Recent content by Darkwing

  1. D

    Here's a question for you lawyers out there...

    I just read a news story that brought the following scenario to mind: Say an attorney is defending an accused murderer. In discussing the case with his attorney, the client says, "I want to plead not guilty at trial, but just between you and me, I totally killed that guy, and here's how I did...
  2. D

    Permanently Dead PC's

    Seth Prew's black Panther Sarr "Zen". Walked through the portal onto the plane of death during the "Return of the Dragon" event in August/September 2000.
  3. D

    What kind of world do you want?

    The evidence is that vaccines do NOT cause autism. Here's a link to a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine: ... 47/19/1477 and an even more recent one: The fear of vaccines due...
  4. D

    Flavor Spells!

    A friend of mine once had a classic blown incant: "I summon a mystic to shatter your--F*%K!" This was followed up in a subsequent event when a strangely dressed spellcaster arrived in town, found my friend, and cast a spell on her: "I summon a force to shatter your f*%k. Sorry I took so long!"
  5. D

    Left handed Presidents

    And why would someone advise you against sword and board? That makes no sense.
  6. D

    Left handed Presidents

    All those who tried to convert me to being right handed are my hand. Any guesses as to which one? :twisted:
  7. D

    Left handed Presidents

    That's where the ambiguity lies. I do practically everything left-handed except bat. One handed, I'd hold a bat (or tennis racket) in my left hand, but two handed I put my left hand on the bottom, because that's where the power comes from, and it feels like my right hand is just along for the...
  8. D

    Left handed Presidents

    I've read any number of studies that say anywhere from 1 to 15% of people are left-handed. Many people are only partially left-dominant, while others do absolutely everything left-handed, and I've heard arguments that unless you do absolutely everything lefty, you're not a "real" lefty. So I...
  9. D

    A really strange request

    Premiere, but yes.
  10. D

    A really strange request

    Well, that was the intent, but it didn't work out so well. I ended up having to paint out the background frame by frame.
  11. D

    A really strange request

    That's movie magic for you. I only dropped about 6 or 7 feet, onto a pile of cardboard boxes. I was wearing fingerless woolen gloves, which protected my palms, but not my fingers. It happened because we made the rope too long for the shot and I slid down further than expected (we ended up...
  12. D

    A really strange request

    Here's just some behind the scenes stuff... When I was standing here like this: This is what I was looking at (off camera to the left) And doing this little stunt: Resulted in this: (it was unintentional!)
  13. D

    A really strange request

    I did a storyboard and even made an animatic (i.e., animated storyboard). Most of the shooting was done at the Middlesex Fells (a park north of Boston, MA) and Purgatory Chasm (another park, this one south of Worcester, MA). The scene where I walk across the frozen lake was at Spot Pond, just...
  14. D

    A really strange request

    Thank you. :)
  15. D

    A really strange request

    Heh, if you mean came up with the idea, organized all the shoots, provided most of the transportation, produced, directed and starred, and did all the editing and post production, then yes, I helped. :) Most of the blame belongs to me. But it should be said and emphasized that was NOT done...