Johnathan Lancaster said:
To be fair, Derek, her being a gryphon cannot be helped. Why condemn her for something that she cannot change? In my heart, I believe that holding ill will and murderous intent against a creature simply because of what it is appears very wrong to me.
Do you really want to kill something for simply just being? Is that a just cause?
I would beg Johnathan, that it is. Both you and the nobility of this land have recognized creatures of chaotic and necromantic ability to be vile monstrousities that must be purged from the realm at all costs. Griffon or Gryphon- I would refer to them as Griaoank, creatures from the ether realms from which all chaos energy flows. This is simple fact. Several people in town have seen it first hand.
The creature spews forth pure chaos. Rather than have the ability to draw from Chaos- it's body contains it like a sponge. It's body is created from the parts of other creatures, held together by energy to which you cannot even comprehend not being an earth caster, a formalist, or someone who has traveled the realms of chaos and order trying to keep these creatures from contaminating this prime realm.
If creatures of chaos should not be killed Johnathan, then you may as well be preaching that creatures such as the Liche walk around freely because they currently do no harm.
They do harm. The presence of chaos energy unravels the weave and the primal forces of the earth. It contaminates the water you drink and the air you breath. A single drop of blood from these creatures is so powerful that it can drive you insane from merely touching it to your lips.
There are riders amongst several races that hunt these creatures down and kill them on sight. There are those amongst the earthen races that maintain the balance of nature by destroying the embodied presence of chaos.
I have met a great many creatures, Liches, Chaos Elementals, Chaos Ogres, Hydras, and now the forces of the Stregga that embody chaos energy.
The nature of such creatures is evil. They may have extremely pleasing personalities - but the mere presence of such monstrosities destroys the realm. If Dierra wishes to openly and publicly support creatures such as these, then she places into question what forces of the chaos realms she is willing to consider good.
Furthermore, these creatures are capable of extreme mental abilities as they grow older. Including the ability to spew forth even greater amounts of chaos energy and the ability to enslave minds almost at will. As her daughter matures, *it* will consumes those who stand against it, create a nest for more of it's kind to come into being... and then cast aside the facade of order that it has laughingly acted out to lure such gullible individuals into protecting it.
At this point, I don't need to kill it. If you all want to die then so be it. Suicide is a personal choice in these realms.