Hello all,
In preparation for our upcoming season, we're allowing players a set of In Between Actions to take place over the winter months. You can use these for pursuing new plots, following up on old ones, or whatever you wish. I ask that these are submitted by April 15th at the latest. Unlike previous IBGAs you don't need to be attending the next to event to submit one. This is just a way to thank our players, as well as help them get involved in the up coming year.
In preparation for our upcoming season, we're allowing players a set of In Between Actions to take place over the winter months. You can use these for pursuing new plots, following up on old ones, or whatever you wish. I ask that these are submitted by April 15th at the latest. Unlike previous IBGAs you don't need to be attending the next to event to submit one. This is just a way to thank our players, as well as help them get involved in the up coming year.