Assuming Jamina were an undead and you were using an earth blade, then the same blade that hurt Jamina would not hurt Roy nor Regan.
Honored Glen'esh,
You have shone the light of truth on an area of the law that these few specific lines do not address, whether or not being undead is a crime under the law. You are correct that by existing as a liche would not subject you to committing the crime of Necromancy outright.
However, you also further indicate that undead are not a protected class as defined under the sentient beings clause. Therefore, undead, like kobolds, have no rights to law under the crown. Unlike kobolds, I am sure you can agree, that many people view undead as abominations against the natural order of things, as once something is dead, it should stay that way. In fact, you should go ask the first High Ogre you see if they think "undead should continue to go around walking." I am sure you will get an ear-full about how they should all be destroyed (High Ogres have an uncommon blood thirst for the destruction of all undead).
Furthermore, if someone is subject to a race change due to ritual magics, they become that race in thoughts and abilities. A Romani that is race changed into a stone elf will not laugh or be jovial, nor will they be able to curse anyone. Now whether or not one remains their race and retains their for lack of a better term "racial memory" after being changed into a greater undead I do not know. However, again if you ask that same High Ogre if that "greater undead should continue to go around walking," you would get the same answer.
Again I urge you caution as you decide your paths and allegiances. There is much conjecture in this matter and very little fact. Once the light of truth has been shown on this situation all will become clear.
May the Light guide you and may Shadow guard your path.
Arcanist Dure'dhel
Warlock of the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden