Weird Creatures near a cave mouth

Hello there,

My name is Tom O'dweller. I'm a local tacher here in town and wanted to thank all of you for all your work last year. I thought this might be of interest to some or all of you. My boy recently ran off on one of his adventures and ran off for a few days as boys are wont to do in these days. He says he was playing near the mouth of a cave when a wolf, rabid eyed, and dripping cannine beset him, next thing he rememberes he's in some sort of refugee camp waking up, sees men with green badges on and has a bag tossed over his head and dragged back to town and dropped at our front steps. Whats going on here? what sort of black wold creature lives in the woods near a misted cave smelling of sulfur? who are these people my son was attacked by?rescued by? Can someone look into this?

Tom O'dweller.
Local Concerned Citizen and Father

Master O'dweller,

Please be sure the Order of the Light will look into this, I will come by your home to fetch the boy's description of where he was and investigate. It sounds like that Harlot the Emeral Archer is attacking young boys now...

As an aside citizen, if your boy is old enough to run around in the woods, then he is mature enough to contribute in the defense of order and good. I will someone come by to enroll him in either the Order or the Razorback Guard.

Walk in the Light,

Brother Cole
Tom O'dweller, It is good to hear that your son although beset by unknown dangers returned safely to you. I shall be nearing the lands of the pass soon, and would be more than willing to See what's still lurking in the cave. I can seek you out during the market day if you'd wish, and if you wouldnt mind me speaking to your son about the location of the cave and anything else he may have seen on the way there...

Cazik Yeace
AllianceCHI said:
if your boy is old enough to run around in the woods, then he is mature enough to contribute in the defense of order and good. I will someone come by to enroll him in either the Order or the Razorback Guard.

Jus' a moment...surely you do nye mean to say young ones are subject to drafts into dhe military?! How old is dhis child? Little ones run around dhe forest all dhe time, does nye mean dhey are old enough to be conscripted! What does him papa have to say? What matter dhat, what aut'ority have you to make people enlist?! Are objections of conscience taken into account? Can ot'ers enlist in the stead of someone who can nye or shall nye fight?


~Captain Marcena Cenkraea "The Dove" Idumea DagonGaddi
Ambassadore of Salamis
Just a moment... Surely you do not mean to say young ones are subject to drafts into the military. How old is this child? Little ones run around the forest all the time. Just because a child can run around the forest doesn’t mean they are old enough to be conscripted. What does the father have to say? What authority do you have you to make people enlist? I was under the impression that Wayside was a free land. Are objections of conscience taken into account?

Cole you and I are going to have a little talk about this matter…

Brot'er Cole...why don' you jus' try answering a question from time a' time? It don' take much long t'inking and I can nye seem to remember a time where you made much sense at all. You know only how to say mean t'ings, senor. I don' t'ink you even like to see good t'ings happen. I need nye state why.

Fare ye well, old man. I give you no trouble. In fact, I help Briarpass again.

Walk in The Light,

~Dr. Marcey
Briarpass has a military? That's news. Wonder why it so often falls to adventurers to clean up messes and protect the farm folk then.

Your kind are nothing but scum arent you? You see only malice in folk and want nothing but for people to lead dark filled pathetic lives without purpose of contribution. You cant see the fact that young men such as this one need structure to their lives? He's a grown boy capable of lifting a sword or learning a skill but obviously, as given by the fact that he travelled to a somewhat treacherous portion of the woods in a short time period. He seems to also have a knack for survival in these parts and I think would make an excellent guardsman where, after a short time, he would be well paid for his work... in fact better paid than the lot he came from. I offer an opportunity to the boy and you deride it because you'd rather your master have more children in his or if he is more inclined to a life of progress and

It is my Order's purview under magisterial edict to dispense justice to the peoples of Wayside as it concerns the threats.
It has also long been the mission of our Order to build a conscious citizenry able to rise above the swine stink of most civilizations and build upon that foundation to reach the light of understanding.... Thus we seek to fill places in whatever guilds/houses/and orders recognize and support our mission by keeping our ever vigilant eyes turned towards the peoples so as to better fulfill needs.

Don't question me again.

Walk in the Light,

Sir, don' worry. Dhere is no more question from me.

You are obviously mad. Dhere should be no shortage of people willing to do such t'ings for dhe stipend you claim to offer.

Walk in the Light...please,

Brother Ark, Regents are allowed to raise and deputize citizenry, but only in times of war, invasion, or civil unrest. Arbor has seen fit to give the Brotherhood of the Light duties within certain provinces until the threats posed by the Emerald Archer and his brigands have been stopped.

Enlisting in the Razorback Guard or the Order is a fulfilling and honorable way for youths to become men. They are trained, given lodging, stipends, and even some leaves of absence in the planting season. Brother Cole was offering Tom's son a lucrative profession, but it wouldn't be forced upon him if he's needed on the farm. Don't take his energy as anything more than the ardor of a concerned man wishing to defend his homeland from the encroaching darkness.

These are dangerous times, there is no shortage of ruffians and they're only held at bay by a handful of loyal soldiers. Arbor is dealing with many of its own issues right now, we must trust in First Regent Horatio's decision to let us defend ourselves.

Gypsy Marcena, perhaps it is better that you not antagonize Brother Cole. Your status in Briarpass is based on you and yours not making trouble. As permanent travelers, gypsies have certain rights as long as they don't break the peace or cause riot.

I would also like to add my support to Arbor's condemnation for the Emerald Archer's thieves. In addition to the five gold bounty on information leading to uncovery of their camps, I will add a one gold bounty for the head and standard of any man found to be carrying the Emerald's insignia. Brigandry will not be tolerated in Briarpass.

Regent Renlee Firstborne
Captain, Brotherhood of the Light
Grazie, honorable Regent. I hope all will take it as mere fervor, then.

Fortune and Love,

~Captain Ambassadore Marcena Cenkraea "The Dove" Idumea DagonGaddi
Mobius said:
I would also like to add my support to Arbor's condemnation for the Emerald Archer's thieves. In addition to the five gold bounty on information leading to uncovery of their camps, I will add a one gold bounty for the head and standard of any man found to be carrying the Emerald's insignia. Brigandry will not be tolerated in Briarpass.

Regent Renlee Firstborne
Captain, Brotherhood of the Light

What's 'is standard look like? Other than, assumin' from the name, green? Bounties pay the bills nicely, if they're not too hard to claim.

Goodman Tom O'dweller,

I am glad to hear that your boy is safe. From the sounds of things he encountered some sort of rabid wolf lurking in its cave, it is best to make sure he stays clear from there until the Sheriff or some adventurers can go and check it out.

My apologies, my name is Kevar Byrne, I am the Standard Bearer to the Order of the Earthen Fist. Our Order that stands to protect the innocent civilians from dangers seen or unseen in times of peace or war. If you are ever in need send a pigeon to my stoop.

Now I have never met the Emerald Archer, and have only heard of his deeds from second and third hand sources. I was taught at a young age to not quickly judge, and learned as I got older to air on the side of caution. So all I will say about the accusations that Brother Cole has made about the Archer attackin children is this. The boy remembers a rabid beast, and then waking up in safety. He then remembers getting taken back to his home, safe and sound. Yes they covered his head, but if you were a fugitive rebel group wouldn't you do the same? Not insinuating that you are, simply pointing out the reasoning for the actions. Whether or not you agree with the Archer and his group, I think it is barbaric to say that they are attacking children, when clearly is seems as though they boy was taken from the cave where the beast lived and brought to his home.

Those are my thoughts, it has been a while since I have been able to travel to Wayside and I am sorry to hear that calm heads are hard to find. The fourth moon is near and it seems that I cannot make the journey just yet. May you all stay safe and warm. To anyone in need, send a pigeon and I will do my best to assist you in some way.

May you find warmth from Winter's sweet embrace,
Kevar Byrne, Standard Bearer to the Order of the Earthen Fist
Bearer Byrne - While I applaud your compassion, I think you might be taking a single experience and expanding it beyond its purview. Just as one misdeed doesn't necessarily a criminal make, one good deed does not redeem a life of crime. Assuming this was the group lead by the Emerald Archer and assuming they were indeed rescuing the boy, these men and women are still thieves, cutpurses, and worse still, insurrectionists. They've openly denounced the rightfully appointed Regent and are actively participating in treasonous acts to overthrow their government. Frankly, I'm surprised they haven't all been declared High Traitors against the Guilds and had more than their freedom cast as forfeit.

In truth, Byrne, I'm surprised you haven't thought of the more obvious answer. These people weren't protecting the boy, they were protecting their own interests. This child blundered upon an Emerald Camp, was beset by their trained watchdogs - whose ferocity could certainly be mistaken for disease to a terrified youth - and was returned home as he would only serve as a resource-sink to a guerilla force.

I'm a certainly happy the junior O'dweller is safe and sound, and hope he's learned his lesson about wandering beyond the watchful eye of his parents, but I wouldn't place too many laurels at the Archer's feet. While political partisanship and opposition are time honoured methods for political progress, brigandry is the first recourse of fools.

On a different note, elder O'Dweller, if your boy is of the proper age, I have some space in my classroom that he might learn his letters, numbers, and chop.

Master Dramthin Hartsboon
Keeper of the Tainted Grove
Never have i heard you jump to such brash comparisons Dramthin Hartsboon.

I challenge you and everyone to show what proof you have that any of the recent events are associated with the Emerald Archer.
You think you can explain every devious action as being just one man?

Show me your proof and I'll show you how your wrong.
My, maybe it would have been best if I had simply hushed up. I had no intention to cause such trouble and such. I just wanted to warn you my boy saw something odd.

Mr. Yeace,

The cave should be easy to find but i'll have Jara give you directions if you want to investigate the area. Thanks a million for offering to help.

Lieutenant Cole, Master Heartsboon,

I'm sure my boy would apreciate the opportunity to speak with either of you about your guilds and what potential carrers can be offered them.

Tom O'dweller
Prolly the fault of some good fur nuthin Gypsie I tell ya.

Chuck Pluck
Proud GFW member
Togashin said:
Never have i heard you jump to such brash comparisons Dramthin Hartsboon.

I challenge you and everyone to show what proof you have that any of the recent events are associated with the Emerald Archer.
You think you can explain every devious action as being just one man?

Show me your proof and I'll show you how your wrong.

Togashin Please,

Consider what your saying... Anything you say will be held against you in court. You already stand accused of a crime in these lands and testimony dictates that somehow The Archer is involved. Dont give anyone anymore fuel to add to the fire.

Mary Lou Gepsum

I phrased myself carefully, I didn't mean for you to dig deeper into my words. :) All I intended to say is that it is crude and harsh to accuse anyone of kidnapping when the evidence may not fully support that conclusion. Even the most hardened of brigands may still find kidnapping distasteful. I never stated that the Emerald Archer was hero or vile brigand, I only meant to point out that false accusations lead to far more trouble than needed.

May you find warmth from Winter's sweet embrace,
Kevar Byrne
I will have to say, this is no time for adventurers to be squabbling with each other, or adventurers to be squabbling with the townsfolk, and even picking fights with the Brotherhood of the Light. The tough times we enter will only get tougher if we don't all learn to stand together. Apart we will be split and apart we can fall. From there it would only be a matter of time before we are defeated or forced to submit.

Please, all of you, put differences aside if trouble arises that only the entire town can handle.

May the clouds rolling in be your protection,

Lady Eldandiril Zanabanath,
Ambassador Kingdom of Valdanis,
Squire to Sir Nimbus,
Andarian Warden of Truth.
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