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Captain Quicksilver,

I hope you enjoy your stay here in this backwards little town. If you should require anything like healing and such, I can help you out with no charge unlike other places.

Balryn, I do not appreciate you twisting my words. I said "The law is the law. When you are in a land, you follow that land's laws."

Common law is a way of ensuring order. For one who supposes about chaos beings, you seem to not realize the chaos you, yourself, spread.

As Jarax has mentioned about healing. I am also willing to give you free healing.

Diera said:
Balryn, I do not appreciate you twisting my words. I said "The law is the law. When you are in a land, you follow that land's laws."

Common law is a way of ensuring order. For one who supposes about chaos beings, you seem to not realize the chaos you, yourself, spread.

I have no qualms with you except for the fact that you adopted a chaos creature and and made it clear that no gypsies were to be allowed in the healer's guild. If you really want to infer that anyone is spreading chaos... then perhaps you should look at the reasons why you barr my family, most of whom have advanced healing abilities from joining the guild. Why would you barr someone such as myself who is the guild head of another healers group and has membership in over a dozen. You should also heavily examine why a creature who spews forth natural chaos and enslaves minds was adopted by you.

From my experience with Gryphons, I doubt that you are even making your own decisions anymore.

Let us disregard that both you and Kauss are hypocrits. You say you support the law, yet in places like Ironwood you cheerfully walk in and kill the ruling class and then leave the commoners to suffer the penalties of your actions. How does it feel to kill Dierra? Could you not just talk through your motives and work with a system of government different than your own?

I have no qualms with you. If I did I could be rich by now. In less than six months I have turned down no less than seven different offers to put your head on a platter. One of those offers exceeded a hundred gold crowns. I'm not sure exactly how you manage to annoy so many people so quickly. I heard someone tried spreading your body parts out on your own doorstep... apparently not everyone is turning down the contracts.

But I unlike you... actually adhere to the law when traveling through other realms. I am not a murderer. I don't kill rulers because I disagree with them. I actually do *work within the system* or I leave. Sometimes those systems are woefully flawed and the only true quality that keeps them working is goodwill and goodheart.

Rather than at least provide the dignity of some respect, many townsfolk told me how they tried to support my family during Mykells trial. Many of those same people didn't realize that I heard conversations later that they thought were private. If you want my family dead.... come out and say it in public. Show some spine.

There was no law carried out. What was carried out was a sick and twisted group of people trying to carry out personal vendettas while trying to keep neutral or even positive relations with my family.

"The law is the law"

I did not take your words and twist them. It is a simple statement. I was just leaving off the part where you were lying. What you really meant to say was that "the law is the law, except when I disagree... then I'll kill you and leave your town to the hordes"

Who is the one spreading chaos?


Well, we seem to have gotten off the beaten path, Captain Quicksilver, Welcome.


Your words ring with lies and falsehoods. When ever has a gypsy acted with grace, honor, or mercy? You ask of us what those of your self-proclaimed important blood would not grant. Mykell has proven himself time and again a man of ill intent at best. Since he has set foot in our town, Crocevia, he has been nothing but trouble. Do you think you are the only one who watches? He has harassed women and those of position. He has stolen from the Ducato. He attacks children and bullies citizens. While he has certainly raised a sword in battle when the town has on occasion come under attack, one wonders if it was not simply to save his own life. I pushed for swift and early punishment, but my peers and other adventurers spoke of patience and forgiveness. Do you think these issues recently addressed are the first complaints about Mykell that have found their way to the Sindaco? You and your ragtag family have been given many chances, have been forgiven much. Even when I was in authority in this town I took no action against Mykell, justified as I would have been, in the name of peace and attempting to mend a generation of hate and loss. It was these Merchants, these Adventurers you speak of so disdainfully, who spoke in defense of your family and pleaded that none of that damnable gypsy blood be spilled.

Yet again gypsies have come forward and proven that they have no regard for life, honor, friendship or allies. You speak of all this help that you and your kin have done to help this town. Would that help have been when we raised forces against the treacherous necromancer Raphael? No, none of you were present, yet later that night there were several reports that you and your family had become undead; vampires, a condition that may not even be rectified. Or perhaps you refer to the restoration of the Chaos Vale? As the tale is told Mykell had to be browbeaten into coming along. Or were you there when Scavenger Row fell? I do not recall seeing you there at that battle either. Perhaps you helped to relocate the displaced Scavengers at least?. again no. Do you perhaps mean you assisted in clearing the name of our beloved Sindaco when those who would pull strings from shadows to have him put to death for crimes that were not his own? I know Derek Ironhammer was involved, but not of your blood at the time? at least to my understanding. I have no knowledge of you dealing with wayward Beachcombers. Or perhaps you speak of your protections of the Orphanage, my Orphanage, that I built and support? Falsehood, the gypsies have no animals there. Stay away from the Orphanage.

What exactly is it that you and your kin have done for this town? What wonderful service shall we now be missing? The kidnapping of young girls of the Earth Guild? I am only seeing boon under your threat, no loss. Undoubtedly you will arrange for what allies you have left to attack us and then you will point and laugh and feel important and justified. Or perhaps you shall band together with the Strega in order to teach us our lessons, that is, if you have not already chosen to fight under her contemptible banner.

Perhaps you are not in the Earth Guild because your loyalties would be divided? Perhaps you are not in the Earth Guild because you have demonstrated a disregard for authority and clearly have no intention of swearing fealty to her Grace and the Ducato. As for creatures of Chaos? Which creatures are these that are citizens? I know of none, unless you mean the poor Mystic Wood Elves that were once tainted by chaos and that was hardly their fault. Or perhaps you mean the Griffon? Not a citizen.

Balryn, Mykell... return my brother to me and then we can speak of what you want, of how you want this town to treat you and your kin. Return Troia her heart, love, trust. Deliver to me my beloved Luisa. Free my daughter?s spirit from her eternal torment at the hands of the vile Strega. Undue what you and those of your blood have done. Correct the injustices and tragedies caused by what those of your blood set in motion. Fix the confusion, hurt and destruction that your family has wrought, or at least do more than the aged Papa Deyeva has done and acknowledge the crimes that your people have perpetrated against fair Crocevia and those that live here.

You should be thanking them all for not treating you as your kin treated mine and others of the town. Return to your garish vardas and be glad that the people of Crocevia do not hunt and torture you as your kin have done to us. I would think twice before you wag your slanderous tongue again Balryn, for the next time you swell with hubris and claim more than could ever be true, your challenge may be accepted. Where would you be without your brother? Your friend? Your love? Your child? Your family? I know what is to loose these things. You should hope that you never do.

Most sincerely,

Augusto Coralli
Thats it, this has really gone far enough. The prejudice that pollutes these dreams is enough to make me sick. You should all be a shamed of yourselves. Are you all so blind as to not take one look at what each other are saying; have you taken one moment of your time to consider where each other are coming from? Maybe all the statements made are not true, but instead of bickering, have any of you thought about getting together and correcting the misconceptions, working together. You rip Balryns opinions apart, but do you ever stop to consider why he feels the way he does? Did you ever stop to consider the grief one feels after not one, but two members of your family are killed. Can any of you tell me that you would not have a bitter view of the world around you if that were the case. To some people's eyes what Mykell got was what he deserved, to others it was not. Either way, the punishment occured, and Mykell lawfully took his punishment. Further, for the record, other then Mykell, no other crimes have been reported done by any members of the Laetshi Tribe. Not only that, to say that they have not assisted in this towns defense in utterly ridiculous. Yasmay, Kerjal , and Derek have founght by my side in defense of this town on more occasions then I can count. They are my family, and to claim they have not worked to better this town, is to claim that I have not, because most of the time we worked together. Something I believe Augusto, you know is true. Most of the things I have had my hands in putting right, the death spire, the chaos vale, the recombination of the weave, to name just a few, they were just as equally involved. And continue to be so even as they are being slander. As for Balryn, he has not been around as long, so my memory of his assistance does not go back as far. What I do know is that when the hags showed up about a month ago ready to rip this town apart he was one of half a dozen people fighting them off, before the others showed up. And this was right after Seth was put to rest, and mykell was sentenced to death; two people he cared about. His assistance will not be forgotten because I believe his claims may be biased. All of you are choosing to cast aside some memories, so you have better reason to knit pick at others. And I do mean all of you. Balryn you have not been here in Crochevia as long as the others, so maybe from what you have seen your statements are partially true, but the people in this town, merchants, adventurers and gypsies alike have done alot for this town and alot for each other. And maybe if you stopped and asked some of them, they could tell you this. I know Yasmay could. Some of you may not care for each other, and thats fine, but do not slander or attack an entire group or race (merchants, gypsies, etc.) because of your dislike for a memeber. It is not only foolish, but causes division in a town that needs to be uniting not castrating itself. And truely if you have something to say to each other, if you are all so thick with opinions that it must turn to this sort of misunderstanding and dislike fix it face to face. Do not hide here. They are your dreams, and you can do with them what you wish, but know that all thats happening here is that you are creating a greater division. You are creating greating misunderstanding. What is the purpose in that?

My O my, did I open a can of worms. For trying not to step on toes, I sure managed to start a left footed dance contest. Because I know nothing about the matters you speak, and personally am rather pleased about that fact right now, I am going to try and avoid the awkwardness and jump right to thanking everyone for their assistance, opinions and invitations. I recognize a good number of your names, and I am looking forward to getting to visit with the new names as well as those previously encountered. Until then I would love to keep talking to you all , but this dream is getting a little to edgy for me, I am already on a ship with an exhausted crew, so edgy is everywhere. So I will do my best to bring lots of wine, maybe a couple decks of cards and put my efforts toward increasing the cheerier conversations once I arrive.

Again thank you all for your warm greetings, and I hope the storm settles quickly over your land.


PS. Wonderful Gregor, I look forward to getting land sick. It will be good to see you again. And Aeris too of course.
I love my dreams.

Augusto, you are far better at political contrivings than Dierra ever will be.

You are apparently forming nearly all your opinions about my people based upon one individual- Mykell. This is a sore trait for a leader to have, that you would care to cast out the people of the earth because you had ill time with one person. My people and my family have bleed for this place, we were the ones who walked here long before this was even called your home.

My words are not filled with lies or falsehoods. Point out one statement I have made here that is false. Dierra and Kauss did lead an assualt in Ironwood. They did leave the town to the hordes. Dierra did adopt a Gryphon. The town did make it a citizen (or else comically the Anagraph and Legreatman are both reading the wrong documents again when they confirmed it's citizenship). Dierra did ban gypsies from the healers guild.

Barring crimes Mykell was found guilty of- No one in my family has broken any laws and rather than prosecute Mykell for crimes may have committed in the past- he was prosecuted for crimes that were ordained by your own caste. The town told him to do something and then smited him down for it, allowing the personal opinions of the town control whether or not he would die. He was doing exactly what he had been told to do.

Mykell has served in several lands as both a Squire and a Seneschal. He has been the guild master of three guilds. He has fought side by side with the town on numerous occassions. He did not fight for his own life, he is rom... he has feet and simply could have left without looking back.

He took *honor* in accepting your law, taking his punishment without fight and asking his family not to take up arms in his defense. He took that punishment, a punishment that was for crimes you just admitted were not the ones being addressed. He took this punishment after being given time to prove himself, yet even the word he was given on this time was withdrawn. He was then fined forty-five gold, instead of the forty gold he was sentanced to. He was then threatened with obliteration on a crime that carried the sentance of death.

This of all things was done on the night of a formal burial of our kin Seth. Seth was a warrior pledged to your service who could not even receive the respect for swearing his fealty to the houses of Dagliano. Our people had gathered to mourn one death and the town only wanted to give us another. If this is Daglianan nobility, if this is how the people of Dagliano respect the honorable warriors who die protecting them, then I am glad my nobility and code of honor was learned in other lands.

It appears that the generation of hate and loss you speak of is in this generation. Only the Palernan's treat our people more poorly, yet even Palernans respect the death of a fallen comrade or a soldier who fought for them.

Perhaps you are not in the Earth Guild because your loyalties would be divided?

Divided? How can one be divided when it comes to healing an injured soul? It is not the place of a healers guild to do anything but help the people it serves. Name one other person who does not have loyalties to some other group in the guild. They all do. Anyone there would defend thier family from wrong doing. How is this divided? How am I untrustworthy? I allowed Mykell to suffer his sentance when by so many accounts it was not a just sentance for the crime he commited.

Mykell has done a great many things wrong. He is one of the few gypsies I have been ordered to take arms against by my own people. But I am a protector of my people, a protector of just morality, and of justice. His crime was meager and his sentance was harsh. He was not being prosecuted for his crimes that day, just they rumormill and opinion of so many individuals. Like any justicar, I only ask that proof be given to the accusations of his past actions. If the town or in Kauss's own words "The reasons why Merchants "asked for punishment to be severe" is because it was seen that the assault on Teran was an assault on merchants in general." wants to ask for the death of my family or my friends because they have some merchant disagreement they will find that we do not want "fair deals" from murderers.

I have no idea what you are saying about your brother, nor do my people have anything to do with the Stregga. If not all of us, I have killed dozens of their creations and servants trying to protect this township from forces it knows little about. I have removed curses using the power of my blood to cure the insanity they spread and my brother recently took a death trying to protect this town. That same evening I was protecting this town they were putting my family into the ground. Rather than mourn my own family, I tried keeping your town in one piece.

My people have never hunted nor tortured anyone in this land Augusto. We are it's protectors and our caravans move the goods Dagliano needs. We do this because we work for our future and hope that one day, people who hate as much as yourself and Kauss stop using the veil of the law to harm us. Papa and his tribe are decent, hardworking people who get slaughtered by rogues and crazed biata and when they ask for help it is not given. Yet why has it been time after time that my family has been expected to fight alongside this town?

Slice... I do not wish anyone here harm. However I will not let the double-sided mockery of my family continue. I heard it for hours during Seth's funeral and then Mykell's execution. If someone wishes my family harm, if they are going to encourage people to spill my blood, if they are going to act like friends when speaking to me only to cowardly asks for my death... then they will quickly find that when I learn of such back-stabbing my people will not forgive the trust some of us were trying to give them. I do not hold all merchants accountable, but the people I heard asking for death and then seconds later feigning friendship have been noted.

Augusto- my blade has never refused to help the town. I have placed my life in jeapardy on numerous occassions for a town that will not forgive a few members of my people. I have attempted to prevent assassinations on your nobles, provided huge amounts of gold in the form of curatives and traps, and have gone in front of my people as an elder asking for neutrality.

Apparently Augusto and many others are under some assumption that we have had some dealing with the Orphanage in the area? I do not know what you are speaking of. Mykell took *orphans* and protected them many months ago. We have never dealt with any orphanage here since then. Dealing with orphans and dealing with an orphanage are two different things. The current orphanage is Augusto's and the towns. Gypsies do not place children in orphanages. We don't believe in having strangers take care of children in such a fashion as the town does, our tribes take responsibility for all children we come across.

Augusto- if some gypsy has done you harm, I suggest you take it up with them and ask our elders to address it. Our punishments for our people are more severe than you people could ever dispense.

I know exactly were I would be without my family Augusto. I would be human.


...stopitstopitstopitSTOPITSTOPITSTOP IT!! You people are pushing me here, and I'm trying to get some rest so I can protect you all from inside and without! Bad enough I keep having these wierd flying dreams....anyway. I'm not gonna bother directing any thoughts an any individuals cause frankly you're all pissing me off in one way or another. This is the second time I've made a place my home and swore to protect it, with my life if need be. The first time was Pascal, and we all remember how THAT turned out, don't we? I also vowed not to let that kinda thing happen again here, and I mean it. If you live here, even part time,then anything you do in it's defense is fundamentaly self interest, so I don't wanna hear any more whining about "I spent this" or "I do that all the time" or even "They never do anything". If you spend your time, money, effort, blood, etc in defense of this town, be it once or constant, thank you. If you do it specifically to get thanked, then go showboat somewhere else. If you choose to sit and point fingers and whine while others ARE doing the defending and the bleeding, then take it somewhere else cause I don't wanna bleed defending you're right to whine and accuse. I don't care if you're human, gypsie, dwarf, biata, dragon, OR gryphon, toe the line or hit the road.
Ah screw it, I can't sleep now......*
Gypsies are not barred from joining the Earth Guild. At one point, Kerjal was even invested in the circle.

Mykell is barred from joining the Earth Guild. For obvious reasons.

Even though much is being said, which is better than none being said, the way it is being said is doing more harm than good. May I humbly request that we step back for a moments rest, and come back at this with more calm heads in the waking world. Some of us have very few opportunities to reach the solace that is offered by dreams, and wish not to have it sent into dissonance.

Please. Stop this for now. Stop having it here, at least.
Johnathan Lancaster said:
May I humbly request that we step back for a moments rest, and come back at this with more calm heads in the waking world. Some of us have very few opportunities to reach the solace that is offered by dreams, and wish not to have it sent into dissonance.
Johnathan- I don't have the frame of mind for this realm to give me peace. In one evening, seven of my brethren fell the night the Stregga attacked. One permanently died. Mykell was put to death. Veshengo lost his life. Seth was laid to rest. Enough of our blood has spilled on the ground that a journeyman from the realm of the fallen came to us to find out why my people, my family were dying so quickly. So many of my people die that I am plagued by only nightmares here.

After dreaming in this place as a knight, this place heals wounds for me if only I let my heart be free and shout what it feels. These nightmares are the reminders of the faces I will never see again. The faces of family I raised and the faces of the kin who I must return to each night and bear responsibility for failing in protecting those less skilled than myself.

I like any elder will protect my people. As the town has witnessed I am rarely a man of unthought action. I speak my words harshly because those who tread closely to the edge do not want to see me take action. My action is swift and without personal retribution.

I have seen this fighting errupt in other places and have never chosen it as my preferred path. Our friends show true faith even in the confrontation of personal danger, not burning us or planning for our downfall.

When I can watch the town ferry about the land looking to detain all gypsies for one gypsy's crimes, then I am forced to give my people caution and declare that if we are to be held responsible as a group... that we will protect ourselves because we have no one else to turn to.

When I hear discussion of how we will all be beaten down one by one should one of us fight- then I am forced to remember that gaje within the town use force to carry out judgements that they disagree with. I am forced to remember that they would rather slay all my people than place themselves in danger and fight for what is right.

In the world of breath, I can stay my tongue. But here in the realms of my thoughts and dreams there is no reason to. These thoughts are not unknown to anyone. The can see them in my face as I pour a glass of wine or sit near the fire.

Men of wisdom and morality are not allowed to have peaceful dreams Jonathan. Peaceful dreams are for those who do not question the actions from which they are forced to choose. In the real world, some gaje would pull rank and claim I have mocking him for his title.

Well here... in this realm... we are all puppets to the restlessness of our minds.



I fail to see how you can call anyone a hypocrit, when you sit here preaching about how you protect your family, and in the same breaths speak of mine as being a creature of chaos that should be "removed."

You say you hear people speaking behind your backs about you and yours. And you try to act superior that you have caught them. And you've no right to when I know you and yours speak behind my back about me and mine.

You say people are this and that negative thing. I think you are seeing the negative reflections of yourself in others. You keep saying people should address their problems with you. I say, maybe you should listen to your own advice.

There's a fundamental difference between people having a problem with someone's personality and people having a problem with the fact that your "family" is a creature of chaos. Your "family" is of a race that is known and proven to be innately necromantic. Someone not liking my brother because he's kind of hard to deal with is one thing. Someone not liking your Griphon because she spits, casts and IS chaos, is a completely different issue. Your "family" is not only a blatant violator of the law, but also the ethical and moral beliefs of most living beings.

My family is capable of learning, like all average races. My family is thus, capable of learning earth magic in addition to whatever natural abilities they may possess. My family follows the laws and does NOT cast chaos in ANY form.

Maybe if you took a moment to actually meet and talk with the girl, you'd know this. Maybe you'd learn that she actually helps the town when she can. In fact, she and D gaurded the guild when we went off to do battle with Raphael.

How would you feel, Derek, if I called your ancestors, "just a big bunch of trumped up lizards that wallow in forbidden lore and are an afrontory to life itself?"

Still, you stick by this attitude that people should talk to you about their problems with you, but be damned if you should be held equally accountable.

Lastly, I'll remind you of the oath you swore with us, Derek. I would consider urging your family to action on your behalf the same as you acting on your own.
Derek Ironhammer said:

There's a fundamental difference between people having a problem with someone's personality and people having a problem with the fact that your "family" is a creature of chaos. Your "family" is of a race that is known and proven to be innately necromantic. Someone not liking my brother because he's kind of hard to deal with is one thing. Someone not liking your Griphon because she spits, casts and IS chaos, is a completely different issue. Your "family" is not only a blatant violator of the law, but also the ethical and moral beliefs of most living beings.

You know, I keep hearing this over and over, but only from a small group. Do you have any evidence or documents about the nature of this creature, or is this about similer creatures from other realms? I mean, if this creature were so dangerus, you would think at least the magistatum would know about it and be able to provide more information, but that hasnt happend.
Derek Ironhammer said:

There's a fundamental difference between people having a problem with someone's personality and people having a problem with the fact that your "family" is a creature of chaos. Your "family" is of a race that is known and proven to be innately necromantic. Someone not liking my brother because he's kind of hard to deal with is one thing. Someone not liking your Griphon because she spits, casts and IS chaos, is a completely different issue. Your "family" is not only a blatant violator of the law, but also the ethical and moral beliefs of most living beings.


To be fair, Derek, her being a gryphon cannot be helped. Why condemn her for something that she cannot change? In my heart, I believe that holding ill will and murderous intent against a creature simply because of what it is appears very wrong to me. I took this stance with the Kobolds. Too often I heard when I came to this town that we should do nothing but kill Kobolds. Every time I asked the reasoning behind this, every single reply was "Because they are Kobolds." Does this appear right to you? Is that a just cause?

Judge not by what she is, but more what she does with what she is given. So far, I have not heard any reports of her using such abilities: and for that I am greatful. I take this fact as an indicator that Diera is doing her best to teach the Gryphon not to act as such. I commend her for her efforts, and I trust her well enough that she will be successful.

Why not take the opportunity to help Diera in her cause? If you truly believed that both necromancy and killing are wrong, then you would exhaust every single means at your disposal before resorting to death and destruction.

Do you really want to kill something for simply just being? Is that a just cause?
Johnathan Lancaster said:
To be fair, Derek, her being a gryphon cannot be helped. Why condemn her for something that she cannot change? In my heart, I believe that holding ill will and murderous intent against a creature simply because of what it is appears very wrong to me.

Do you really want to kill something for simply just being? Is that a just cause?
I would beg Johnathan, that it is. Both you and the nobility of this land have recognized creatures of chaotic and necromantic ability to be vile monstrousities that must be purged from the realm at all costs. Griffon or Gryphon- I would refer to them as Griaoank, creatures from the ether realms from which all chaos energy flows. This is simple fact. Several people in town have seen it first hand.

The creature spews forth pure chaos. Rather than have the ability to draw from Chaos- it's body contains it like a sponge. It's body is created from the parts of other creatures, held together by energy to which you cannot even comprehend not being an earth caster, a formalist, or someone who has traveled the realms of chaos and order trying to keep these creatures from contaminating this prime realm.

If creatures of chaos should not be killed Johnathan, then you may as well be preaching that creatures such as the Liche walk around freely because they currently do no harm.

They do harm. The presence of chaos energy unravels the weave and the primal forces of the earth. It contaminates the water you drink and the air you breath. A single drop of blood from these creatures is so powerful that it can drive you insane from merely touching it to your lips.

There are riders amongst several races that hunt these creatures down and kill them on sight. There are those amongst the earthen races that maintain the balance of nature by destroying the embodied presence of chaos.

I have met a great many creatures, Liches, Chaos Elementals, Chaos Ogres, Hydras, and now the forces of the Stregga that embody chaos energy.

The nature of such creatures is evil. They may have extremely pleasing personalities - but the mere presence of such monstrosities destroys the realm. If Dierra wishes to openly and publicly support creatures such as these, then she places into question what forces of the chaos realms she is willing to consider good.

Furthermore, these creatures are capable of extreme mental abilities as they grow older. Including the ability to spew forth even greater amounts of chaos energy and the ability to enslave minds almost at will. As her daughter matures, *it* will consumes those who stand against it, create a nest for more of it's kind to come into being... and then cast aside the facade of order that it has laughingly acted out to lure such gullible individuals into protecting it.

At this point, I don't need to kill it. If you all want to die then so be it. Suicide is a personal choice in these realms.

Kauss said:
You know, I keep hearing this over and over, but only from a small group. Do you have any evidence or documents about the nature of this creature, or is this about similer creatures from other realms? I mean, if this creature were so dangerus, you would think at least the magistatum would know about it and be able to provide more information, but that hasnt happend.
What type of evidence Kauss? The fact that Biata have Gryphon Slayers specifically for this purpose? The fact that these creatures are so filled with Chaos that they spew forth *pure* chaos? The fact that at birth they have so little form and physical structure that they pull traits and form from other creatures and look like the chaotic jig-saw puzzle of what order has created?

Maybe we should look at the issue that they enslave minds. That they hunger for sentient flesh. That the dragons... beings of ultimate preservation are committed to destroying these creatures. Is it any wonder that the races of the Draco have been trying to kill them? The harbingers of chaos being attacked by the protectors of the primal realms?

What facts do you seek Kauss? They are all there. I could prove that a Liche is less a creature of chaos than I could a Gryphon...
