Tetsu Scout May 11, 2009 #42 The only way I can label myself a Vegetarian is if Earth decides it can grow Bacon from trees. That day I will know truly, a higher power exists, and it loves deliciousness.
The only way I can label myself a Vegetarian is if Earth decides it can grow Bacon from trees. That day I will know truly, a higher power exists, and it loves deliciousness.
W Wraith Newbie May 12, 2009 #43 Science is getting closer every day. I have in my possession kosher bacon salt. Yes, kosher bacon-flavored salt.
Science is getting closer every day. I have in my possession kosher bacon salt. Yes, kosher bacon-flavored salt.
jpariury Duke May 13, 2009 #44 I have all four flavors. Can't quit get up the gumption to buy Baconaisse, though.
jpariury Duke May 15, 2009 #46 No... I'm not a massive chocolate fan. It's okay as an accent-flavor, but as a primary? Blech.