Winter In Between Game Actions


Hello all,

In preparation for our upcoming season, we're allowing players a set of In Between Actions to take place over the winter months. You can use these for pursuing new plots, following up on old ones, or whatever you wish. I ask that these are submitted by April 15th at the latest. Unlike previous IBGAs you don't need to be attending the next to event to submit one. This is just a way to thank our players, as well as help them get involved in the up coming year.
Awesome! Can you clarify whether we can do this for more than one character, if we plan on playing more than one in the upcoming season?


Hi Joe,

It takes a lot of time to craft these responses. We try never to just give you a one line response. So we can't do more then one character. If you're looking to do that, I'd recommend submitting one for the character you're not planning on playing the first event. And when we start taking submissions for the first event submit one with the character you're playing. You still won't get that third set but, both your characters will have one in prior to winter.

In that light though, we're going to try to be more active about plots on the board. Alliance Chicago does a great job of this, and I think it's helpful for keeping people involved.
I'd look out for some post there, any of your characters will have a chance to interact with those posts prior to the event.