Using a tent?

But you didn't come out and play with us. We kinda grumbled when we saw the ward. I did get you the next night I assume.
Ah you were the coward caller :), I figured being wardless would of made me wayyyy to tempting of a target lol and I figured a poor earth caster would be ill suited for coming out and facing you by himself ( though I was tempted) and the next night I think you missed me by about 10 minutes, I made it to my tent a few minutes later I hear screams and yells . Thanks for all the hard work you npcs do, you make the entire alliance experience amazing!
Oh I wasn't calling you out. I was there waiting to play. ;)
ahhh my mistake did not realize " come out coward" was code for come out and play, one day I shall learn the language of this land :)
I divert to Ray's comment about me and traps.
It very much did add to the effect and was in a good spot.
Glad the spot worked out and the tent was not obtrusively breaking the feel of the area. I hope to pretty much be in that spot each event unless for some reason its needed for a mod.
Must admit the space is nice I think I could fit another 2 or 3 queen sized air beds in there with out problem's lol, as it is have a couple tables and chairs :)
Mine is almost done. Just a few more eyelets on the doors for closure, and then mixing and the waterproofing compound. still. thinking through heating. I made a blanket of fleece and faux animal fur which should mostly take care of it.
Make sure to have several blankets and something to throw on the ground to add insulation between yourself and the floor its going to be chilly.
Curious question: as a tent is personal property, can it not be robbed of IG items if unprotected? IE: I set up my tent, I don't want people in it, tracking dirt and fingering through my stuff, but I obviously have no IG place to store my IG items and tags when I'm not carrying them. Can Joe Rogue not grab a rogue marshal and rob me blind by virtue of rule loophole?

Unofficial answer to an old question (I am a rogue marshal, but not a rules marshal to give a final okay here), but one where I feel some clarification is important.

I will say that having "marshal notes" as an approach here is a PITA if you have a trapped chest that needs to be dealt with, traps inside of the door, locked partitions, or anything else that is at all unusual beyond "everything is on the table." You also would need to be *absolutely* faithful about where the tags are placed: dropping your sword right after entering the building or putting it on your bed is not sufficient and could be construed as cheating.

Basically once you set up the tent it is an in game location and gets treated accordingly. Even with marshal notes they will not be read under the standard policy until the rogue has already opened the door and entered the structure, since this is the first test of any traps you happen to have, and there's also the matter of if you are in there they still need to be able to enter and kill you–which they can do without a rogue marshal while you are asleep and in which case marshal notes don't even enter into it.

Basically if you set up a tent, expect that it can be entered by a rogue marshal and by players looking to rob you of IG items.
I understand just like a cabin a pc /npc could try to come in and rob/ kill my character just hope if it happens they are respectful enough not to drag in dirt/ mud and try not to do any real harm to items inside Which from what interactions I have had with pcs and npcs in this group I am sure they will be.
Since a Rogue Marshal has to check your Marshal notes before anyone enters your tent, you could also consider writing an OOG note on there asking players to please wipe mud off their boots before entering. People really are nice in this game -- but I know that, not being a tent camper myself, that idea would never even have occurred to me. Can't hurt simply to share a polite request/reminder.
