v0.10 - Poll - Perception of existing character enjoyment

If v0.10 were rolled out today...

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I'd have to disagree with both of you. Have a wave battle with multiple casters, heck make it all casters. They win. Range is >melee in that I can get to you before you get to me. That is why, in Brian's example the fighters have a ranged attack.

I notice you said "casters" and not "archers." There's a distinct reason for that. :P
We will have to agree to disagree on this. In 20+ years of playing, including 7 years as a Fighter (a number of years ago) and tons of time double-hooking or running Plot and playing a Fighter-type monster, I just haven't seen the scenario you quote actually play out on the field (with Pin and Bind in the place of what you describe) without something else happening along the way.

I have had the opposite experience, and will need to agree with Wolsey. Until I had a considerable number of Cloak items, I spent the majority of my time in combat CC’d from spells or alchemy. The experience was so miserable that I switched to NPC’ing for several years because it was utterly unfun to spend most fights counting to 10 minutes. My very first encounter of my very first Alliance game actually resulted in my shield being Shattered, me being Pinned, and then Weaknessed. No one wanted to waste restoratives on me because I was a first level character, and they felt they should save the resources for higher level characters. So I just got to hang out and do nothing. If it weren’t for the fact that people in my D&D group had invited me, and continued to play in future games, I absolutely would not have gone back.
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Having watched polare wreck many a melee, npc and pc. I feel I can say he is wrong in this. :p

....this is the conversation that's going to keep me up until 4 AM Friday evening, isn't it. This is the one.
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