friend,
Let me begin by saying this. My name is Kevar Byrne, Standard Bearer to the Order of the Earthen Fist; based out of Albor currently, though operating heavily in Wayside. I am the apprentice to Brother Thorne, Elemental Knight of Stone. I have learned much from my late Guildmaster Lurin Tuhan, and Master of Arms Runir. I usually don't describe it like that, but at least I have introduced myself and a little of where I am from. Now onto the part after the introduction. And read it all, whether or not it is addressed to you or not. Perhaps it will help you understand a little more.

To those who have never been to these lands yet voice their opinion like fact,

Let us look at this from another perspective. You have never been here, you have never died here, you have never coward in an Earth circle hoping that your child will find his way safely back into your arms. THIS is why the GFW exists. It is of the people that have been stricken with fear, decimated by a curse that they most likely do not understand. Am I saying that they are just? By no means...but they come from a land where the Romani's presence has not been just to them. To say that they live in ignorance is ridiculous, because you yourself are speaking from purely that. You KNOW NOTHING of these lands except from second or third tellings. The people of Wayside will agree with you, the Romani are a joyful and...colorful people, but that does not mean that they are willing to greet each one of your race with a warm smile and an apple pie.

This is a situation that has more layers than an onion, and more confusion around it than a Biata in a Ward. To think that you would understand it and be able to speak on behalf of your race in these lands after only hearing of this situation though stories is absurd.

I do not mean to come of as ignorant or hateful, simply practical. Yes there is, or was, and curse. Yes it is, or was, DIRECTLY tied with the Romani. If you think this is not true, that is fine, but you are telling yourself a lie.

I hope that I have come across as forceful. And I hope you do not take that as anger towards your people. I only with for you to understand why it is useless trying to prove the purity of your people from deeds done in other lands.

To those who have lived off these lands for generations, GFW and others alike,

You all know me by now, or have heard of me most likely, as I have been to Wayside many times. If I have not met you yet, my apologies. Feel free to come by the tavern on the next market day and introduce yourself over a pint of ale, on me of course.

You have been stolen from by the Undead, I speak not of possessions, but of life and kin. Yes these undead have been tied to the Romani for longer than I have been visiting your lands. And yes, the Romani who continue to come to these lands have fought and died to slay the undead menace. Whether you believe me or not, I have seen it with my own eyes. Marcena herself helped fight through Quassim's lair and watched as Master Lurin plunged a Stake of Woe deep into his chest.

Does this mean that she, or any Romani, have lifted themselves above this curse by their very deeds? No, because still the undead came, in pursuit of the Romani's blood. But does this mean that they have fled and wish only to live their lives in Wayside, allowing others to be stricken with grief over the undead presence? No. Every Romani that I have met at a Market Day has stood their ground and sought to end this curse.

DO NOT take my words as justification for hating or loathing the Romani. I am simple stating the facts as you have all experienced them, and as I have. The Romani are indeed a wonderful people, and in other lands they flourish. Every Romani that I have met in Wayside, and had the time to speak with is plagued by more than just the thought of the undead hunting them. They are also plagued with knowing that innocent people may be hurt by their very presence in this land. But, hear me out on this, THIS is why they continue to venture to these lands. To focus on why, and how this curse has come to be tied to them.

I don't know how much more I can stress the fact that I do not approve of the GFW's outright hatred of the Romani people in Wayside. However I am a man who was taught at a young age to look at the source of peoples actions, their reasoning. So to those of the GFW, I understand why you feel the way you do. If I was from this place I can not promise that I would not feel the same way. I do not wish to crush you, destroy you, kill you, or any other brash action. In fact I will defend you to the end of my life if there are those who are attacking you simply because of your beliefs. You have gone through more hardship than I ever hope to go through. And after all that, I must still confess, I do not approve of your actions. Let me end with this, as I am long winded it seems, and my point to the GFW may be lost. I do not agree with you, but I understand you. I do not agree with you, but I will defend you. As my father says, "Just because you don't like the way a man treats his wagon, doesn't mean you aint gonna help him fix the axle."

To the Romani that reside or visit Wayside on a regular basis,

You know what this curse has done to the people, and you know what it has done to your kin. You continue to venture to Wayside, and risk your lives for these people. Though at the same time risking their lives as well. You are truly at a cross roads. To help, means to endanger; to leave, means to condemn your kin to this curse. I ask only this, keep in mind that everything you do is watched. Your presences saves and destroys. I can only say that you are truly burdened by this in every aspect, and that I know this.

That is all that I have to say, for now at least. Contact me privately or publicly if you wish further clarification on what I have said. I am not taking any side, not because I am afraid to, but because the sides have already been taken. With no one in the middle telling the other side a different perspective. If I came off like I had a particular side, my apologies. My motive for this...well...rant, is this:

I wish to fight the undead scourge to the threshold of wherever they came from, I wish to avenge the deaths of my friends, and I seek to lift this land of the true curse that has guided all this into place. This can not happen if there is not a seize fire of blame, people will continue to die at the hands of the undead if we continue to bicker like children back an forth. I don't care if you become friends or not, but join together and fight this common enemy. Shout at each other about who set the barn on fire after the fire has been quenched!

Humbly, as a man at the end of his wits with only the peoples safety, and vengeance in mind.

May you find warmth from Winter's sweet embrace,
Kevar Byrne, Standard Bearer to the Order of the Earthen Fist.
Perhaps I should clarify slightly. Though I have many friends who are Romani, it is in this land that you tread lightly, at best. The people of Wayside have endured unimaginable hardship because of this Curse.

May you find warmth from Winter's sweet embrace,
Kevar Byrne, Standard Bearer to the Order of the Earthen Fist.

I had no doubt that you did, my response was not to the Romani that have come to travel frequently to Wayside. I am very distracted at the moment, my apologies for not making that clear. See you soon Marcey.

May you find warmth from Winter's sweet embrace,
Kevar Byrne, Standard Bearer to the Order of the Earthen Fist.