lol the lat one makes me think of some one nawing in there speach a lot and chewing on other ppls straw hats or the corners of formal scrolls... dame goat kin looking all MWE like from the wast up...
kittenpunk2 said:I voteMore Animal
there are several wilder kin npcs in my chapter.
the crow always perches on seats never sitting...
the hair hides when a fight bakes out... she will however do most anything for a fresh carrot....
the blue jay is always sticking his beak in to anything and likes shinny.
the bear naps a lot and is a loner from what i can tell
the goat is a in your face now to business and will chew on anything specially your pile of scrolls....
i like to RP with any of them i can
i like to think of a well played wilder kin as a humanoid animal with an animal brain that can comprehend common and uses there animal survival and nature instincts to filter information and react to it more the way the animal would then a human would....
Kriegsmann55 said:Been halfway tempted to make a 'Hyena-kin', though i wouldn't know if this would border too closely into 'gnoll' territory or not. Though if it were allowed, i'd likely try and keep to the profile of the animal as best I could, likely preferring to work with others in pack like tactics, more likely to respect and or 'fear' female authority figures and more depending upon what else struck me at a given time, though I'd have no idea what racial skills i'd choose.
Inaryn said:Kriegsmann55 said:Been halfway tempted to make a 'Hyena-kin', though i wouldn't know if this would border too closely into 'gnoll' territory or not. Though if it were allowed, i'd likely try and keep to the profile of the animal as best I could, likely preferring to work with others in pack like tactics, more likely to respect and or 'fear' female authority figures and more depending upon what else struck me at a given time, though I'd have no idea what racial skills i'd choose.
Resist poison and racial slay or racial prof. Hyena's are pretty resistant to ingested toxins and their jaws when locked would take a jaws-of-life to open.
There's an outside argument for resist necromancy since they're scavengers.
Ezri said:You shouldn't have much of a problem being confused for a gnoll - at least OOG - as long as your phys reps and costuming are good, and sufficiently different from that of a gnoll. If people create in-game issues because they think hyena kin are no better than gnolls, that's an IG issue and could actually make for some interesting roleplay.
Ezri said:You shouldn't have much of a problem being confused for a gnoll - at least OOG - as long as your phys reps and costuming are good, and sufficiently different from that of a gnoll. If people create in-game issues because they think hyena kin are no better than gnolls, that's an IG issue and could actually make for some interesting roleplay.