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  1. Muir

    Item Cosmetic Transformation Spellcrafting

    Stana - not so much after theft but before.
  2. Muir

    Item Cosmetic Transformation Spellcrafting

    Might work. My concern logistically is mainly a lost/stolen item that's been cosmetically transformed not getting properly connected to the right tag if picked up.
  3. Muir

    LARP Soundtracks - Chicago Edition

    So our friendly neighbors up in SoMI have one of these going, and I thought it'd be fun to bring down. What do y'all listen to to get in the headspace to play? For Nikolai, it's pretty simple: Wanderlust King - Gogol Bordello In Hell I'll Be In Good Company - The Dead South F*'d With An...
  4. Muir

    2018 Donations

    Hello all, is there an updated donation list for the 2019 season?
  5. Muir

    Item Cosmetic Transformation Spellcrafting

    It would be useful for travelling players needing a spare rep, but it would also be a logistical nightmare to keep track of what rep goes with what on a regular basis. Maybe better as an LCO plot effect than a standard ability of the spell.
  6. Muir

    This rule change is horrible

    Even with Necro being illegal, 99% of characters in 2.0 are 2-3 spell stops at most. The removal of pocket bane/cloak/dodge stacks puts us back into D&D style caster supremacy pretty quickly. Somebody ought to remind at least one of the Owners, then.
  7. Muir

    This rule change is horrible

    Hooo boy. That's one to unpack, because I don't think any of us can make a good faith argument that this game has ever even tried to balance for PvP.
  8. Muir

    This rule change is horrible

    "The player (not the character) has the choice to use or not use per-day skills and spells while under the effect of Corrupt, and will use magic items based on the orders they are given." So yes, it could be a problem, but only if the players specifically want to make it one. Same as Traps...
  9. Muir

    This rule change is horrible

    I'm curious as well. Corrupt strikes me as effectively a higher level charm with an equally higher level spell to reverse it. Mind you, like any such effect, plot teams will need to keep a tight leash on how its used by NPCs, but it's no more of a game wipe ability than traps have ever been in...
  10. Muir

    This rule change is horrible

    Something I've been kicking around as a thing to do is just writing a book of couple hundred fishbowls and offering them to my plot team for a 'here, have a massive supply of things 2 npcs can do to entertain 4-5 PCs for half an hour'. Not because I'm anything great as a writer, but because...
  11. Muir

    This rule change is horrible

    I think it's definitely worth suggesting to the Owners that they chat about standardizing scaling practices. I don't know how doable it is, as the APL is all over the place chapter to chapter, but worth a shot.
  12. Muir

    Favorite mundane items you've received?

    I suspect you recognize these. I'm still looking for more opportunities to teach people how to play, but haven't had much sitting around time as Nikolai lately. The story, for those who didn't play SoMN a few years ago, is that a small group of adventurers working for the Merrow (local...
  13. Muir

    This rule change is horrible

    Avaran, I think most of the issues you call out are very difficult to address for this sort of game. Bluntly, this isn't an enterprise that pulls in enough money to have the full-time paid positions necessary to run the top-down bureaucracy required. We are, at the end of the day, an...
  14. Muir

    This rule change is horrible

    I hate to be that guy, but nobody is going to take complaints seriously if you can't even be bothered to articulate them, buddy.
  15. Muir

    2.0 Dark Elf - Makeup, Wigs, and More

    Yeah, look for charcoal setting powder. I used to use if for my panther sarr. :)
  16. Muir

    Favorites from the new packet!

    I'm honestly just looking forward to having a pool. Higher Manifestation is a must-have for Nikolai, because sword and packet is fuuuun.
  17. Muir

    This rule change is horrible

    I'm also still holding out for Artisans either getting Formal Crafting recipes or just the ability to qualify for Formal Magic via levels of production skills, but that's just me. :)
  18. Muir

    2.0 Dark Elf - Makeup, Wigs, and More

    I haven't tried it, as I don't have any in my makeup kit, but it was suggested by Lost Nation when we were kicking this around that using a dark blue/purple foundation makeup then using a black setting powder over the foundation to provide darker lowlights while still staying overall blue might...
  19. Muir

    This rule change is horrible

    That's another problem dodged. An aromantic character should not confer immunity from a game effect. :p
  20. Muir

    Preparing for Conversion to 2.13

    I am psyched. Terribly torn though, I have a chunk of possible builds that look tempting, and want to avoid Nikolai's current status as The Worst Possible Character, mechanically speaking. :D Production is going to be a mess, though. So. Much. Alchemy.