You Know You're a Geek When....

Tzydl Zhitelava said: just got three gold GeeKing stars :D

How many stars does one need to be an UberGeek?

For those of you who are PROUD that you are a geek, and have friends who are also Geeks, go to: for great Geek-related gift giving.

If someone is looking for a gift for me, here's something that I would want: ... tive/a5bf/

This, alone, must be worth at least another gold GeeKing star...
i want one tooooooooooooooooooooo

i would adore walking through the mall playing needs a fart sound too...::NOD:: oh wait....never mind i can do that on my own...

okay so ondreij gets another star
Ren Suzume said:
Achem, the only proper way to combat the mindless undead is to become a necromancer, create zombie minions of your own, and have the zombies duke it out in the showdown of the century. You could even sell tickets to the survivors.
And Amelia proves, yet again, how necromancy is the key to solving all the world's problems.

- Brought to you Public Broadcasting Corporation and by Adventurers Like You, Thank you. -

"Is there any problem that more minions can't solve?

Need a transport, travel in an undead troll ribcage.
Need a boat? Zombie liferaft!
Combat brute? Undead!
Trapped dungeon? Zombie trap-springer!
Bridge? Zombie bridge!
Cliff? Skeleton ladder!
Guards? Tireless undead!
Weapons? Zombie arm-clubs!
Building? Undead overrun! Skeletal elephants love climbing!
Carry your gear? Skeletons love carrying things!
Undead disloyalty? Not a problem!
Disloyalty? Why isn't it undead?"

From a random Wotc charOP post.
but....i don't know that i want a boat that wants to eat my brains...however if i were the necromancer i guess it would obey me and not eat me right?

i'd love to see an undead elephant though...and i'd love to see someone traveling around in the ribcage of an undead troll...i might pee myself laughing at it though far I've seen:

Undead trolls
Undead gnolls
Undead bears
Undead werebears
Undead werewolves
Undead regular wolves
Undead gypsies
Undead orcs
Undead rats
Undead fishes
and one very disgrutled undead pigeon.

Anyone else?
last event in claremont the adventurers had to go underwater and walk on the ocean's floor there were undead, sharks, and undead sharks
you know you're a geek whant 80% of your christmas list is alliance related?

Have you never played the undead "brains" word game?

Undead bowlers: Lanes!
Undead bakers: Grains!
Dyslexic undead: Brians!
undead old people? canes?

not sure i get the game marcena....

undead overeaters: gains
undead ricky ricardo: s'plains
undead underwear: hanes
undead window installer: panes

i don't get it really....but there ya go marcena
Undead kung fu - Cranes
Undead Sarr - Manes
Undead MacBeth - Thanes

This is actually kind of fun.
undead plumbers - drains
undead pilots - planes
undead conductors - trains
The internet has truely devolved into nonsense.
undead tieran: pain

undead wearing a monster mask? Samhain

undead forced to walk through a trapped corridor? legerdemain?

undead with a gimp leg? sprain
You have some spare time, so you write a lambda calculus interpreter, including Church numerals and several common functions for good measure.

You have vnc, ssh, music, and MUD servers all running on your old laptop at home

Your testosterone builds when you think someone is trying to out-geek you.

- Most definitely compensating for something

(edit for typo correction after it doesn't matter anymore)
elliot...i'm not sure it counts as geek unless at least 3 other geeks know what you're talking lets hear it....does anyone know what elliot just said?.....hehhehe