So anyone who's LARPed with me over the past few years knows I have a fairly high costume turnover rate for my character Auryn. Not everyone knows that I sew most of it myself, on a budget using material I've gotten from couponing, sales, and secondhand stores. I was wondering if anyone would we willing to learn how to sew if I taught them? Starting with simpler stuff like salwar pants (for example: contstructed from thrift store bedsheets and going from there, most likely. We can even add pockets to the pants, or make cloaks or pouches or something. I own a few sewing machines if y'all can't bring one.
Honestly, I'm kind terrible at describing stuff and the technical terms and I teach more through doing, or I'd post tutorials and stick them here if there was interest.
Honestly, I'm kind terrible at describing stuff and the technical terms and I teach more through doing, or I'd post tutorials and stick them here if there was interest.