Wonderful discovery from the Solars' Guild!


Do we as a town want to fund zis research? While 50 gold seems a lot,We learned a lot last time and if all of us chipped in it vould be about a gold apiece. I vill chip in double that for information, and I'm sure I'm not alone.

Journeyman Jennings, if I can guarantee you zee three item descriptions prior to zee week deadline. Is there any chance of us getting a discount? Not zat 50 gold is a huge sum, but this ritual is still highly experimental and it vould have value for more attempts to be cast perhaps? I vill gladly repeat zee casting of course.

Jehan Wyldweaver
Marutian Journeyman
Hmm, I would hate to miss a chance to see the ritual cast due to the cost... I will speak with Solar Pendari and see what I can do. Of course, if you have one of the two scrolls already we can offer the other at a reduced cost.

Honoria Jennings
Hello again! It seems to be Friday one week prior to your gather, so if you wish to be guaranteed of success, it would behoove you to decide which artifacts you'd like to Hindsight... As long as I have a description of the items I can make a focus...

Journeyman Jennings,

I vill send you it shortly.

Jehan Wyldweaver

I'm still sad about King Torg, but I had a really nice chat with him about things. While he didn't remember much as he was in his normal loopy state he did mention some things randomly.

Which, it got me to think with this whole Hindsight thing that it could be useful to learning things about the Great Kings past that may make the random things not like..random.

I only mention this because it's a week before you all gather and that's when the C people, not to be confused with Grandmaster C, say their deadline for this is.

What I'm trying to say is if anyone has an item from Torgs friends, maybe that could be used for this ritual. I tried to cast a Hindsight myself but I failed and Grandmaster C laughed. But hey! I am almost a dragon Mage, like super almost!

Temporary leader of the 12 mark Kobolds.

I would, and I have just the item...a reward from Torg which marked me, ractor, kalin, and his sister as brothers to Torg. Its been a treasured possession the last 8 yrs, and I've treasured the friendship of the 12 marks. His death leaves a wound more raw than my words can describe. He who cast my regeneration, who gave my life a potential meaning in these lands, who showed me friendship in a time of such confusion that even my friends didn't know me well. I owe him my guardianship of your people, if you will have it. I will surely cast this hindsight to remember my friend and set right our debts.

Now, I feel more frustration than ever I have felt before for I do not have the skill left in preparation for this ritual next market. For the first time in a long time my skills are not enough and that means I feel... I know failure, I feel weakness, despair, and the inability to render aid...If someone else can take the mantle of casting the hindsight, ill gladly assist, provide the item, and aid in paying the cost...but I need help.

I am sorry for your grandfather Seep, he is gone but I shall never forget him, or forgive those responsible for his death.

Jehan T Wyldweaver
Guildmaster House Lifestorm
Brotherhood of the Kobold - Member
Andarian Warden of Truth