Zen Garfield

Hell just hound you until you get Peanuts all 'zen-ed' out. lol
Didn't you throw out The Peanuts?

I don't know if you can go changing strips after everyone is all geared up! lol
We shall see...
What about Zen Pet-Rocks?
Those I think are actually pretty Zen as it is...

Plus she's already got a project.
Just trying to give some options...
I probably still have my pet rock...in his little yellow box...somewhere.
Man! You even had a special little house for it and everything?!!
That's Awesome! Tho yellow... It's an Interesting Color choice.

I'd go with a Green or perhaps rust color... More Natural.

They make them with ARMS?!!!!

Holy Crap!
!!!!!!!!!!!!! REALLY!!!

I Wanna' see a Photo of this!

I didn't realise Pet Rocks were so..

Now I want one.. Hands and Arms and most Espically..

The Googlie Eyes!
But why get a Pet Rock if I have to do all the work?!