Why Nikkolai Died

A noble does not lie - a value taught to me by Sir Mathis of The Order of the Emerald Flame.

While I am no longer a noble - I believe in this.

So I wish to make sure there is no confusion as to what happened yesterday morning in Westhaven.

To be clear what happened in July- an adventure was one month into a transformation into a vampire. Nikkolai sent this adventure through the circle with their permission so she did not complete the transformation and possibly hurt others.

There was a misunderstanding between Baron Foss and Nikkolai - that was also translated to former Squire Thaddeus. The confusion was what was a direct order and what was exactly happening.

In the end chargers were brought against Nikkolai.

Magistrate Bovar was the magistrate responsible to investigate ... mind you Nikkolai would get no trial as he is a commoner.

After 3 months of investigation- Nikkolai was found NOT GUILTY of any wrong doing with sending The adventurer to the circle.

Instead he was found guilty of DISOBEYING A NOBLE. Baron Foss to be exact who’s “order” was vague at best to the point even former Squire Thaddeus was confused.

His punishment was Execution through the circle.

Magistrate Bovar offered to Baron Foss a chance to save Nikkolai’s life ... Baron Foss refused saying and I quote “I would never go against the High Magistrates”

All of this was done away from the adventures - as I can only assume they did not want the adventuring community to know what was going on. Only Kat, Ignathis , Baron Foss, Magistrate Bovar , Nikkolai, and Myself present .

I went to get the adventures so they would know why one of their own was being sent to the circle ... I publicly let them know what was happening. Loudly and with passion as I just watched a noble choose pride over mercy. Choose power over compassion. The same the noble who later would laud the ending of Kazzik a year ago after condemning one of those who resurrected to stop Kazzik to an execution through the circle. A noble who choose being looked well upon by other nobles over the care of an adventure who works ,like all of us, for the people of Wayside .

Any belief I had in the Nobilty of Wayside died with my fiancé. Who died looking the magistrate in the eye- knowing he was being murdered for the Pride of Noble he once called friend.

Yes I spoke up and called you all out because you all should know what you one day may face.

I have always loved Wayside - and I was a noble for the people because they need people who love them more than Power and pride. That is what the adventures are !

After yesterday I hope you all understand why I gave up my ladyship last month- I was ashamed to be called one of the number of nobles who would murder a man for pride. I do not hold my pride as such a fragile thing and my compassion and mercy would not allow me to continue. I feared where that path went.

I love Wayside but I love the people more than the ideal.

Please understand how deep the confusion has run— even High Magistrate Stillroot was under the impression all this disobeying an “order “ was done on an active battle field ...

Make no mistake Nikkolai Died for The Pride of a Noble.

Any questions please feel free to ask.

Yours Always In Service,

Guild Mistress of the Earth Guild of Koroshi
Artifact of the Dragon's Claw
Founder of Forgotten Hope

"My Life For Theirs"
"Defending the Dealings of Time and Space"
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I feel like this says a lot more about you as a person than it does about the nobility of wayside.

That was vague - please explain more.

From where I'm standing you're attempting to undermine the authority of the nobility of Wayside because Nikolai was punished for a crime he committed.

Did Nikolai die permanently? Because I'm pretty sure I saw him around town for a while after his execution. Why is so much fuss necessary if he's still alive?

How is the truth of what happened undermining anything?

I have heard it said that Nikkolai Died for killing The adventurer ... not true at all.

I believe in the truth of the matter - if the truth undermines anything how is that that the fault of the truth? I am
Not lying or spreading false information.

The crime was an unclear “order” - that until the magistrates were brought in - not by anyone one involved or Baron Foss mind you- was not an issue. Barron Foss spoke to Nikkolai at length the day after it happen and expressed no issue with anything. That day after it happened Baron Foss did not indicate any anger or any indication Nikkolai broke a law. If such a great crime had occurred why was it not brought at once to Nikkolai and why was he not arrested then?

This does not sit right and I am not comfortable letting there be misunderstanding.


I want to be clear: Nikkolai was executed for disobeying a noble of Wayside? Formally?

Baron Foss: what do you say to this? Is this true? Do you agree with the severity of this action/reaction?


Yes. A very vague order- the vagueness repeated in a Dreaming to myself from Baron Foss right after it happened . Also in said Dreaming he never indicated at any point Nikkolai my then vice captain disobeyed any order. One I am willing to share via Biata or Stone elf.

Even though when this happened and during this investigation- the magistrates never came to me for information. Very unsettling that - even though I was named as a witness in in the charges.


You seem to be accusing Magistrates of Wayside of malfeasance or, at the least, incompetence and a Baron of negligence if not outright malice aforethought. Those are some fairly substantial accusations to level against the King and his vassals. Your claims that "this does not sit right" sound conspiratorial - are you suggesting there is a grand scheme of foul play at hand here?

Does anyone of rank within Wayside corroborate your story? Since you just renounced your responsibilities to Wayside partially because you felt inappropriately treated by the barony, you understand my discomfort in accepting these claims at face value. Does the Earth Guild of Koroshi support these claims? Are you advancing these accusations as a representative of Dragonreach?

Dramthin Hartsboon
Keeper of the Tainted Grove
Well- first... Dragonreach and my position there has nothing to do with any of this nor did I ever bring it forth in anyway.

To address the above- I do not believe the Magistrates did anything wrong besides not gather all witnesses nor make use of the abilities of biata and stone elves. However as Nikkolai is a commoner they have no need to ... commoners do not get trial inWayside. I was a noble at the time I should have been called and I would requested a biata or stone elf examine my memories for truth.

Baron Fairfax was asked directly by the magistrate on Saturday if he wished to adjust the sentence of death to resurrection - he said exactly. “I would never go against the high Magistrates “. Is that malice or negligence? I cannot say.

Does not sit right means exactly what is means ... it does not sit right with me. Beyond that ... I am not sure what you mean.

All things were done away from others ... I have issue with that.

However I offer my memories to any with the ability to read them for any lack of truth in what I have said.


Your responsibilities as a Guildmistress certainly speak to your integrity and responsibility as they represent support and credence from Dragonreach as to your character. While there are no formal treaties between the two kingdoms, your rank does speak to your person. Indeed, you choose to flourish a number of titles in your first proclamation, and while motherhood is often as demanding, if not moreso, a responsibility as nobility, the latter carries broader implications. If you are leveling accusations against nobility in Wayside, your foreign title and liege lords will, almost certainly, be contacted to vouchsafe your standing.

Now, you admit you cannot say whether Baron Fairfax' relegation to Magistrate authority was improper, which is an odd thing to say. Isn't it proper for a vassal to show allegiance to their liege lord's authority and respect their decisions? I would think the very phrase "I would never go against the high Magistrates" speaks far more in support of the Baron's character than against it.

As for it not "sitting right" with you, I cannot speak to that either. Your intuition may be unsettled, but that's hardly enough reason to besmirch the honour of a Baron and several Magistrates. In addition, things being "done away from others" seems the appropriate and proper manner for issues of this severity to be handled. These actions aren't a spectacle for the masses; they should be conducted soberly and only attended by those the Magistrates deem appropriate.

In the end, Guildmistress, it sounds less as though something is amiss and more as though you simply disagree with the conclusion of Magistrates. I fully believe any amount of mental or emotional survey would find you forthright and honourable. From what I know of you, you fully believe in the truth of what you say, but that's hardly the issue at hand, is it?

The Magistrates are tasked with understanding all truths, conflicting or otherwise, and then exacting justice. The King grants the magistrates this heavy burden, so too must the nobles carry the mantle of justice. These are extraordinary burdens and it's not for the like of most folk to question the integrity of the King or his representatives. As one who was, until recently, of the peerage, you should understand how heavy that weight drags and how often one's actions are misunderstood.

In the end, unless you wish to invoke your Dragonreach title and level charges against the Magistrates or the Baron, I'm truly unsure what you seek to accomplish here. No one will deny you the right to privately process your grief as you see fit, but openly accusing nobles of miscarriages of justice may be ill advised.

Dramthin Hartsboon
Keeper of the Tainted Grove
They may choose to do as they wish - but as I did not invoke my positions or my citizenship within Dragonreach in any of this but my standard opening signature, I assure you any across the mists contacts will be met with the proper response - this has nothing to with us. Adventures are allowed to speak freely within Dragonreach.

I made no direct accusation but I am sure one could patchwork my words to mean anything they choose.

You have been to one Gather Dramthin in at least 4-5 years - I only know this because I have not missed a single one in that time. I am not sure Wayside was even a Kingdom at the last time you adventured here. I have the utmost respect for what you are saying but I also do not believe you have a very good understanding of the current nor past political atmosphere in Wayside.

I wish you luck negotiating Wayside Dramthin. From what I can tell you are good and honest man- I hope you keep that.

I invoke no title and and have spoke not one word of untruth. This is not grief this is frustration at an endless cycle.


Edit - Post Script- Also Dramthin if you look back at my Dreaming history ... and ask I have always been the strongest supporters of the nobility of Wayside - till I was shown their true colors I had been warned about but did not believe.

It's true, it has been a few years since I tended the roots of Wayside, and I do not recognize the youngest faces in Court. However, even a stripling freshly cut from the branch can hear the pain in your spirit. When a person without standing accuses a noble of selfish murder or, rather, says a criminal "Died for The Pride of a Noble", they are either fomenting a coup, acting with the support of powerful lords, or are simply in pain. I have, perhaps, spoken too long and seem to be more of a torment than a balm to your mind. The community sees the depths of your actions and marks you as a good person - I dearly hope the ripples of your words spread no further.

Dramthin Hartsboon
Keeper of the Tainted Grove
I stand by - no direct order was given - multiple people claim vagueness. I will offer the baron’s own words from a Dreaming to prove it. As well his very actions right after it happened and hence no crime was committed.
But that is a whole different matter .

Look to the fact when a Baron was offered to show mercy - mercy for an long time adventure who a year earlier gave part of his spirit to stop Kazzik- the Baron choose his own pride. None of that is inaccurate or exaggerated . And that is the root of all of this.

Again - I have no coup and no powerful lords backing me. This is simply an adventure seeking to insure there is no confusion.

While I am not a master of law, I choose to try and understand the nuances and logic as best I can.

Very recently Scribe Binks, Scribe to Baron Fairfax, read the law very clearly in the dreaming in reference to a different matter. I have revisited that dreaming and I am confused.
If someone with the knowledge of the law and this matter can please speak on these question, perhaps Magistrate Bovar if you would forgive my ignorance of the law and indulge my quest for knowledge so i can better adhere to it.

1. What was the official charge? If the crime was Murder then I complete understand the punishment, as the penalty for murder is resurrection. But it was stated that he was guilty of "DISOBEYING A NOBLE" in reviewing the dreaming of the laws I was not able to find this as a stated law, would this then fall under "Disrespect to Nobility"or something else?

2. What was the "order" in question the was disobeyed? To extent of my knowledge, as commoner and adventurer Nikkolai is not part of the Wayside military forces so military orders are out of the line of thought or does military law apply to all in an active war zone. If the order was "You do not have the authority to act on this matter, stand down" once again as Nikkolai is a commoner I can understanding why he does not have that authority, as the Enforcement of the laws falls under the purview of the nobility of Wayside, or of any officers the nobles appoint to keep the peace. But from what has been report so far by this dreaming the statement does not seem to be that clear cut.

3. Are all statement from a noble to be taken as an order? While, I would not think this is true as sometime a noble may be just sharing an opinion however if this is true I want to be more careful in clarifying a noble statement in future conversations.

4. As Nikkolai is a commoner why was this matter brought before the High Magistrates? To my understanding High Magistrates typically are reserved for investigation of Nobility and typically would send this down to lesser officer to adjudicate. Now in my ignorance i do not know Magistrate Bovar so he/she could be a more local Magistrate but from the quote "I would never go against the High Magistrates" i will assume he/she is not a local Magistrate.

Thank you all for your time in listening to these questions and it is my intent the they with bring clarity to this matter and better our understanding of the laws that govern Wayside.

~Aramis Seablade
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Just a brief thing to clear up before going forward, while Dramthin may not have been to Wayside in 4-5 years, Wayside was deemed a Kingdom in 309 by then his Majesty Eisenhorn...but maybe he hasn't been around in over 8, I admit prior to this year I only adventured twice as I was a mere simple tailor back then.

I'll try to state what I heard, collected, and gathered and put another piece into the situation. If anything isn't true or misinterpreted feel free to speak it so.

From various accounts an adventurer--who I shall not name--was turned into a greater undead. A Gift of Life was available and offered at the next market. The victim agreed to being resurrected. Victim resurrected. No Gift of Life was used.

Let's examine "Victim agreed to being resurrected". Zhere are many times when we are all given a choice. Sometimes these are given as choices but there really isn't a choice at all. If someone says "I'm going to resurrect you" and you're weaker and not in a position to say no, you don't have a choice. While I acknowledge what Nikolai did as one of the Twelve, and believe me, I respect each and every one of them for saving Terna, the Adventurer that was murdered, to my knowledge, also partook in that final fight (Let it be known I believe that Adventurer would have chosen to be one of the 12, but due to higher obligations, was prevented). That said, what I would like confirmed is, "Did Nikolai kill said Adventurer to resurrection?".

If yes, by laws of Wayside it's pretty clear cut.

Murder is intentionally causing the death of another citizen to the point of resurrection, with malice and
premeditation. The penalty for murder is resurrection. For cases in which intent is not immediately evident, a
suspect can be tried instead for involuntary or negligent homicide, which shall carry a penalty entirely at the
discretion of the local magistrate or highest ranking law enforcement official.

Just on that alone would justify the punishment, ignoring the "disrespecting a noble" part. On that note, to my knowledge of the law it's up to however the discretion of the magistrate sees it. I mean, if they wanted to, they could set the crime as Obliteration.

Sedition is any speech intended to incite people to acts of riot or rebellion against Wayside, any of its
duchies, or any of the nobility of Wayside or its provinces.

"Any belief I had in the Nobilty of Wayside died with my fiancé.....Yes I spoke up and called you all out because you all should know what you one day may face." - Cyn

Even with removing the middle sentence, your follow up sounds like Sedition; especially with the first part.

As to the order in question, it may have been "Do not resurrect -said victim- as we will cure them next market" and by killing said victim, that was disobeying them.

It's the world we live in. His Majesty rules over us, we are his citizens and thus, we are the citizens of the Dukes and Duchesses, Barons/Baroness' Knights and Lords and Ladys. You don't have to like it, but you must obey it. That is our duty to Wayside. It's fact, it's life, and I can't imagine another way of things.

All in all, would things be cleared up if Baron Fairfax explained, likely, but the thing is, he doesn't have to. He doesn't have to reply, Our nobles don't owe us any explanation. We've been over this before in other dreamings. This didn't need to be public, but again, it is. It could have been a private matter, but now it's public.

At the end of the day Miss Ironrose, what is your intention with this. What is the goal, what is the outcome you're going for?

This next part I'm not trying to illicit anything negative, but if you stepped down from being a Lady, which to me seems like something one just doesn't quit, then why did you truly leave? As a Lady, you could have made your land great, you could of helped to make change. If you truly love your people, then why abandon them and leave for Dragonsreach? I just don't understand why if you thought the way you do that you couldn't do something about it. What of the people who were under your care now? What will those who looked up to you do? You say you lost belief in the nobility of Wayside" but by abandoning your land and your station, didn't you just prove to them, that what you spoke of is true? Forgive the phrasing, but there seems to be a lot of hypocrisy in your words. If you truly cared for the people, you would have stayed. I just want to understand. I simply can't understand. First Radi forsakes Wayside openly, and now you.

I wish you well in Dragonreach if you've truly forsaken our Kingdom of Wayside. It will be a blow to see you go, but if you're heart is no longer for this Kingdom then I hope Dragonreach can fill it.

A simple man of his own thoughts,

- Binks
I will only explain my Part Binks-
Because I grow tired of repeating that Kat’s resurrection has NOTHING to do with what Nikkolai was sentenced for.

So you ask about my people - were they in bad shape when I was given my position... no, and I have no doubt they are fine now- as I said they are prepared for winter and then some. I did not take up a land impoverished ... and I trust the people of the land. I gave up my station because I was not allowed to care for my people without dealing with the ridiculous pride of other nobles- it took my time and energy away from my care of people. The title changed nothing in how live my life and care for people . So I suppose giving it up was easy in that. I have always cared for the people first. Staying would not help them but it would likely have darkened my spirt more than I was comfortable- those who know me best were already seeing it. I love the people far more than I love a title.

There was no abandonment - I gave my people back to my Dukes care and I trust him in that care.

My heart is for the people of Wayside . But my heart cannot take the abuse from those who hold the care of Wayside. Those who do not believe that do not know me .

I wish you the best Binks in all things.

I hold no hatred for Wayside - I Love the people.

Ok, this issue needs to be addressed, so I will address it.

First off, the charge I was executed for was Disobeying the order of a noble, I will not go into the detail of why I feel I was wrongly accused here if you are interested contact me.

Secondly, I was found innocent of the charge of murder as I was acting to the best of my knowledge in the interest of public safety.

Thirdly, Kat was not forced, if she had said no I would have let it go for then and hunted her when she inevitably turned. In my estimation after fighting the urge to feed for a month she had maybe a week at best. She also informed me they planned on doing it that way and I saved her loved ones from doing the task.

I will also state that Cyn is speaking truth. We as adventurers are at the mercy of the nobility. If such people are inclined to they may throw any charge they wish. It has been done before and will inevitably be done again. I am not saying every noble is bad, but some may be. Cyn has seen sides of those people we never could and it is what drove her to do as she did.

If anyone has a problem with my words please feel free to contact me, I have and will always speak my heart and mind truthfully, sometimes it can be harsh, but I would not be who I am if I did not. I will not change that no matter who thinks to make me.

I will bid you all good evening now, I have said my words.

Nikkolai leader of the Ghost Raven caravan

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I would like to give input on this situation, as a simple man, a simple adventurer.

On the topic of this matter being handled "away from others", were I in the place of either the accused or the one sent through the circle by the accused, I would want it private. This was a difficult and perhaps unsightly or embarrassing situation for all, and I would not have wanted others involved.

On the topic of the charges leveled against the accused: as I understand it, this was a very atypical situation. A member of the adventuring community was accidentally/unintentionally turned into a greater undead, and a solution was found for them in the form of a Life. From what I understand, the accused wanted it dealt with immediately, not waiting for the Life to be used, instead pushing the adventurer to be sent to the circle. Had the adventurer said no to this option, it could very well have been seen as a refusal to fix the problem, or that the adventurer had embraced the change. Even though this is certainly not what the adventurer would have wanted, their not wanting to be sent to the circle could be misconstrued otherwise.

On the topic of potential sedition: I know many new adventurers. If a new adventurer sees what you have said in recent days, Cyn, this could set a troublesome precedent. Some examples of what you have said, that could be easily misconstrued as sedition, include stating a Baron chose "...pride over mercy. Choose power over compassion.", along with "Any belief I had in the Nobilty of Wayside died with my fiancé. Who died looking the magistrate in the eye- knowing he was being murdered for the Pride of Noble...", "...I spoke up and called you all out because you all should know what you one day may face.", "... ashamed to be called one of the number of nobles who would murder a man for pride.", "'I would never go against the high Magistrates.' Is that malice or negligence?", "Again - I have no coup and no powerful lords backing me.", and finally "...my heart cannot take the abuse from those who hold the care of Wayside." Now, I am no man of law, no noble myself, and the only voice I have is as a simple man. However, you can see how some of this may be viewed as hostile statements against the nobility of Wayside, and provocation for something to be done about it. And I can say that it can be viewed as such because that is what I, a layman, cannot help but view it as.

I view you as someone I can call friend, you have treated me with nothing but kindness and compassion. Even as this is heard by you I can recall many moments of laughter, compassion, and companionship. I myself have had and may continue to have disagreements with nobility, but to take this route, to me, seems intentionally provocative. And had you stayed a Lady of Wayside, what better place to be to create the change you wanted to see?

I doubt any of this is really my place to say, but I feel I must.

I wish you all the best, dear Cyn.
Please see previous statements as to the unnamed adventurer and yes we cured her in private. Cyn meant that the execution should have been public. Cyn speaks from a place where she knows I can never state that it was wrong. She tried for years to help, with no support from her peers or superiors, one can only push a wall for so long before they tire.

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By dealing with the matter privately, I did mean the execution, and only my personal opinion on it. I understand your dealing of the situation with the adventurer was in private, as I had not heard of it until the situation arose during this last market. I would like to emphasize that these thoughts are my private opinions, based on the information I have available to me, as I understand them. I harbor no ill will towards any involved, but I do feel it is getting out of hand.