Wonderful discovery from the Solars' Guild!


Proof again that investment in magical research always pays off!

Solar of the Ways Nicolai Rudari Pendari has found a new way to experience history. By casting a Lore ritual upon an item of historical significance, and then in the same circle a Vision ritual with a Spark of Empowerment upon the assembled viewers, you can experience history as though you yourself were present to bear witness.

Interestingly, like the Earth ritual Resonance, this novel ritual seems to show the targets events of some emotional significance... Though we believe that with proper research the Solars can learn to hone the ritual to show whatever events the caster wishes.

I'm sure that over the years Wayside's adventurers have found many fascinating items with storied histories. Perhaps we can come to an arrangement: you supply the artifacts, we supply the scrolls... I can guarantee there's only a very small chance of everything going horribly wrong.

--Honoria Jennings
Solars Guild of Wayside
Interesting... It strikes me that a properly empowered Lore ritual could accomplish the same effect, though I would imagine it would take more then just a Spark to accomplish this... I would love to sit down and talk about this more. I am just starting to see the potential of empowering my rituals and hearing more on the matter would be very enlightening.

Fredrick Crawford, Uranian Apprentice of the Solar Guild of Wayside
Congratulations to Solar Rudari Pendari. I have an item that I have always wondered about, I shall send a pigeon once I am back home.

Lady FallingStar

I am not sure even a Lore empower to the extent I could do it would allow for such a thing. Celestial magic works differently than earthern magics in a number of ways. Specifically I would assume that the visions unique magics are what allows this amazing application of magics and personally believe it would be extremely difficult to duplicate such a feat without the key component.

-Enan Bluewater.
Lord Bluewater is correct; it seems that both the Lore and the Vision are needed to achieve the effect. Normally a Vision will allow you only to *see* certain events at best, and even a properly empowered Lore often imparts to the caster only the knowledge of an item's origin distilled down to the barest historical details; but with both combined by this method, you can actually *experience* the history.

For example, last week we cast the rituals on a ring I found at a guildhouse after, ahem, certain incidents with the old regime. The ring must have belonged to a Royal soldier, because we saw a battle between the army and the Razorboars. Each of us in the circle became a part of that fight: I was inside the mind of a soldier-- I knew what he knew and saw what he saw. And when he died I felt that too, and woke up back in the guild with the rest. A fascinating experience.

But we already know about things like that, events that happened recently, I mean. Plus, we want to know exactly how far back we can go, which is why I'm hoping you have some much older items sitting around...

Additionally, a more skilled the caster should be able to involve a larger group of experiment--er, participants in the Vision. Everyone who wants to join in the experience will need to be in the circle for both castings, though.

--Honoria Jennings
Honoria Jennings,

I have items from Tyrra and the lands of Dragon's Reach from before the land left that myst sphere for Fortannis. Would this technique be applicable to items from another world? There are those I miss and being able to see them and the lands of my birth would bring great joy to my heart.

Lady FallingStar
Lady Fallingstar,

We haven't tried that but I would not guarantee that it would work on items from outside of Terna, let alone items from outside of Fortannis. In any case would it not be more effective to simply cast a Vision targeting the person you're trying to see? If you've held the items yourself for a matter of years, the new method might just show you events from your own past instead... As I said, targeting the ritual to a particular event might be tricky...

Oh, and five silver to the one who comes up with the best title for the new ritual!

--Honoria Jennings
One more thing I forgot to mention: the caster will want to spend some time familiarizing him or herself with the item specially for this ritual... So if you adventuring types want to give it a shot, you'll need to decide who's doing the casting, and on what.

We'll probably have enough scrolls for the chance to do this a few times this year, but think carefully! Maybe pick an item of importance, so you learn something significant. Something from ancient history, perhaps?

--Honoria Jennings
Solar Pendari,

On behalf of Fairfax I must congratulate you on your discovery. The potential for this discovery is limitless. For example, last year when the Banshee ravaged through Wayside, if we had only known about her unique creation, we would have learned the ways to defeat her before the death toll took so many citizens and fellow Guardians of the Light. I still reflect on standing in front of her as I did, to meet her head on with my blows, and yet she was invincible to my attempts. I'll never forget that wail as my spirit itself was torn apart in that instant.

I truly hope this discovery can be used to prevent further threats in some capacity.

Baron Eren Davis of Fairfax
Knight to Her Grace, Neheris Fairfax
You're quite right, my Lord Baron. I have always considered information to be the most valuable commodity.

I hope the rest of you have been looking through your recent acquisitions for interesting objects of antiquity... I remind you that I'll need to know in advance what the target will be while I prepare the scrolls!

And a name for the ritual... The best we can come up with is "Lorsion" so I'm hoping one of you is more creative.

Honoria Jennings
What about "Past Sight"?
"Lore Sight"?
"History Sight"?
"Relic Sight?"

I like the sound of Sight in the name.

~ Silp
I like Silp's "Sight" idea.

How about "Perfect Sight"?
or "True Sight"?

Just a thought.

Squire Siril
How about.."Honoria's Hyper Hallucinations?"

Though I am not keen on such magical aspects, I do enjoy naming things.

Some thoughts:
  • Vision Lore or Lore Vision — I have found letting your customers know exactly what they are getting is beneficial.
  • (Item) Story — one words are sometimes easiest to remember and Sayidda Jennings herself used "storied histories" to describe items
  • Antiquity Perception — I just like the sound of that one and it sounds rather fancy
  • Tales of Circumstance/Tales of Days Gone By — again I like the sound of it: has a nice ring to it.
  • Acute Knowledge
Just my two coppers

Wild Rose
Owner of the Wild Rose Adventuring and Trading Company
I was think. Second Sight.
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Some dhings just should not be relived, dah were hard enough da first time for so many...careful what you mess with..

Does the guild sell this ritual combination as a service? If so has a price been set yet? Or will it remain free for the time being? I'm not sure I can get my hands on an artifact right away.

Order of the Emerald Flame
[The echoes of this dreaming vanish into the Dreamscape]
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1) I second Solar Emeritus Withaque!
2) Mr. Link, I'm sure you may have an opportunity later in the year, this will likely not be the only time the ritual is available.
3) Miss Pebbles, I see what you mean... but that's why I would not recommend using the ritual to relive a battle you yourselves have experienced, right? This won't let you affect history, just see it.
4) You folks sound indecisive... Here's the deal, if one of you finds an artifact you'd like to try this on within 3 days, contact me to let me know what it is so we can prepare the scrolls. If I haven't heard from anyone by Sunday the Guild will save the scrolls for your next gather instead.

--Honoria Jennings

P.S. If you have any further questions about how the ritual works, feel free to ask...