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  1. Grianadhmad

    Highlights March 22-24

    First time any real interaction at all with Dustie! First time any in-depth interaction with Taios, Red, Pebbles, Nyio, and Lilith! Great roleplays with many of the new players, including those that aren't "new" but I hadn't met yet. I just have to parrot what everyone else has been saying, from...
  2. Grianadhmad

    Mineral Elementals

    Pebbles ⸴ i'm quite willing to assist as needed once we arrive in steepfall · I don't know if i will catch the same caravan that you are taking so i might arrive in the region sometime later ⸴ but regardless i offer my services such as they are to help investigate the matter · ~ i.d.r.e. ·
  3. Grianadhmad

    PC Talk March 22nd, Season Opener

    STOP ENCOURAGING ME TO GAMBLE MY MONEY AWAY Ilarion has little to no self-control xDD
  4. Grianadhmad

    Alliance for Newbies

    It bears mentioning that when I started this project, I was myself a self-professed uber-newbie, having only attended three events ever. The fresh newbie point-of-view is I think very integral to understanding, "what does someone that has little to no experience with LARP, need to know?" If...
  5. Grianadhmad

    Alliance for Newbies

    Yeah but I'm still grateful you both too because now it's got my interest in new edits peaked again :D Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
  6. Grianadhmad

    Alliance for Newbies

    I don't know if you saw my comment back LOL but I haven't looked in this in so long... It would be nice to revisit it for the 2.0 packet though. Traverse City and South Michigan have been running 2.0 events since the fall so I'm relatively familiar with it, and I'm also trying to train up a...
  7. Grianadhmad

    Seeking worthy candidates

    I've only been hesitant about responding because it seems to me that squires are in service to the knighthood ⸴ and thus by extension the monarchy · Does a squire ⸴ and a knight for that matter ⸴ improve the lives of people across the lands the way the people request it ⸴ or the way the rulers...
  8. Grianadhmad

    The Slayers: a call to arms

    Link ⸴ after considering your words and the purpose of the slayers ⸴ and conferring with those to whom i hold an oath ⸴ i see no reason why i should not pursue this cause as you suggested · Your expertise in the manner of weapon wielding is exactly what i aspire to reach · And i can only...
  9. Grianadhmad

    LARP Playlist

    Ilarion (SoMi) - 1) Adventure - Matthew Parker 2) Skylarking - BT (digital/orchestral remix from album 'Electronic Opus') 3) Skylarking - BT (original electronica version from album 'A Song Across Wires') Grianadhmad (Traverse) - 1) Letters From the Sky - Civil Twilight 2) Hymn to the Old...
  10. Grianadhmad

    Coin Design Contest

    To clarify, it says one design may be submitted for all, but does that also mean that in theory individual designs could be submitted for each denomination?
  11. Grianadhmad

    «If I'd known I'd be doing this much travel by boat... *retches* We can't get to Calyx fast...

    «If I'd known I'd be doing this much travel by boat... *retches* We can't get to Calyx fast enough.» - Ilarion Earthdream
  12. Grianadhmad

    2019 Partial Schedule

    In all seriousness, if Traverse (and/or SoMi) are offering the season passes again for next year, does that constitute paying in advance? Because I'd still at least get a Pay-No-Play if it was being offered.
  13. Grianadhmad

    2019 Partial Schedule

    Which one do I choose if I'm NPCing? :D
  14. Grianadhmad

    Season Closer

    Obvious obviousness first: a huge thank-you to everyone for allowing Hal and Jaycee to attend, including them, and making them feel super welcome. They both thoroughly enjoyed it, or so I was told. I actually invited Jaycee to join the forum and share her own thoughts on the event as an...
  15. Grianadhmad

    poll on lights

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I don't blame them. That thing is a terrible monstrosity and I'm sorry I ever thought it was a good idea ever at all ever.
  16. Grianadhmad

    poll on lights

    Not really an answer to your question, but what if anything was done with the "tavern tent" last event that I missed? I figure if you're going to light up *A* tent, along with the fire, will make sure the lighting is more than sufficient. As long as it doesn't keep you awake.
  17. Grianadhmad

    Dual Wield Claws in ARB 2.0

    This question has already been answered here ( but now with the ARB 2.0 changes I want to get some clarification. Since Florentine in 2.0 now allows players to dual wield two short or small weapons, can Claws +...
  18. Grianadhmad

    Dragonfall Event Feedback - What what your favorite Experience/Costume/Interaction?

    Yeah, those goblins, huh? xDD (I have to admit that my NPC block of time was also another favourite from the weekend LOL) Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
  19. Grianadhmad

    Discord Server

    If ever you need an additional Discord-savvy helper, let me know (I'm already registered on it). :) Happy to help if necessary, though it looks like you're already all set.
  20. Grianadhmad

    Dragonfall Event Feedback - What are your thoughts about the 2.0 Rules

    I didn't encounter a lot of game mechanics during my event. So here's my one and a half cents: New incants: easier to remember once you grasp the concept (all Healing is "I call upon Earth to...", all Binding is "With Binding force I..." despite I agree the stupid of "WBFIBY", etc). I am in...