Wonderful discovery from the Solars' Guild!

Solar Artea Withaque, The name's Corvo with a V. I appreciate your vote, as well as yours Honoria Jennings and hope to see my creativity rewarded graciously, yes?

So, are there any adventurers still thinking about an artifact? There could be valuable information... Think about what Baron Davis said about the Banshee, for instance.

If it affects your decision, I can offer to compensate you for your participation in an... "experimental" ritual.

--Honoria Jennings
Mistress Jennings,

I am sure you vill find people falling all over themselves to identify and experience zhis ritual, onve zhey do not have to admit to having said artifact in public...Like say a cup, or a sword, etc.

Zhat said, I haz a dagger zhat I would like you to look upon if you vould like and If Squire Syril vould risk zhee ritual vith me.

Jehan T Wyldweaver
I have a thing from that Banshee! Well, the pieces of a thing, but I'm pretty sure I have all the pieces! It was even the coolest looking one of the Banshee's things, with the purple swirl and all.

If you don't end up looking at Jehan and Foss' dagger, I'll make sure to bring all the Banshee thing pieces I have!

~ Silp
Silp, it seems yours might be an even better glimpse into a true problem for zhee town. Unless someone has something better, I would gladly see to it you have a turn.

Jehan T W.
I see you adventurers are a last-minute type of folk... Tell you what, the ritual will probably work (probably) for any of the items you mention as long as I can view them beforehand. I will be at the Westhaven guildhousde this week if you want to meet. Perhaps you should discuss this with your Squire and inform me of your decision as soon as you can.

--Honoria Jennings
Well, after looking at my box, it looks like I lost one of the pieces I used to have of the back of the thing, but I at least have all the pieces of the front part that has the swirly symbol, so will that be alright if we end up using my Banshee thing?

~ Silp
Hmm... Well, in combination with Vision the Lore ritual doesn't technically need to be used on a magical object, so I don't see a particular need for the object to be whole as well.** The caster will just have to be extra careful.


--Honoria Jennings
Ms Jennings,

I have an item that I believe would benefit from this, If I can find someone willing to undergo the ritual with it, what would be the process and cost for doing so?

-Lord Enan Bluewater
Lord Bluewater, that depends on what the item is and how soon you wish to do so. Can you either describe the item for me or else show it to me during your gather?

--Honoria Jennings
So far I see two items zat I think need looking at...

1- Silps
2- Enan's

are there any others? I can get it done in a batch perhaps?

This sounds most interesting. The Company has two items it would be interested in learning about. First is a crystal shard found recently in Northbrook, and the other is the hedgehog that Sam has taken to calling "Mr. Prickles" What would be the component costs for both items?

May your hearth fire burn eternal and your tankard endless,

~Draco Ardel
For those of you coming late to the party, I should clarify some things for you--first, that the caster needs to be prepared with knowledge of the items in advance... at least a few days, though a week is better, and your gather is only two days away, so... Second, as this is an untested ritual it might be a bad idea to throw more than two or three items in the circle at once. I believe two have already been chosen. And third, Vision and Lore scrolls are really not that hard to find, so hold onto your things for a month or two. You'll have a chance later on.

--Honoria Jennings
So! That was certainly... Something, wasn't it? Yeah.

I'm sure you have many exciting things to explore with this ritual, so the Solars' Guild is making a special offer: a Hindsight set for only 50 gold! Information is the most valuable commodity, I always say.

--Honoria Jennings

PS If you do this again I am NOT GOING. I'm staying home where it's safe and crazy stuff doesn't happen.
Ms. Jennings,
For the Hindsight Set is the 50 gold for just the ritual scrolls or does that include the ritual components as when?
~Captain Aramis Seablade
Captain, the 50 gold includes components. That's a 12 gold value!

--Honoria Jennings
Hello again!

Since the last attempt, I've been working on developing a device to keep the magics tied together more effectively, ensuring that all the items show you the things you're trying to see. Let's call it a ... "material focus" for the ritual.

It's relatively cheap to make BUT... for it to work I'll need to know the target items a week* in advance of when you intend to cast the ritual. So whether you want to purchase the scrolls from the Guild or find them yourselves, if you want to be certain of getting results you'll want to let me know*** what you're up to.

Good luck,
Honoria Jennings

*That's seven days.**
**I am really serious this time!
***A week* ahead of time.
It seems your next adventuring gather is two weeks away, which means that if you've acquired items you wish to Hindsight then you should think about deciding that in ONE week.

How bout it folks? Anyone need to hindsight an item?

Jehan Wyldweaver
Hello All,

I can think of three items that hindsight would be useful on. One that was thought as a good canidate but was not available at the time the last casting, another that was available but the ritual was not attuned for it. The third I well speak to Journyman Wyldweaver about before full suggesting it. There is a forth item but we would need to research and retrieve it first. However I do like have funds needed for this opertunity at this time so all four will have to wait.

~Captain Aramis Seablade