Willem Rivet
By now you've seen how devastatingly beautiful our wares are and how easily one can be made poor by the Lure of the Shiny. What you might not know is that you can use the shop to also INCREASE your wealth!
Glassblowers are rare, we'll buy your empty potion vials at 5 copper each!
(OOG: We buy reps! Tape, latex, we don't care! As long as it passes the safety marshal, you're good to go!)
We buy Production at standard Production Value. Can't figure out what you'd ever use a Two Handed Blunt for? Don't be fooled. That's 4 silver in your hand! There is no limit to the amount you can trade in.
Have a shiny that you can pry yourself away from? We purchase them, too! Price depends on how shiny and desirable they are to the world at large.
Ever have a split after an adventure and be unable to evaluate an item's worth? The Dragon Hoard will evaluate your treasure and if the group is willing, purchase it to make a more even split!
For truly Big Money, The Dragons Hoard does purchase Ritual Scrolls, Reagents and Magic Items. Each purchase is its own monster, though. All scrolls must be clearly identified with full notes on reagents needed, etc.
We do also have Odd Jobs available for coin. These jobs border on boring, but will net coin. Ask anytime!
-Joseph Smith
Glassblowers are rare, we'll buy your empty potion vials at 5 copper each!
(OOG: We buy reps! Tape, latex, we don't care! As long as it passes the safety marshal, you're good to go!)
We buy Production at standard Production Value. Can't figure out what you'd ever use a Two Handed Blunt for? Don't be fooled. That's 4 silver in your hand! There is no limit to the amount you can trade in.
Have a shiny that you can pry yourself away from? We purchase them, too! Price depends on how shiny and desirable they are to the world at large.
Ever have a split after an adventure and be unable to evaluate an item's worth? The Dragon Hoard will evaluate your treasure and if the group is willing, purchase it to make a more even split!
For truly Big Money, The Dragons Hoard does purchase Ritual Scrolls, Reagents and Magic Items. Each purchase is its own monster, though. All scrolls must be clearly identified with full notes on reagents needed, etc.
We do also have Odd Jobs available for coin. These jobs border on boring, but will net coin. Ask anytime!
-Joseph Smith