Wylderkin, more animal or more humonoid?

lol the lat one makes me think of some one nawing in there speach a lot and chewing on other ppls straw hats or the corners of formal scrolls... dame goat kin looking all MWE like from the wast up...
yeah for his character I've been doing studies on wolves, and another thing i think i wanna do is play into how wolves are misunderstood. how they are mistakenly seen as evil and ferocious beasts. so i think i'll go with an all black wolf and try to make him look very beast like, so how bad are fake teeth? and are there some you can eat with? and you guys have any ideas of what else i could use for a monstrous beast look?
there is a lot you can do

you can get the theater prosthetic's made from latex to sprite glue on your face and use makeup to color and blind in

you can get a cheep mask and cut it up so u can see out of it

you can go the artistic side of things and get a more representational mask rather then realistic

you can cover most your face with a head rap and where face paint and contacts and have a mystery to your face by never showing whats under the mask so to say.... u can even add a wire frame in to it to make it look like you have a muzzle...

fake teeth if u bond them in u can eat with them but only if there the high quality ones... there for costly....

the thing though, is fake teeth often make it hard to talk normally so weapon calls and spell chants will be hard to understand or be said clearly till you get used to it.
Here's a post that you may want to read through about tusks/teeth: http://alliancelarp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=93&t=1007&p=51623&hilit=eating+tusks#p51623
The High Ogres and Orcs would be the people to talk to about eating with teeth. I had a friend with some epoxy-type vamp fangs that would hold really well to his teeth, he could eat and talk with them in just fine. Not sure where he bought them though.

Mess up your hair (gel it to keep it that way), wear very roughed up/ripped clothing (if anything besides your "fur"),
Behaviorally, eat things that aren't necessarily food (paper plates, components, scrolls...), use a pack mentality, challenge others for dominance, howl when you need to get your friends.
yeah a muzzle wouldn't fit. i'm going for looks like a monster on the outside but when you get to know him you see something very different. i'm drawing some inspiration from the beast (Disney's beauty and the beast) for the character.

if you haven't noticed already what I'm most excited about for when i make a character is the role play, with all the ideas i have for his character and story its going to make role playing this character a lot of fun :)

although anyway on topic what do you guys think is better, more human or more animal wylderkin?
I voteMore Animal
there are several wilder kin npcs in my chapter.

the crow always perches on seats never sitting...
the hair hides when a fight bakes out... she will however do most anything for a fresh carrot....
the blue jay is always sticking his beak in to anything and likes shinny.
the bear naps a lot and is a loner from what i can tell
the goat is a in your face now to business and will chew on anything specially your pile of scrolls....

i like to RP with any of them i can
i like to think of a well played wilder kin as a humanoid animal with an animal brain that can comprehend common and uses there animal survival and nature instincts to filter information and react to it more the way the animal would then a human would....
kittenpunk2 said:
I voteMore Animal
there are several wilder kin npcs in my chapter.

the crow always perches on seats never sitting...
the hair hides when a fight bakes out... she will however do most anything for a fresh carrot....
the blue jay is always sticking his beak in to anything and likes shinny.
the bear naps a lot and is a loner from what i can tell
the goat is a in your face now to business and will chew on anything specially your pile of scrolls....

i like to RP with any of them i can
i like to think of a well played wilder kin as a humanoid animal with an animal brain that can comprehend common and uses there animal survival and nature instincts to filter information and react to it more the way the animal would then a human would....

wow, do we really do that good of a job? oh you forgot the 2 K9s sniffing out trouble.
Yay! Mentioned on the national boards, go us! Ok, well I wasn't mentioned but that's ok the pack was that's most excellent.

Wait... when did we get a goat? o.O
Okay, so I'm a little late here, but as far as fangs go I recently found these:

http://www.vampfangs.com/Retractable-Va ... actfng.htm

retractable fangs won't be very... realistic for a wolfkin, but it adds a certain something. And for snakekin, or other kin with 'slightly retractable' fangs (I myself have a tarantulakin alt) it would certainly add flair.

I'm considering getting a set of these, but as with most fangs, you'll lisp something awful and unless your kin hisses naturally, you may be laughed at.
Been halfway tempted to make a 'Hyena-kin', though i wouldn't know if this would border too closely into 'gnoll' territory or not. Though if it were allowed, i'd likely try and keep to the profile of the animal as best I could, likely preferring to work with others in pack like tactics, more likely to respect and or 'fear' female authority figures and more depending upon what else struck me at a given time, though I'd have no idea what racial skills i'd choose.
Kriegsmann55 said:
Been halfway tempted to make a 'Hyena-kin', though i wouldn't know if this would border too closely into 'gnoll' territory or not. Though if it were allowed, i'd likely try and keep to the profile of the animal as best I could, likely preferring to work with others in pack like tactics, more likely to respect and or 'fear' female authority figures and more depending upon what else struck me at a given time, though I'd have no idea what racial skills i'd choose.

Resist poison and racial slay or racial prof. Hyena's are pretty resistant to ingested toxins and their jaws when locked would take a jaws-of-life to open.

There's an outside argument for resist necromancy since they're scavengers.
Inaryn said:
Kriegsmann55 said:
Been halfway tempted to make a 'Hyena-kin', though i wouldn't know if this would border too closely into 'gnoll' territory or not. Though if it were allowed, i'd likely try and keep to the profile of the animal as best I could, likely preferring to work with others in pack like tactics, more likely to respect and or 'fear' female authority figures and more depending upon what else struck me at a given time, though I'd have no idea what racial skills i'd choose.

Resist poison and racial slay or racial prof. Hyena's are pretty resistant to ingested toxins and their jaws when locked would take a jaws-of-life to open.

There's an outside argument for resist necromancy since they're scavengers.

Those are all some very good points you make, although I kind of smirk a bit at the 'scavengers' bit even though it's partially true, due to the fact that studies over the past years have shown that Hyenas tend to be even more of hunters than what Lions are, and Lions being more of scavengers than they but it's all moot I suppose. Thanks for the tips! Now to find a good way to costume as one.
Myself and another Oregon player are both bringing Hyena-kin into Seattle this summer. My racials are Resist Poison (obvious) and Racial Assassinate (for how hyena's fight lions, one distracts, the other attacks from behind). For costuming and gear I'm incorporating animal parts and building a base layer made of thermals, with a black fur mane and some spots added. My armor and garb will go over that base layer (more so in cold weather).
You shouldn't have much of a problem being confused for a gnoll - at least OOG - as long as your phys reps and costuming are good, and sufficiently different from that of a gnoll. If people create in-game issues because they think hyena kin are no better than gnolls, that's an IG issue and could actually make for some interesting roleplay.
Ezri said:
You shouldn't have much of a problem being confused for a gnoll - at least OOG - as long as your phys reps and costuming are good, and sufficiently different from that of a gnoll. If people create in-game issues because they think hyena kin are no better than gnolls, that's an IG issue and could actually make for some interesting roleplay.

In that case, the Pack will beat them down in the merciful way possible until they understand that a bunch of gnolls would have just killed them and then went through their pockets looking for loose change.
Ezri said:
You shouldn't have much of a problem being confused for a gnoll - at least OOG - as long as your phys reps and costuming are good, and sufficiently different from that of a gnoll. If people create in-game issues because they think hyena kin are no better than gnolls, that's an IG issue and could actually make for some interesting roleplay.

I would be surprised if I wasn't mistaken IG for a gnoll, last Seattle game we had 5 Sarr and I know of 1 more coming into game. My costuming is very different from the physrepping of the local NPC gnolls, but any mistakes should make for good RP. For my mask, I ordered a Kangena gnoll mask (yeah it is a gnoll, but since it is not used to rep gnolls locally, I'm not too concerned), I had considered a NorthFur prosthetic and Aradani Faun ears, but I really liked the masks and they involve significantly less makeup (only the lower part of the face and neck).