Wylderkin, more animal or more humonoid?

Ezri said:
You shouldn't have much of a problem being confused for a gnoll - at least OOG - as long as your phys reps and costuming are good, and sufficiently different from that of a gnoll. If people create in-game issues because they think hyena kin are no better than gnolls, that's an IG issue and could actually make for some interesting roleplay.

well with my wolfkin if people mistake me for a Gnoll i'm trusting in the fact that i can probably run faster then most PCs.
their arn't any speedy Sarrs in seattle that i should know about are their?
Ithra said:
well with my wolfkin if people mistake me for a Gnoll i'm trusting in the fact that i can probably run faster then most PCs.
their arn't any speedy Sarrs in seattle that i should know about are their?

But in good sense, I think the more 'wolf like' you respond and behave, the less likely I am to run you down. In short though, I think Wylderkin are usually more animal than human, from what I've seen the majority of roleplay-wise. It also very much depends on how your 'kin' was raised, be it in a civilized society, or out in the wild.

Happy Hunting :)